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oyees nvolved with the product and excited about it can this improvement occur。  
Q:How resourceful are you?  
A:At one time;for all of our new product launches;our chief engineer would release a press statement about its virtues。But when I was given responsibility for a new launch;I decided to get three of our largest customers to videotape an endorsement or use in our marketing campaign。The result was a far higher level of credibility;and we exceeded our sixmonth sales quota。We now use personal endorsements routinely when we launch our products。  
Q:Give me proof of your persuasiveness。  
A:During my summer internship I was assigned the task of conducting a benchmarking study for all the municationexpenditures for a major utility。I had to get the consensus of employees in several different departments。Unfortunately;they resented the fact that I was just a summer intern;and they refused to cooperate。 I had to schedule individual meetings with every employee and persuade each one that what I was doing would be ultimately beneficial to his or her own department and to the pany。After a frustrating month I finally got everyone's cooperation;the project went flawlessly;and in the end I received a bonus for my efforts。                 
Q:What would your last supervisor say about your initiative?  
A:In any job I hold I can usually find inefficiencies in a process;and I always try to take some initiative to e up with a solution for improvement。My last supervisor was a little surprised and flustered the first few months when I was constantly ing to him with my ideas for improvements。He finally accepted the fact that I had some good ideas and encouraged me to write up in a proposal every month my one best idea so that he could get me the resources to tackle the solution on a formal basis。My first big project had to do with improving the inventory control in one of our manufacturing shops。Because the records for inventory receivable were inconsistent;I set up an entirely new inventoryorder system and used that data to trace the history of the inventory,for example;when it was used;how it was used;and my remendations for necessary replacement。I reduced the total value of the inventory we had to carry by 23 percent the first year。As a result;my supervisor would always use me as an example of someone who's constantly taking the initiative。  
Q:Describe a time in your work experience when theexisting process didn't work;and what you did about it。  
A:The orderentry system at the telemunications pany where I worked was a mess。Orders weren't being processed properlyor in a timely manner。I did a work flow analysis to identify the bottlenecks;and then I convinced my boss that we needed to spend one hundred thousand dollars on a totally new systemHe reluctantly agreed;but with the caveat that“This had better save us money。”After one year;the project had paid for the investment twofold。  
Q:Describe a time you had to alter your leadership style。  
A:I'm normally a strong leader who has good vision and enjoys delegating;but I expect my orders to be carried out promptly。When I
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