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MICHAEL: She is happily married; has two children; and sends her regards。 她已婚; 有两个孩子;
生活很美满。 她向您问好;
MICHAEL: They all send their regards。 他们都向您问好。
MICHAEL: Mrs。 Montero cried when we talked about the people she hasn’t seen in years。 我们谈到
蒙特若太太多年没见面的那些人的时候; 她流? 了;
MICHAEL: I felt a little sorry for her。 我有一点替她难过。
MICHAEL: She wants to go back to Colombia for a visit; but I don’t think they have the money。 她
想回到哥伦比亚去看看这些人; 但是我不认为他们会有钱去。
MICHAEL: On the brighter side; I’m sending you another photograph of Marta。 说一点开心事; 我又
“MICHAEL: Don’t worry。 I’m not going to do anything ““foolish;”“ but I want you to be able to
recognize her。” “ 您放心好了; 我不会做出任何”“傻事”“; 我只是希望您能够认识她。”
MICHAEL: Love; Miguel 米盖尔敬上
NARA: Hi; kids。 嗨; 孩子们:
NARA: It’s Friday again; so I won’t be home from work until 9:15。 又是星期五了; 因此我要到九点
NARA: Dinner is in the refrigerator。 晚餐摆在冰箱里。

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NARA: Peggy; you can heat up the stew and make the salad。 蓓姬; 你可以把燉肉热一热; 并做些
NARA: Suzy; you can set the table。 苏西你可摆餐具。
NARA: Billy and Jack; I want you to clear the table; wash the dishes; and put them away。 比利和杰
克: 我希望你们清理餐桌; 把盘碗洗净收起来。
NARA: And you can get started on the weekly chores。 还有每周一次的家务; 也可以着手作;
NARA: No chores; no allowance。 不作家务; 就不给你们零用钱。
NARA: Peggy; please scrub the bathroom。 It’s filthy。 蓓姬; 浴室肮脏不堪; 麻烦你洗刷干净。
NARA: Jack; you know how to use the vacuum cleaner。 杰克; 你知道吸尘器怎么用;
NARA: Would you please do the rugs and the floors? 请你清理地毯和地板; 好不好?
NARA: And you; Billy; please clean up the mess in the basement。 还有你比利; 地下室又脏又乱;
NARA: I don’t know what you were doing down there; but you left tools all over the place。 我不知
道你在那里干什么的, 工具散乱得到处都是。
NARA: And Suzy; you can help Billy sweep up。 苏西; 你要帮助比利打扫。
NARA: Dad will be home around 6:30。 爸爸大概六点半回来。
NARA: Why don’t you have dinner ready by then? OK。 kids? Enjoy your dinner。 你们不妨将晚餐
准备好; 可以吗? 孩子们,希望你们吃得愉快。
NARA: Oh yes; for dessert; you can have the chocolate cake。 哦; 对了; 餐后甜点; 你们可以把那个
NARA: But please leave a little piece for your hard…working mother 不过; 拜托留下一小块给你们
NARA: Love; Mom 妈妈留
: Volume 1 No。 5 一卷五期
: Published by THE WORLD’S FAIR CORPORATION 发行人: 万国博览会股份有限公司
: and THE GW CRAWFORD AGENCY; INC。 及郭氏广告股份有限公司
: THE SPACE BUILDING OPENS by Henry Leeds 太空大厦开幕亨利·里斯着
HENRT LEEDS: Yesterday was the opening of the Space Building here at the World’s Fair。 昨天是
HENRT LEEDS: Many famous scientists; architects; and diplomats were present。 有许多着名的科
HENRT LEEDS: There was something for everybody。对每一个人而言; 那边确实有看头。
HENRT LEEDS: Messrs。 Wood; Glass; and Stone; who are the architects of the building; attended
the ceremonies。 设计该大厦的建筑师乌德、葛拉斯和斯敦叁位先生均参加典礼。
HENRT LEEDS: The building; which looks like a big glass cube; is as modern as its exhibitions。 这
座建筑物看起来像巨大的玻璃立方体; 与所展示的陈列品一样现代化。
HENRT LEEDS: A large crowd listened to the many speeches of the diplomats 一大群民众听了外
HENRT LEEDS: Among the listeners was a little boy。 He was about seven years old; had curly black
hair and big brown eyes; and was eating an ice cream sandwich。 其中有一位小男孩; 他大约七岁
左右; 有一头黑色的捲发和一双咖啡色大眼睛; 他正吃着一个冰淇淋叁明治。

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“HENRT LEEDS: ““Are you enjoying the speeches?”“ I asked。”我问他:「这些演说; 你喜不喜欢听?」
“HENRT LEEDS: ““No;”“ he said; ““they’re boring。”““ 他回答说:「不喜欢; 都很无聊。」
“HENRT LEEDS: ““Then why are you here?”““ 「那么你为什么要来这里呢?」
“HENRT LEEDS: ““Because it’s not as boring as home。”““ 「因为这里并不像家里那么无聊。」
HENRT LEEDS: There you have it。 各位现在知道了。
HENRT LEEDS: Another day at the Fair。 这又是万博会上的一天。
ALI: Mommy。 I’m going to be seven soon; right? 妈; 我快要七岁了; 对不对?
MRS。NIKZAD: Yes; July 17。 是啊; 就在七月十七号。
ALI: What day is that? 星期几?
MRS。NIKZAD: It’s a Monday。 星期一。
ALI: May I have a birthday party? 我可不可以举行生日派对?
MRS。NIKZAD: I’m sure you can。 However; we’ll have to talk to your father。 我想你可以。 不过;
ALI: I’ll be good。 I promise。 I’ll do whatever he says。 我会乖; 我发誓。 他叫我做什么我都会做;
ALI: I’ll be so good that he won’t know I’m here。 我会非常非常乖; 使他都不知道我在家。
ALI: Can we call him? 我们可以打电话给他?
MRS。NIKZAD: No。 He’ll be home any minute; Ali。 It can wait till then; I’m sure。 We’ve never had a
big party in this apartment。 I wonder。。。 不行; 他就要回来了。 阿里; 这件事可以等到他回来再说。
我想我们从来没有在这个房子里举行过大的派对; 不知道。。。
ALI: Oh; I don’t want the party here! 噢; 我不要在这里举行!
MRS。NIKZAD: No? Where do you want it?你不要啊? 你想在哪里举行?
ALI: At the Ice Cream Parlor。 You know; the one that has 101 flavors。 在冰淇淋馆。 你知道吗; 那一家
MRS。NIKZAD: The Ice Cream Parlor? 冰淇淋馆?
MRS。NIKZAD: Do you mean the one which is near your father’s bank at the Fair? 你是说在万博会爸
ALI: Yes; that’s the one。 Jimmy’s birthday party was there; 对; 就是那家。 吉米的生日派对是在那
ALI: and the party that he had was great。 他那次派对真棒。
MRS。NIKZAD: Hello; dear。 How was your day? 哈罗; 亲爱的; 今天过得好不好?
MR。NIKZAD: Hello; Zahra。 Hi; Son。 I’m in such a good mood that I feel like celebrating。 哈罗; 萨
拉; 嗨; 儿子; 我心情好得很; 真想庆祝一番。
MR。NIKZAD: Let’s go out to dinner tonight。 我们今天晚上在外面吃饭吧!
ALI: Whoopee! 好棒啊!
MRS。NIKZAD: Ali has something to ask you。 阿里有件事情想要求你。
MR。NIKZAD: What is it; Ali? 什么事; 阿里?
ALI: Father; may I please have a birthda
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