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JOANA: Sure。 是啊;
JOANA: He paints better than anyone I know。 他的画比我所认识的人画得都要好。
JOANA: When does the competition start? 比赛什么时候开始?
PAULO: We won’t announce the contest until Mr。 Crawford finishes the brochure。 我们等郭佛先生完
成册子; 再公布比赛。
JOANA: Oh; is he doing the brochure for you? 哦; 他帮你编小册子吗?
PAULO: Yes。 是的。
JOANA: What does his office look like? 他的办公室是什么样子?
PAULO: It’s large enough; and modern and businesslike。 And very formaltoo formal; perhaps。 Why
do you ask? 地方
很大; 很摩登很有条理; 而且十分正式太正式了。 也许你问这些干什么?

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JOANA: Just curious。 I’m trying to imagine Michael in that office。 只是好奇而已; 我试着想像; 麦可
PAULO: What do you mean? 我不懂。
JOANA: Michael gave himself a deadline。 Either he does well this year; or he gives up art and goes
into business with his
father。 麦可为自己定下了一个期限。 他今年要是不成功的话; 就放弃艺术; 和他爸爸从事经商。
“PAULO: How well is ““well”“?” “要怎么样才算”“成功”“ 了呢?”
PAULO: How is he going to measure success? 他如何去衡量成败?
PAULO: Does he have to paint as well as the masters? 他是必需要画得和名画家一样好吗?
JOANA: I don’t really know。 But he has to prove something to himself。 我并不清楚; 反正; 他要向
PAULO: Then this competition could be his big chance。 那么这个比赛可能是他的一个大好机会。
JOANA: Yes; it could。 是的; 将会是个大好机会。
: Gary; my brother。 Gary Whitney Crawford; Jr。 我哥哥瑞·小葛瑞·维特尼·郭佛;
: He looks just like me; you know; Joana。 At least he used to。 你知道的; 琼娜他和我长得一模一样;
: He’s eighteen months older than I am; but as kids we used to wear the same clothes and pretend we
were twins! 他比我大十八个月; 但是我们小的时候都穿同样的衣服; 假装我们是双胞胎。
: Gary was the greatest brother in the world; and in many ways; he was may father; too。 葛瑞是个全
世界最好的哥哥,在很多方面; 他也可作我爸爸。
: Dad didn’t have time for me。 我爸爸没有时间陪我;
: He was too busy。 他太忙碌了。
: Gary and I went to the same college; but that’s when things started to change。 我和葛瑞上同一间
大学; 可是到那个时候, 情况就开始转变了,
: He studied business。 他学商了。
: Why did he study business? 他为甚么学商业?
: Because my father wanted him to。 因为我爸爸要他这样做;
: He used to study night and day。 他日以继夜的念书;
: I studied art and worked hard at it。 我学艺术; 而且很用功。
: But I had time for my friends; too。 不过; 我还有时间和朋友在一起。
: Gary and I saw each other less and less。 我和葛瑞彼此见面的机会愈来愈少。
: When Gary graduated; he went to work for my father。 葛瑞毕业以后就到我爸爸的公司去作事。
: He stayed at the office until late at night。 他很晚才离开办公室;
: He kept to himself a lot。 不常和别人交谈。
: Like my father; Gary was always busy。 葛瑞像我爸爸一样; 一天到晚忙着。
: Then one night; Gary and my father had a terrible fight。 后来有一天晚上; 葛瑞和爸爸吵架; 吵得
: The next morning Gary moved out。 第二天早上葛瑞就搬走了;
: We never saw him again。 我们以后再也没有看到他。
: About a year ago; a college friend of mine saw Gary in London。 大概一年以前,我大学时代的一个同
: He was with a woman and a baby。 他和一个女的还有一个小孩在一起。

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: My friend was sure it was Gary。 我那个同学确定那是葛瑞;
: He never forgets a face。 他永远不会忘记那张脸。
: I would like to write about two people; a man and a woman。 我要写的是关于两个人; 一个男人和
: They live quiet lives。 他们过着很平静的生活;
: When they go out into the street; no one asks for their autographs; but everyone in their profession
knows and respects
them。当他们出门在街上走的时候; 没有人要求他们的亲笔签名; 但是他们的同行都知道他们;
: They work as a team。 他们一起工作如同一个小组。
: The woman is a journalist。 女的是位新闻记者;
: The man is a photographer。 男的是位摄影师。
: They met on their first job。 他们是在担任第一份工作的时候认识的;
: They both worked for a famous picture magazine。 两个人同在一个有名的书刊杂志社作事。
: She wrote the articles; and he took the photographs。 她负责写文章; 而他负责照相片。
: The magazine sent them all over the world to cover important events。 杂志社派他们到世界各地去
: They won many awards and medals。 他们赢得了很多奖赏和徽章。
: One day the magazine went bankrupt。 有一天杂志社破产了;
: Many other magazines and newspapers offered them positions; 很多其他杂志社和报社都提供他
: but at this point the man and the woman decided to work independently。 但在这个时候; 他们决定
: She decided she wanted to write a book about her experiences at the magazine。 她决定写一本描述
: He wanted to work on a photographic essay on bonsai。 他则想作一本盆栽的照片专集。
: For once; they did not worry about deadlines and editors。 他们首次可以不用为截稿日期和编辑
: They enjoyed their work and grew professionally。 他们工作感到很愉快; 而逐渐崭露头角。
: Their books were successful。 他们的书都很畅销;
: When they finished their separate projects; 当完成了个别的计划之后;
: they decided to work as a team again。 他们决定再度合作。
: Now they are ready to go; day or night; on a moment’s notice。 现在他们随时准备出动;
: When there are earthquakes in Honduras; they are there。 当宏都拉斯发生大地震时; 他们在那里
: When there are battles in the Middle East; they are there。 当中东有战役时; 他们在那里访问;
: When there are local tragedies; they are there; too。 当地方发生悲惨事件时; 他们也在那儿采访。
: My parents are a great team。 我的父母就是这个伟大小组的成员。
: James Yamamoto 山本杰美斯
: Look at all those people。 看看那许多人;
: They all have good jobs and houses in the country。 他们都有很好的工作; 并且在乡下都拥有房子;
: OK。; maybe all of them don’t have houses in the country; but they probably have more than you。 好

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吧! 他们不一定每一个人都在乡下有房子; 但是或许他们拥有的比你还多。
: Laura; stop it。得了; 罗拉;
: Don’t feel so sorry for yourself。 不要为自己感到难过;
: Nobody likes to get out and look for a job。 没有一个人喜欢出来找工作;
: I’m getting depressed again。 我又情绪低落了;
: It’s time 
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