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                Lesson 20
            One man in a boat

    First listen and then answer the question。
    Why is fishing the writer's favourite sport?

    Fishing is my favourite sport。 I often fish for hours without catching anything。 But this does not worry me。 Some fishermen are unlucky。 Instead of catching fish; they catch old boots and rubbish。 I am even less lucky。 I never catch anything  not even old boots。 After having spent whole mornings on the river; I always go home with an empty bag。 'You must give up fishing!' my friends say。 'It's a waste of time。' But they don't realize one important thing。 I'm not really interested in fishing。 I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

catch  v。 抓到
fisherman  n。 钓鱼人,渔民
boot  n。  靴子
waste  n。 浪费
realize  v。 意识到


    钓鱼是我特别喜爱的一项运动。我经常一钓数小时却一无所获,但我从不为此烦恼。有些垂钓者就是不走运,他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。我的运气甚至还不及他们。我什么东西也未钓到过  就连旧靴子也没有。我总是在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家。“你可别再钓鱼了!”我的朋友们说,“这是浪费时间。”然而他们没有认识到重要的一点,我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣,我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事!

                Lesson 21
               Mad or not?

    First listen and then answer the question。
    Why do people think the writer is mad?
    Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad。 I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day。 The airport was built years ago; but for some reason it could not be used then。 Last year; however; it came into use。 Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise。 I am one of the few people left。 Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane。 I have been offered a large sum of money to go away; but I am determined to stay here。 Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

mad  adj。  发疯
reason  n。 原因
sum  n。 量
determined  adj。 坚定的,下决心的



                Lesson 22
            A glass envelope

    First listen and then answer the question。
    How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger?

    My daughter; Jane; never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland。 Last year; we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle。 She threw the bottle into the sea。 She never thought of it again; but ten months later; she received a letter from a girl in Holland。 Both girls write to each other regularly now。 However; they have decided to use the post office。 Letters will cost a little more; but they will certainly travel faster。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

dream  v。 做梦,梦想
age  n。 年龄
channel  n。 海峡
throw  v。 扔,抛



                Lesson 23
               A new house

    First listen and then answer the question。
    Why is the new house special?

    I had a letter from my sister yesterday。 She lives in Nigeria。 In her letter; she said that she would come to England next year。 If she comes; she will get a surprise。 We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country。 Work on it had begun before my sister left。 The house was completed five months ago。 In my letter; I told her that she could stay with us。 The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden。 It is a very modern house; so it looks strange to some people。 It must be the only modern house in the district。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

complete  v。 完成
modern  adj。 新式的,与以往不同的
strange  adj。 奇怪的
district  n。 地区



                Lesson 24
            If could be worse 

    First listen and then answer the question。
    Had the writer's money been stolen?

    I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down。 I had just lost 50 and I felt very upset。 'I left the money in my room;' I said; 'and it's not there now。' The manager was sympathetic; but he could do nothing。 'Everyone's losing money these days;' he said。 He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door。 A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk。 It contained 50。 'I found this outside this gentleman's room;' she said。 'Well;' I said to the manager; 'there is still some honesty in this world!'

New words and expressions 生词和短语

manager  n。 经理
upset  adj。 不安
sympathetic  adj。 表示同情的
complain  v。 抱怨
wicked  adj。 很坏的,邪恶的
contain  v。 包含,内装
honesty  n。 诚实


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