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risoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp。 He could hear shouting in the camp itself。 Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped。 At that moment; a large black car with four officers inside it; stopped at the camp gates。 The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed。 When they had gone; the driver of the car came towards him。 The man obviously wanted to talk。 He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes。 The prisoner felt sorry for him; but there was nothing else he could do。 As the man came near; the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow。 Then; jumping into the car; he drove off as quickly as he could。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

prisoner  n。 囚犯
bush  n。 灌木丛
rapidly  adv。 迅速地
uniform  n。 制服
rifle  n。 来福枪,步枪
shoulder  n。 肩
march  v。 行进
boldly  adv。 大胆地
blaze  v。 闪耀
salute  v。 行礼
elderly  adj。 上了年纪的
grey  adj。 灰白的
sharp  adj。 猛烈的
blow  n。 打击



               Lesson 82
           Monster or fish? 

    First listen and then answer the question。
    What was the monster called?

    Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea。 Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen; it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish。 Occasionally; unusual creatures are washed to the shore; but they are rarely caught out at sea。 Some time ago; however; a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar。 A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line。 Realizing that this was no ordinary fish; the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way。 When it was eventually brought to shore; it was found to be over thirteen feet long。 It had a head like a horse; big blue eyes; shining silver skin; and a bright red tail。 The fish; which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist; is called an oarfish。 Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

monster  n。 怪物
sailor  n。 海员
sight  v。 见到
creature  n。 动物,生物
peculiar  adj。 奇怪的,不寻常的
shining  adj。 闪闪发光的
oarfish  n。 桨鱼



               Lesson 83
         After the elections

    First listen and then answer the question。
    Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question?

    The former Prime Minister; Mr。 Wentworth Lane; was defeated in the recent elections。 He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad。 My friend; Patrick; has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr。 Lane's Radical Progressive Party。 After the elections; Patrick went to the former Prime Minister's house。 When he asked if Mr。 Lane lived there; the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat; the ex…Prime Minister had gone abroad。 On the following day; Patrick went to the house again。 The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance; when Patrick asked the same question。 Though a little suspicious this time; the policeman gave him the same answer。 The day after; Patrick went to the house once more and asked exactly the same question。 This time; the policeman lost his temper。 'I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday;' he shouted; 'Mr。 Lane was defeated in the elections。 He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad!〃
    'I know;' answered Patrick; 'but I love to hear you say it!'

New words and expressions 生词和短语

election  n。 选举
former  adj。 从前的
defeat  v。 打败
fanatical  adj。 狂热的
opponent  n。 反对者,对手
radical  adj。 激进的
progressive  adj。 进步的
ex…  prefix  (前缀,用于名词前)前。。。。。。
suspicious  adj。 怀疑的



               Lesson 84
               On strike

    First listen and then answer the question。
    Who will be driving the buses next week?

    Busmen have decided to go on strike next week。 The strike is due to begin on Tuesday。 No one knows how long it will last。 The busmen have stated that the strike w
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