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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第96章

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 and the one creature among them born of Lolth's peculiar hell。
   It ended as abruptly as it began。
   Jeggred; who had been the one least affected by the sudden rapture; was the first to stand and begin to brush himself off。 His face…normally difficult to read…gave Pharaun nothing。
   〃What happened?〃 the wizard asked; but the draegloth ignored him。 〃Jeggred?〃
   Quenthel sat back on her haunches and held her hands up to her face。 Her eyes scoured her rust…dusted hands as if searching for something。
   Danifae took longer to recover; rolling into a fetal position on the unforgiving rusted steel floor and making a noise Pharaun at first thought was crying。
   〃Mistress?〃 Valas asked; crouching to get to Quenthel's eye level but not stepping any closer than the half dozen paces that already separated them。
   Quenthel didn't speak; didn't even give any indication that she had heard Valas。 Pharaun didn't bother asking what happened。 He was beginning to understand what he'd witnessed。
   Quenthel began to speak。
   At first she moved her lips in a mute pantomime; then she whispered at the edge of hearing; then she chanted a litany in an ancient tongue not even Pharaun recognized。
   She continued for a minute or so then stopped。 Pharaun's eyes played over her; and he watched as all the cuts and bruises; scrapes and welts faded away; leaving her skin a perfect; almost glowing black。 She even seemed to gain back some of the weight she'd lost。 Her hair appeared cleaner; softer; and even her piwafwi and armor shone with renewed life。
   Quenthel Baenre stood and looked down at Danifae; who had uncurled herself to sit with her back to the wall; smiling as she whispered a prayer of her own that sealed her cuts; made her bruises disappear; and brought the twinkle back into her big; expressive eyes。 A tear traced a path down one of her perfect ebony cheeks; and she didn't bother to wipe it away。
   Pharaun looked back at the Mistress of Arach…Tinilith; who stood tall and still in the darkness of the spider fortress; seeming to glow。 Her eyes were closed and her lips were moving。
   In one fluid; graceful motion Danifae swept up to her feet; her perfect white teeth shining in the gloom as she grinned from ear to ear。 Pharaun found himself returning that smile。 Jeggred rolled up onto his feet but in the same movement sank down to his knees in front of Danifae and Quenthel。 The draegloth was breathing hard。
   〃They are alive; and they're here;〃 Quenthel whispered。 She looked at Pharaun and more clearly said; 〃They are behind walls that shield them from your spells; and they are further protected from most divinations; but they are here。〃
   〃Who?〃 Valas asked。
   〃I sense them too;〃 Danifae said。 She put a hand on Jeggred's wild mane and absently stroked it back into place。 〃I think I could find them。 I think they're actually waiting for us。〃
   〃Wait;〃 Pharaun said; stepping closer to Danifae…until a fierce growl from Jeggred stopped him。 The young priestess patted the half…demon's head; and he calmed quickly。 〃Did what I think happened actually happen? Did she 。 。 。 ?〃
   〃Lolth has returned to us;〃 Quenthel said。
   〃She has;〃 Danifae agreed。
   She appeared as if she wanted to say more。
   〃Is there something else?〃 Pharaun asked。 〃Is that it? Is our journey at an end?〃
   〃Mistress?〃 Jeggred said; looking directly into Danifae's eyes。 〃What did the voice say? I couldn't quite 。。。 it was too far away to 。。。 〃
   Danifae ran her fingers through his fur and said; 〃The voice said…〃
   〃Yor'thae;〃 Quenthel finished for her。
   〃Yor'thae。 。 。 。〃 Danifae whispered。
   〃High Drow?〃 Valas asked; correctly identifying the language。
   〃It means; 'Chosen One;' 〃 Pharaun explained。
   〃One 。 。 。〃 Quenthel whispered; shaking her head。
   At the same time; Danifae mutely mouthed the word; 〃Yor'thae。〃
   Quenthel used her eyes to get Pharaun's attention then said; 〃Our journey is far from over; Master of Sorcere。 Lolth has not only returned but she has asked me to e to her; has invited me to be her chosen vessel。 This is why she brought me back; all those years ago。 This is why she dragged me from the Abyss and back to Menzoberranzan。 I was meant to e here; now; and to be her 。。。 to be Yor'thae。〃
   Deep in the heart of the First House; in a room protected from everything worth protecting a room from; Triel Baenre watched her brother fight for the life of Menzoberranzan。
   He was losing。
   She could see what was happening in the Bazaar; every detail of it; through a magic mirror; a crystal ball; a scrying pool; and half a dozen other similar items; most of which had been created by Gromph himself。 She paced back and forth across the polished marble floor; looking from scene to scene; angle to angle; as the transformed lichdrow made a mess of the heart of her city。
   Wilara Baenre stood in one corner; her eyes darting from one scrying device to another; her arms crossed in front of her; her fingers drumming against her shoulders with barely contained frustration。
   〃The archmage will prevail; Matron Mother;〃 Wilara said; not for the first time that day。
   〃Will he?〃 Triel asked。
   It was the first time she'd replied to one of Wilara's hollow reassurances; and it took the attending priestess by surprise。
   〃Of course he will;〃 Wilara answered。
   Triel waited for more; but it became obvious that Wilara had nothing else to say。
   〃I'm not entirely certain that this is a fight he can win;〃 Triel said; as much to herself as to Wilara。 〃If we're all being tested and this is Gromph's test; he will pass or fail on his own。 If he fails; he deserves to die。〃
   〃Is there nothing we can do to help him?〃 asked Wilara。
   Triel shrugged。
   〃There are soldiers and other mages;〃 the attending priestess went on。
   〃All of whom are required elsewhere。 The duergar still press; even if the tanarukks are turning away;〃 said Triel。 〃The siege of Agrach Dyrr goes on unabated 。 。 。 but; yes; there are always more soldiers; always more mages; and there is Bregan D'aerthe and other 
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