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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第86章

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   〃No!〃 the lich shouted。
   Nimor grunted when something pushed hard against his chest His hand came away from the lich's throat; and he was forced backward; driven through the air by some unfathomable force。 Despite any attempt to fly; Nimor was repulsed。
   The assassin spared a glance down at Gromph; who had put away his stolen duergar battle…axe and was looking up at them; laughing。
   Nimor laughed too。 Why not?
   〃We failed; lich;〃 Nimor called to Dyrr; 〃but at least for me there will be another chance。〃
   〃We failed?〃 the lich wailed。 〃We? No; you wretched son of a wyrm; you failed。 You'll go back to the Shadow with your dragon's tail between your legs; repeating your feeble excuses to yourself over and over again。 Blame me if you wish; Nimor; but I'm still here。 Live or die; I'll still be here; in Menzoberranzan; fighting。〃
   〃Perhaps;〃 Nimor said; the first waves of a profound exhaustion beginning to soften his tired muscles; 〃but not for long。〃
   The lich screamed his name; but Nimor didn't hear the first echo before he drifted into the Shadow Fringe and was gone from Menzoberranzan forever。
Chapter Twenty…four
   Inside the temple walls was a city twenty times the size of Menzoberranzan。 Like the walls and the surrounding plazas; the city was a battered; war…ravaged ruin that looked to Pharaun as if it had been abandoned for a thousand years or more。
   The architecture throughout mimicked all manner of dark elven dwellings; from the calcified webs of Ched Nasad to the hollowed…out stalagmites of Menzoberranzan。 The only thing the structures had in mon was that they were all at least partially collapsed and they were devoid of life。
   Valas appeared behind the mage as he always did; as if by magic。 Pharaun didn't bother trying to pretend the scout's sudden appearance hadn't startled him。 The time for keeping up appearances and jockeying for position in the party had e and gone。
   Valas nodded once to the Master of Sorcere and said; 〃There's more metal the deeper in we go。〃
   Pharaun found himself shaking his head; unsure at first what the scout was trying to tell him。 He looked around more closely and saw that Valas was right。 Though they had seen jagged; twisted chunks of rusted iron and scorched steel in the plaza outside; the deeper into the temple they walked; the more they all had to step around larger and larger pieces。
   Valas stopped and reached out to touch a gently curving wall of steel three times the scout's height。
   〃It looks like it was ripped off of a larger piece;〃 the scout said。 〃I've never seen this much steel。〃
   Pharaun nodded; examining the relic from a distance。
   〃It looks like a piece of a giant's suit of armor;〃 the wizard mented; 〃a giant bigger than any you might find on the World Above; but this is the Abyss; Valas。 There could be such a creature here。〃
   〃Or a god;〃 the scout replied。
   〃Selvetarm was that big;〃 Danifae said。 Both the males turned to look at her; surprised that she'd stopped to join the conversation。 The former battle…captive had been walking in silence with the draegloth never far from her side; apparently unfazed by her surroundings。 〃So was Vhaeraun。〃
   Valas nodded and said; 〃There are other pieces; though; and there are things that don't look like armor。〃
   〃The mechanical bits;〃 Pharaun interjected。 〃I've noticed those too。〃
   〃Mechanical bits?〃 the young priestess asked。
   Pharaun continued walking as he said; 〃The odd moving part。 I've seen hinges and things that seem to act almost like a joint; like a shoulder or knee joint in a drow's body but with wires or other contraptions in place of muscles。〃
   〃Now that you mention it;〃 Valas said; 〃some of them did look like legs or arms。〃
   〃Who cares?〃 the draegloth grumbled。 〃Are you two really wasting your time examining the garbage? Do you have no understanding of what's happened here?〃
   〃I think we have at least a rudimentary understanding of what's gone on here; Jeggred; yes;〃 Pharaun said。 〃By 'examining the garbage;' as you so eloquently put it; we might gain some understanding beyond the point where it can still be described as rudimentary。 Alas; that's not a state of mind with which you tend to be familiar with yourself; but those of us with higher…〃
   The air was forced out of Pharaun's lungs in a single painful grunt。 The draegloth was on top of him; smashing him into a crumbling pile of bricks that had once been part of a soaring cathedral。 The wizard brought to mind a spell that didn't require speech but stopped himself from casting it when Danifae's voice echoed across the temple grounds。
   〃Jeggred;〃 she manded; 〃leave it。〃
   It was a mand someone might give a pet rat distracted by a cave beetle。 As the draegloth withdrew and Pharaun struggled to his feet; he wondered which was a greater insult; Jeggred smashing him to the ground or Danifae's rude remark。 The Master of Sorcere brushed off his piwafwi; did his best with the wild mop his hair had bee; and cleared his throat。
   〃Ah; Jeggred; my boy;〃 the wizard said; letting the sarcasm drip freely; 〃was it something I said?〃
   〃Next time you talk to me like that; mage;〃 he draegloth growled; 〃your heart will follow Ryld Argith's through my bowels。〃
   Pharaun tried not to laugh and said; 〃Charming as always。〃
   〃e; Jeggred;〃 Danifae said; waving the draegloth into step behind her。
   Pharaun finished assembling himself; and as he was about to move on he stopped and turned; having caught someone looking at him from the corner of his eye。 Quenthel Baenre stood partially blocked by another huge; jagged hunk of steel。 The look the wizard saw on her face was ice cold; and if they had been back in Menzoberranzan it would surely have presaged Danifae's death。
   After the echoes from Dyrr's last; barely…coherent shout finally died away; came a moment of almost plete silence。 The lich hung in the still air; trembling with rage。 Gromph took a moment to survey the ruined Bazaar。
   The fires had burned themselves out; and the smoke slowly dissipated。 Dozens of stalls; tents; and
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