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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第85章

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   Aliisza turned to look in the direction the line of drow souls were moving。 At the end of the very long line was a whirlpool of red and black…a gateway to the outer planes that was drawing the souls in。
   〃That's not the Abyss;〃 Aliisza said。
   It's home; whispered the bodiless soul of Greyanna Mizzrym。 I can feel it。 It is。 It's the Demonweb Pits。
   Aliisza's heart raced。
   〃The Demonweb Pits;〃 the alu…fiend repeated; 〃but not the Abyss。〃
   Aliisza stopped herself and hung in the gray expanse off to one side of the procession of dead drow。
   〃Well;〃 Aliisza whispered to an unhearing Lolth; 〃moving up in the world; aren't we?〃
   The alu…fiend closed her eyes and concentrated on Kaanyr Vhok。 She let her consciousness travel through the Astral and back to the cold; hard Underdark。 There she found her lover's mind and dropped a message into it。
   Something is happening with the Demonweb Pits; she sent。 It's a plane unto itself now; and the gates are open。 Lolth weles home the dead。 She lives。
   That was all she could say; and she hoped it would be warning enough。 Aliisza could have shifted back to the Underdark in an instant and been by her lover's side; but she didn't。 She wanted to stay where she was; though she didn't know why。
   Nimor had given up trying to claw Gromph。 Instead; he started to work on forcing the archmage to attack him; but the drow wouldn't oblige。 The feeling Nimor had that Gromph somehow knew what he was thinking…maybe before he even thought it…grew stronger and stronger and made Nimor start to second…guess himself。 It was no way to fight。
   Nimor stepped back and so did Gromph。 The assassin could see Dyrr slowly circling them both from a safe…some would say cowardly…distance。 The assassin was about to speak when a familiar nettling buzzed in his skull。
   Aliisza is in the Demonweb Pits; the voice of Kaanyr Vhok sounded in his head。 Something is happening; and it will be bad for us all。 I'm not waiting to find out how bad。
   For the first time in a very; very long time; Nimor's blood ran cold。
   Gromph twitched; almost gasped; and Nimor couldn't help but look at him。 Their eyes locked; and an instant of understanding passed between them。 Nimor stepped back; and Gromph nodded。 The archmage still kept the ghostly battle…axe in front of him but didn't advance。 He breathed heavily; sweat running down the sides of his face and matting his snow…white hair to his forehead。
   Again; Nimor was about to speak; and again he was interrupted。
   〃What are you doing?〃 the lichdrow demanded。 〃Kill him!〃
   Nimor let a long; steady breath hiss out through clenched teeth。 It was bad enough that a key ponent of his alliance was abandoning the cause; worse still that Lolth was somehow; for some reason he might never understand; choosing that moment to finally return…or do something that scared Kaanyr Vhok; anyway; and the cambion wasn't the type to scare easily。 All that; an opponent he should have been able to dispatch with nary a thought but who was able to out…think and outfight him at every turn; and the damned lich was barking orders at him。
   Dyrr began shouting again; but Nimor didn't understand what he was saying。
   〃I can't…〃 the Anointed Blade started to say then stopped when he realized that the lich was casting a spell。
   Gromph heard him too。 With one hand still holding the axe in front of him; the archmage tapped his staff on the pockmarked floor of the smoldering Bazaar and was instantly enveloped in a globe of shimmering energy。 No sooner did the globe appear than Dyrr finished his muttering; and the sound of the lich's voice was replaced by a low; echoing buzz。
   Nimor; eyes still locked on Gromph's; blinked。 The archmage glanced over at the lich; and one side of his mouth curled up into the beginning of a smile。 Nimor had to look; and he knew that Gromph had no intention of attacking him anyway。
   The buzzing sound grew louder; escalating to an almost deafening roar。 Nimor saw what looked like a cloud of black smoke winding through the air at him; and it was a few seconds before he realized it wasn't smoke。 The cloud wasn't a cloud at all; but a swarm of tiny insects…perhaps tens; even hundreds of millions of them。
   The swarm descended over Gromph; but they didn't penetrate the globe that surrounded the archmage。 Nimor had to assume they were being directed by Dyrr; so when the insects turned on him; he took it personally。
   Before the first of them could land on him; sting him; bite him; or do whatever they were meant to do to him; Nimor stepped into the Shadow Fringe。 The act was second nature to him。 He was there in the Bazaar; then he wasn't。 The swarm became a shadow; the Bazaar a dull world; barely corporeal; drenched in blackness。
   Nimor looked at his claws。 His mind was strangely blank; his mood impossibly serene。
   〃Is that it?〃 he said aloud into the unhearing shadows。 〃Have I lost?〃
   He closed his eyes and thought of the lich 。 。 。 and stepped back into the solid world right behind him。
   Nimor grabbed the spindly undead mage from behind and beat his wings hard to pull him up and away from the floor of the Bazaar。 The lich stiffened and drew in a breath…perhaps to cast a spell…but was wise enough to stop when Nimor pressed one razor…sharp talon into the lich's desiccated throat。
   〃You might not bleed; lich;〃 Nimor whispered into the lichdrow's ear; 〃but if your head es away from your neck 。 。 。〃
   〃What are you doing?〃 Dyrr asked; his voice a thin; reedy hiss。 〃You could kill him。 Our moment is at hand; and you turn on me? Me?〃
   〃You?〃 Nimor sneered。 〃Yes; you。 I should kill you now; but then you're already dead; aren't you; lich? All you did was waste my time; and now the Spider Queen is rattling in her cage; and our time together is spent。〃
   〃What?〃 Dyrr asked; honestly confused。 〃What are you saying?〃
   〃Not that you deserve to know it before I let Gromph Baenre kill you;〃 Nimor replied; 〃but it's over。〃
   〃No!〃 the lich shouted。
   Nimor grunted when something pushed hard against his chest His hand came a
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