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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第82章

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 that it wasn't reflexes but foresight。
   Gromph reached into a pouch…an extradimensional space that held much more than it appeared capable of from the outside…and drew a weapon。 The duergar's battle…axe was heavy; and the weight and heft of it was unfamiliar to Gromph。 The archmage had been schooled in the use of a number of weapons; but the battle…axe was hardly his cup of tea。 It was unwieldy and unsubtle; almost more a tool than a weapon。 However; there was more to that particular axe than its blade and a handle。
   He knew that Nimor was going to step back and give himself a chance to examine Gromph's weapon。 The archmage also expected that Nimor would move a few steps to one side in order to turn Gromph around and place himself between the half…dragon and the cloud that still concealed the lichdrow。 Gromph gave him the chance he wanted to study the axe but didn't oblige him with the superior position。
   Archmage; Nauzhror said; are you certain?
   Gromph assumed that the other mage was referring to the battle…axe; and the obvious fact that Gromph meant to actually fight the assassin with physical weapons。
   Gromph sent back the answer; I know what I'm doing; at precisely the same moment that Nauzhror repeated; Archmage; are you certain?
   Gromph realized he hadn't heard Nauzhror the first time。 It was the spell; showing him the future。
   I see; Nauzhror replied and Gromph could feel that the other Baenre mage understood that Gromph had armed himself with perhaps the most potent weapon imaginable: the ability to perfectly anticipate every move of your opponent。
   The voice came to his head for real: I see。
   Gromph knew that Nimor was going to rush him in an attempt to push him back toward the cloud of poison gas; so the archmage stepped quickly to the side and circled。 Nimor took one step then stopped; eyeing Gromph。
   The lich burst out of the cloud; trailing tendrils of toxic mist as he rose into the air。 He turned and faced the archmage。
   〃Go ahead;〃 said the lichdrow with a leering; evil smile; 〃try to fight him with your stolen axe。 I'll enjoy watching Nimor shred you。〃
   The half…dragon assassin smiled at that; and Gromph saw him ing in with one wild slash after another; a flurry of claws and kicks and head butts。 Gromph had no idea what to do。
   In the instant that Nimor started to run toward him; Gromph realized that knowing what your opponent intended to do might not be enough。
Chapter Twenty…three
   How could there be any sense to a world that existed; in a universe made of chaos? In a place where the only rule was that there were no rules?
   When they were there last; not very long ago; they walked enormous strands of spiderweb and saw nothing alive until they were beset upon by a horde of feral demons at the gates to a temple sealed by the face of Lolth herself。 There; a god tried to break through but couldn't。
   Though they had been away from the Demonweb Pits for only a short time; much had changed。
   The smooth expanse of the gigantic webs was pitted and worn。 Patches of what looked like rust went on for acres at a time。 In spots they had to climb or levitate up and down cliffs of crumbling webbing and traverse craters big enough to hold all of Menzoberranzan in their uneven bowls。
   All around them was the stench of decay; so intense at times Pharaun Mizzrym thought he would suffocate。
   The wizard had been walking for hours in uncharacteristic silence。 None of the drow or the draegloth mented aloud on the state of the Demonweb Pits。 It was too difficult to voice the palpable sense of despair the ruined place imbued in them all。 They stopped occasionally to rest; and minutes would go by where they didn't even look at each other。
   Constantly on their guard for the plane's demonic inhabitants; at first they were all on a knife's edge; but as the hours dragged on and they saw nothing alive; let alone threatening; they soon began to relax。 That was when the despair deepened even further。
   They walked on and on and finally came to Lolth's temple。 The once imposing; otherworldly structure stood in ruin; infected by the same decay as the universe…spanning web。 The obsidian stone had turned brown and was crumbled away in spots。 Huge columns of smoke rose from the interior。 Many of the great buttresses stood like shattered stumps; amputated by some inconceivable power。 The surrounding plazas were difficult to traverse; littered with boulders of carved stone and iron rusted and twisted out of shape。 Bones lay everywhere…the bones of millions stacked in great piles or scattered as if by the cruel winds alone。 The petrified spider…things they had marveled at before were gone; leaving holes in the floor of the plaza and along the buttresses as if they'd pulled up their feet from the stone and marched away。
   The party traced the same path they had taken when in astral form and came once again to the entrance to the temple。 The great stone face was itself shattered; revealing glimpses of the visage of Lolth but only in tiny; enigmatic fragments。
   The doors swung wide。
   〃It was the gods;〃 Valas whispered; his voice echoing in a million tiny pings across the ruined plaza。
   Vhaeraun; who had e to kill Lolth because of their own rash decision to lead one of his priests there; had been confronted by Selvetarm…Lolth's protector…at the temple gates。 Their duel was a sight that would be burned into Pharaun's memory if he lived to be ten thousand years old; and the contest had caused much damage; but。 。 。 。
   〃Not this;〃 the Master of Sorcere said; his own voice echoing; though in not quite the same way。 〃This is different。 Older。〃
   〃Older?〃 the draegloth asked; his eyes darting from rock to rock。
   〃He's right;〃 said Danifae; who was crouching; holding the skull of something that might have been half drow; half bat。 〃These bones are dried and bleached; almost petrified。 The stone itself is crumbling to dust。 The webs are rotten and brittle。〃
   〃This place was razed a century ago or more;〃 Pharaun said。
   〃That's not possible;〃 Valas argued; staring up at the open d
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