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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第81章

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   The dagger was still in him; still in his heart; and Gromph lurched forward to sprawl on his stomach on the unforgiving floor of the Bazaar。 The ring fought second by second to keep his heart intact; to keep it beating; to keep his blood flowing; but it did nothing for the pain。 The archmage's vision blurred; and when he tried to reach behind him to pull the dagger out of his back he could only twitch his arm uselessly at his side。
   The archmage was vaguely aware of heat; light; and the sound of crackling; a dull roar 。 。 。 fire。
   He blinked。 His vision cleared enough to see a row of burning merchant's stalls and a thick column of smoke rising into the still; warming air。 Hovering in stark; spindly silhouette against the blinding orange flames was the figure of the lichdrow Dyrr。
   Gromph coughed and felt something warm and thick trickle from his lips。 The dagger twitched in his back; and Gromph was afraid that it was Nimor; turning the blade; driving it deeper; or withdrawing it only to plunge it home again。
   No; Nauzhror said into Gromph's confused; slowing mind。 It's the ring。 Don't move; Archmage。 Try not to move for a few seconds more。
   Gromph looked up at the hovering lich and saw another black silhouette join him to hover far above the burning stalls。 The second silhouette had huge; semi…transparent wings traced with veins。
   The dagger twitched again; and Gromph coughed more blood as it came free of his heart; only to knick his lung。
   A few more seconds; Master; Nauzhror said。 Patience。
   Gromph let that last word play in his mind。 He had no choice but to be patient。 To him; it felt as if the pain were actually pushing him down; driving him into the rock beneath him。
   The two black figures started to grow against the roiling backdrop of uncontrolled fire。 They were ing for him。 They meant to end it。
   The dagger slipped out of Gromph's back to clatter on the stone floor beside him。 He shuddered through a last spasm of pain and clenched his chest when his heart skipped a beat then started up again; strong and regular。 The archmage began to cast a spell。
   Gromph rolled into a seated position as he cast; turning to face his enemies with fire reflected in his stolen eyes。 Nimor was closer; ing at him with his shadow dragon's claws; so Gromph directed the spell at him。 The archmage sent a rolling wave of blinding fire at the assassin; but Nimor stepped quickly to one side and was gone; sinking into the shadows like a rock slipping under the surface of Donigarten Lake。
   The conjured fire flared past the spot where the assassin had been standing; burning nothing but empty air。
   Gromph cringed。
   It's all right; Archmage; Nauzhror said。
   No; it's not; Gromph shot back at him。 I'm using too much fire against Nimor。
   It's true… Prath began but stopped so abruptly Gromph was sure it was Nauzhror who silenced him…lucky for Prath。
   The lichdrow stopped his advance and waved his hands in front of him。 Gromph tightened his grip on his staff; sighing as the last of the grievous wounds were closed forever by the magic of the ring。
   A faint mist coalesced in the air in front of Dyrr; adding to itself one mote at a time until a wide; flat cloud of churning mist rolled out away from the lich and toward Gromph。
   The archmage got to his feet and uttered the single triggering mand that activated another of his staff's array of powers。 Gromph couldn't see it; but thanks to the magic of the staff he was keenly aware of the confines of the invisible wall he'd conjured in front of him。
   The cloud of…Gromph assumed…poisonous gas that Dyrr had conjured mixed with the smoke from the burning stalls; slowing it but not stopping it。 Gromph set the wall of magical force between himself and the cloud; and in a moment the mist began to spread along the flat surface of the wall; well away from the archmage。
   Dyrr; obviously not surprised by Gromph's simple solution to the killing cloud; arced high into the air and flew over the wall of force。
   The lich drew a wand from the folds of his piwafwi and stared at Gromph with a face devoid of emotion。
   Gromph began to cast; judging the time necessary by the lich's flying speed。 Even when Dyrr accelerated; Gromph had the opportunity to finish the spell and step through the doorway he opened in the air next to him。 Like passing through an ordinary door; Gromph stepped out the other side having traveled a dozen yards across the burning Bazaar。 He watched the lich swoop down; swing his wand through the spot where Gromph had been standing; then e to rest on the ground growling in frustration。
   Gromph dropped the wall of force and smiled。
   The cloud of poisonous gas…Dyrr's own spell…burst through when the wall fell; and the lich only had time to look up before the mist engulfed him and he disappeared inside its black…and…green expanse。
   Gromph took a deep breath and glanced down when the fire shield finally faded from him。 The spell he cast next was one of his most difficult。 He worked it carefully and reveled as its effects washed through him。 All at once he got the distinct impression that someone was behind him; and he knew that the spell was warning him。 No one was behind him yet; but someone would be。
   Gromph spun in place then stepped back when Nimor appeared from the shadows; already bringing one black…taloned hand down at the archmage's face。 The tips of the claws passed within a finger's breadth of the archmage's nose。 Nimor let the surprise show in his eyes; and Gromph had to admit to himself at least that he was just as surprised。
   The archmage skipped back several steps; and so did the assassin。 Nimor looked at Gromph with narrowed eyes that glowed in the smoky shadows of the burning Bazaar。 Gromph had a clear vision of Nimor stepping in then quickly to the left and slashing at his side…then Nimor did just that。 Gromph managed to step away again; and again the assassin was taken aback by the archmage's newfound reflexes。 What Nimor didn't know was that it wasn't reflexes but foresight。
   Gromph reached into a pouch…an extradimensional 
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