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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第8章

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t。 〃It's mine。 I summoned it。〃
   Ryld didn't have time to ask her how she'd managed to do that。 Instead he stepped back three long strides; keeping his eyes on the beast; which was already back on its feet。 The bird…thing slashed in from the darkness behind the animal and dragged its talons across the beast's head。 The creature howled in pain and surprise and snapped its jaws at the passing bird…thing; missing it by a yard or more。
   〃What is that?〃 Ryld asked; not looking at Halisstra but keeping his eyes on the furious forest animal。
   〃It's an arrowhawk;〃 Halisstra answered。
   Ryld could hear the pride and surprise in her voice; and something about that sent a chill down his spine。
   The animal looked at him; grunted; and came on。 Either it had forgotten about the arrowhawk or had given up trying to see it ing。 Ryld crouched; Splitter out in front of him; awaiting the beast's charge。 He kept his shoulders loose and told himself that the fight had gone on long enough。 He was not going to be made a fool of by…
   …and the arrowhawk swished over his head; missing the top of his close…cropped white hair by a finger's width。
   Ryld tucked his head down as it shot over him。 The bird flew as fast as an arrow shot from a longbow; and it was easy for Ryld to understand how the creature had received its name。 It looked as if the hawk was flying straight for the furry creature's eyes。 Half of Ryld wanted the arrowhawk to kill it; the other half didn't want to be shown up by some conjured bird。 At least not in front of…
   That thought too went unfinished when Ryld heard himself gasp at the sight of the huge ground animal grabbing the arrowhawk right out of the air with one huge; clawed hand。
   The bird let out an ear…rattling squawk; and the creature looked it in the eyes as it started to squeeze。 Ryld didn't doubt for a moment that the big animal could break the long; slender arrowhawk in two with one hand。 It was half a second away from doing just that when the arrowhawk flipped its long; feathered tail up and pointed it at the animal's face。 An eye…searing flash of blinding light arced from the arrowhawk's tail to the tip of the animal's nose。 Ryld snapped his eyes shut and gritted his teeth against the pain。 There was a loud rustle of leathers; another angry squawk; and a high…pitched wail that could only have e from the big ground animal。
   Ryld opened his eyes and had to blink away an afterimage of the graceful purple spark that had shot from the arrowhawk's tail。 The animal had let go of the bird; which was nowhere to be seen。 A tendril of smoke rose from its burned nose; and the stench of singed hair quickly filled the still night air。
   Halisstra stepped up to Ryld; and they shared a glance and a smile as the big animal writhed in pain。
   〃Not bad;〃 the weapons master joked; and Halisstra responded with a pleased smile。
   〃Praise Eilistraee;〃 she said。
   As if it understood her and had no love for her goddess; the big animal looked up; coughed out two more feral grunts; and started at them。 Ryld put out one hand to push Halisstra behind him; but she had already skipped back into the darkness。 He set his feet; ready for the charge; and saw the arrowhawk shoot out of the darkness again。 The arrowhawk whipped its tail forward; and Ryld; knowing what was ing; closed his eyes and lifted one arm…both hands on Splitter's pommel…to shield his sensitive eyes。
   There was a sizzle of electricity; the faint smell of ozone; and the none…too…faint stench of burned hair again。 The furred creature growled in agony; and Ryld opened his eyes。 Again; the arrowhawk was nowhere to be seen; likely whirling through the forest dodging tree trunks; circling back for another pass。
   〃Wait!〃 a woman's voice called。 Ryld thought at first that it was Halisstra。
   〃No; Feliane;〃 Halisstra called back。 〃It's all right。 Between Ryld and the…〃
   〃No!〃 the surface drow cut in。
   Ryld would have turned to watch Feliane approach; but the animal had decided to charge him again。 Not sure what Feliane was trying to stop; exactly; Ryld stepped in toward the big animal。 He saw the arrowhawk ing; though and slid to a stop in the snow。 The animal must have realized why the drow came to such a sudden halt; and when the arrowhawk came in low for another slash with its talons; the creature saw it as well。
   Jaws snapped over the arrowhawk。 There was a loud confusion of fluttering wings; screaming; growling; snapping; and popping…and the arrowhawk fell to the snow in two twitching; bleeding pieces。
   〃What's going on here?〃 Feliane called; her voice much closer。 〃What in the goddess's name are you doing?〃
   Its long; fang…lined jaws dripping with the arrowhawk's blood; the animal looked fiercer; more dangerous; and angrier than ever。 Ryld smiled; spun his massive enchanted greatsword in front of him; and ran at the thing head on。
   Behind him and off in the underbrush; Halisstra and Feliane were talking in urgent tones; but Ryld's trained senses put that aside。 They were allies; and the only opponent of note was the furious beast。 Whatever they were discussing; they could tell him about it later; after he had dispatched the vicious; cunning predator。
   The creature reared up again as Ryld came in; and the drow slipped Splitter in low in front of him; slicing a deep furrow in the beast's exposed underbelly。 Blood oozed from the wound; and quickly soaked the matted; dirty brown fur around it。 Ryld spun his greatsword back around and pointed it forward; held in both hands above his head; for a final impaling stab。
   The forest predator again proved it wouldn't go down easily。 Before Ryld could plunge Splitter home; the thing's huge; handlike claw wrapped around his right arm; digging into the space between his pauldron and vambrace to puncture the skin of his underarm。
   Ryld tucked his right arm down; pressing the claw against his armored side to keep the beast from tearing away his pauldron…and a good portion of skin and muscle with it。 That had the unfortunate effect of tipping the point of his greatsword up。 The animal pushed down; and its weig
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