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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第79章

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   Aliisza looked out over the Plain of Infinite Portals; the gateway to the Abyss; and sighed。 It had been a very long time since she'd been home; and at first it looked the same。 She watched the ship of chaos fall through a red sky she used to fly through as a girl; then crash on sand she once sculpted into monsters from faraway universes…monsters like solars; ki…rin; and humans。 It looked the same; but it wasn't…not quite。
   Perhaps she had spent too much time with the goddess…obsessed dark elves; but Aliisza was sure there was something different about the Abyss; as if a piece of it were missing。
   The feeling didn't make sense; and it confused the alu…fiend and made her unfortable; so she pushed it out of her mind。
   Aliisza forced herself to smile even though she didn't feel like smiling; as she followed the drow from a safe distance and invisible。
   The alu…fiend wasn't the only demonic creature that watched the drow just then。 Another looked on from a similar far vantage point; cloaked in invisibility and other defensive spells。 The creature seethed with hatred。
   Floating in the air high above the Plain of Infinite Portals; the glabrezu touched the ruined stump of its legs and growled; 〃Soon; drow。 Soon 。 。 。〃
   Halisstra ran a finger along the warm; glowing edge of the Crescent Blade and marveled at its beauty。 It was a magnificent weapon; and one she would never feel worthy of。 Ryld should have drawn that blade; not her。 Ryld would have known what to do with it。
   The Melarn priestess felt the absence of her lover in a physically painful way。 There was an emptiness in her chest that burned; that ached; that throbbed with uncertainty and longing; and a host of other emotions both alien and familiar。
   〃If you can't do it;〃 Feliane whispered to her; 〃you need to tell me now。 Now; before we go any farther。〃
   Halisstra looked up at Feliane and her eyesight blurred with tears。
   〃Tell me;〃 the Eilistraeen prodded。
   Halisstra wiped her eyes and said; 〃I can do it。〃
   The elf priestess stared at her; waiting for Halisstra to go on。
   Halisstra looked down at her tear…soaked hand with blurred vision。 Her eyes were hot; her throat so tight it was painful。 She hadn't done much crying in her life and had certainly never cried over the fate of a male; a soldier 。 。 。 anyone。
   I've changed; she thought。 I am changing。
   〃He didn't want me to;〃 Halisstra whispered。
   〃He wanted you to go back to the Underdark;〃 said Uluyara; 〃if not to Lolth。〃
   Halisstra looked up at the drow priestess。 Uluyara stood in the doorway; framed by the blinding twilight behind her。 She was dressed for battle; covered in tokens made of feathers; sticks; and shards of bone。 Halisstra nodded; and Uluyara stepped in。
   The drow priestess crossed to the bed that Halisstra had once shared with Ryld Argith and kneeled。 She took Halisstra's chin in one rough…fingered hand; holding her gently and forcing their eyes to meet。
   〃If they killed him;〃 Uluyara said; 〃it's but another reason to do what you've been doing; another reason to leave them behind at least and defeat them forever if possible。〃
   〃By killing Lolth?〃 asked Halisstra。
   〃Yes;〃 answered Feliane; who still stood leaning against the weed…covered wall; also dressed for battle and for a long journey。
   〃I need you to tell me something;〃 Halisstra asked; her eyes darting back and forth between the two women。 〃I need you to tell me that this is possible; I mean even remotely possible。〃
   Uluyara smiled and shrugged; but Feliane said; 〃It's possible。〃
   Both Halisstra and Uluyara looked over at her。
   〃Anything is possible;〃 Feliane explained; 〃with the right tools and with a goddess on your side。〃
   〃Eilistraee can't go where we're going;〃 Halisstra said; 〃not to the Demonweb Pits。〃
   〃No; she can't;〃 Uluyara agreed。 〃That's why she's sending us。〃
   〃If we die there;〃 Halisstra asked Uluyara; who dropped her hand from the priestess's chin; 〃what bees of us?〃
   〃We go to Eilistraee;〃 Uluyara replied。
   Halisstra could hear the certainty in the drow's reply and see it in her eyes。
   〃I don't know that for sure;〃 Halisstra said。
   〃So;〃 said Feliane; 〃what do you know for sure?〃
   Halisstra looked at her and the elf returned the gaze with almost perfect stillness。
   〃I know 。 。 。〃 Halisstra began even as she was thinking it through。 〃I know that Lolth abandoned me and was a cruel mistress who let our city; our way of life fall into ruin; perhaps simply to satisfy some whim。 I know that her temple on the sixty…sixth layer is sealed and there are no departed souls there。 I know that eternity is closed off to me; thanks to her。〃
   〃What has changed?〃 asked Feliane。
   Halisstra looked at Uluyara when she said; 〃Eilistraee。〃
   〃Eilistraee hasn't changed;〃 Uluyara whispered。
   〃No;〃 Halisstra agreed; 〃I have。〃
   Uluyara smiled; and so did Halisstra; then the Melarn priestess began to cry。
   〃I miss him;〃 she said through a sob。
   Uluyara put a hand on Halisstra's neck and drew her closer until their foreheads touched。
   〃Would you have been able to miss him;〃 asked Uluyara; 〃if you were still Halisstra Melarn; First Daughter of House Melarn of Ched Nasad; Priestess of Lolth? Would that ever have entered into your mind?〃
   〃No;〃 Halisstra replied without hesitation。
   〃Then Eilistraee has touched you;〃 said Uluyara。 〃Eilistraee has blessed you。〃
   Halisstra looked up at Feliane and asked; 〃Do you believe that too?〃
   Feliane looked at her for the span of a few heartbeats then said; 〃I do。 You wield the Crescent Blade; if for no other reason 。 。 。 but there are other reasons。 Yes; I think Eilistraee has blessed you; indeed; and blessed us all with your presence。〃
   Halisstra nodded then looked to Uluyara。 The other drow female nodded and hugged her。 The embrace was a quick one; sisterly; warm; and reassuring。
   〃Well;〃 Halisstra said when the embrace ended; 〃I think we should begin。 There's a long road ahead for us and the most frightening opponent of al
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