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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第71章

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ind the table; digging deep furrows into the roof beam above him。
   The men were grunting and coughing。 Ansen screamed。 Smoke billowed up from his hair; and the flesh around his right eye was crisping and beginning to flake away。
   〃Stop it;〃 Piet gasped。
   Neither the drow nor the demon even looked at him。
   〃Stop 。 。 。〃 he moaned and was about to drop his axe when the door burst open; and five men all but crawled over each other to get into the mon room。
   Piet knew them all: Nedreg; the tall man from Sembia who was one of two men in the camp who'd brought a sword with him。 Kem; the short guy from Cormyr who also had a sword and who hated Nedreg as much as Nedreg hated him。 Raula; the only woman in the camp; had a spear she said was magical but no one believed her。 Aynd; Raula's husband; had a spear that was so warped he didn't bother telling anyone it was anything but an old piece of Impilturan army garbage he'd found on the side of a road。
   The first of the five to get into the room was the foreman of the camp: a big man named Rab who claimed to have been a sergeant in the Cormyrean army; who was on the battlefield the day King Azoun was killed。 Everyone believed what Rab told them…whatever Rab told them…because everyone was afraid of him。 Piet never liked Rab; but seeing him burst into the blood…soaked tavern with his greataxe at the ready was the most beautiful thing Piet had ever seen。
   It was then; for no reason Piet could understand; that the dark elf finally attacked him。 The greatsword moved so fast Piet could barely see it。 Still; he managed to stagger back away from the blade。 He tried to parry with his axe; but the dark elf never touched it。 His greatsword whirled around it; flipped over it; pulled away from it。
   Piet had taken maybe ten steps before he even realized he was walking。 He was closer to the demon than he'd intended to go; but the monster was still pushing against the table behind which Ansen; Kinsky; and Lint were trapped。 Ansen was still screaming。 The tone of his voice had taken on a more desperate; almost girlish quality; and Piet found himself wishing the man would hurry up and die。 It was the only humane thing。
   The other two men looked as if they were trying to scream but couldn't。 The demon…thing glanced up at the men who'd burst into the room but who were hesitating at the door still trying to understand the grim scene。 The demon took advantage of their hesitation and pressed harder。 Piet could see the thing's legs tense and the sharp claws on its feet dig into the floor。 Kinsky's eyes popped out of his head; followed by a waterfall of blood。 Lint coughed out a mouthful of blood; gurgled; and died。 Kinsky tried to scream。 The room filled with a series of loud cracking noises; and he went limp。 Ansen finally stopped screaming; though he continued to burn。
   Rab and the others charged at the demon。 Piet wasn't even sure they noticed the dark elf。
   〃Why?〃 Piet asked the drow; who was watching the others charge the demon。 〃What are you doing here? Why are you doing this? What do you want?〃
   The dark elf turned to him and raised an eyebrow; looking down his nose at Piet…though the human was easily six inches taller。
   〃What do you want here?〃 Piet asked again。
   〃Nothing;〃 the drow said in strangely accented mon。
   Piet was aware of some motion below him…something that looked as if the dark elf had shrugged…then he felt something wet on his neck; warm liquid pouring down his chest。 Piet put a hand to his throat and his fingers met a pulsing jet of hot red blood shooting in a four…foot stream from his throat。 When he tried to speak; his lungs filled with blood; then his eyesight blurred。
   The dark elf turned away from him; and as he died; Piet knew that the drow would never give him a second thought。 He didn't live long enough to decide how he felt about that。
   Ryld didn't give the dead human a second thought。 Five more of them had e in; and though Jeggred had dispatched the first three humans he'd encountered with minimal effort; at least one of the newers looked like someone who could actually fight。 Ryld didn't entertain for a second the thought that Jeggred might not be able to handle the five humans…even the one with the greataxe…but the five of them together might slow the draegloth down a bit; and that would have to do。
   Ryld sheathed Splitter; and before the blade was entirely covered his feet were off the ground。 He intended to jump through the window and almost made it when someone grabbed his foot。 Ryld knew before he turned that it was Jeggred。
   The draegloth pulled hard on Ryld's foot; and the weapons master twisted in his grip and kicked Jeggred in the face。 The half…demon's head snapped back into one of the onrushing humans…one armed with a sword…who took the opportunity to slice at the back of the draegloth's head。 The sword tangled in Jeggred's still…wet mane of thick white hair。
   Two more of the humans came up on either side of the half…demon and jabbed their spearheads into Jeggred's back。 The spearheads sank into the draegloth's flesh; and Jeggred let out a loud growl。 He let go of Ryld; who landed on his feet; face to face with the draegloth。 The humans withdrew their spears; and Jeggred and Ryld shared a look that said Jeggred wanted the human male and female with spears。 The swordsman drew his weapon back to stab the draegloth from behind。
   Jeggred spun away; sending the two humans with spears scattering。 The human with the sword was left facing Ryld。
   〃The draegloth will kill you all;〃 Ryld said; reasonably certain he got the mon right。
   The human seemed more frightened that Ryld could speak his language than he was of the dark elf himself。 That was a mistake the man wouldn't make twice。
   〃Don't…〃 Ryld warned as the human pulled his sword up to hack down at the dark elf。
   With an impatient sigh; Ryld flicked his sword in a fast arc in front of him and took the human's sword arm。 The man staggered back; bulging eyes fixed on the blood pumping out of his stump。 He looked at Ryld; made eye contact with him for the space of a heartb
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