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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第67章

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aling him almost as fast as the assassin and the lich could wound him。
   A fraction of a heartbeat before Gromph could throw his ensorcelled daggers; Nimor appeared next to him again。 The rapier made a shrill whistling sound as it whipped through the air; drawing a frosted white line across Gromph's right side。 The pain was extraordinary; and Gromph's fingers twitched along with most of the other muscles of his body。 He almost dropped the two daggers but didn't。
   He's gone; said Prath。
   Gromph had expected that。
   I think it might be the ring; Nauzhror said。
   The ring? Gromph sent back。
   That allows him to slip from one place to another in an instant; Nauzhror explained。
   Gromph had expected to fight Dyrr alone and had expected to fight him spell to spell。 The archmage had to admit; at least to himself; that he was unprepared for hand…to…hand bat and that in that regard at least; Nimor was likely superior。
   He put those thoughts out of his mind when he heard Dyrr casting another spell。 He turned to look at the lich。
   Dyrr had a strange look in his eyes; as if something was going to happen; but he wasn't sure exactly what。 Gromph didn't like that look at all。
   He's summoning something; Nauzhror said。
   By the time the last syllable of Nauzhror's warning sounded in Gromph's head; the lich's spell had done its work。 Lurching out of thin air; a set of insectoid legs slammed down onto the rock floor of the Bazaar…then another set; and another and another and another。 The insect's head was wider than Gromph was tall; maybe even twice as wide。 On either side of its grotesque mouth was a curved; jagged…edged pincer。 Two bulbous; multifaceted eyes scanned the abandoned expanse of the marketplace as the rest of the huge beast drew itself out of the Weave。
   It was a centipede the size of a whole caravan of pack lizards; and behind it; Dyrr was laughing; and Nimor was flying at Gromph again。
   One at a time; the archmage told himself。
   He worked another spell on the pair of enchanted throwing daggers。 The centipede lurched at Gromph; but it was moving slowly; still unsure of its surroundings and the extent of the lich's control over it。 That gave Gromph time to finish the spell and throw the daggers。 He didn't bother to aim。 He tossed them in Nimor's general direction and let the spell do the rest。 The daggers whirled through the air; their paths twisting around each other in a perfect beeline for the winged assassin。
   With impressive agility; Nimor slipped sideways in the air in an attempt to avoid the daggers; but once set on their course; nothing so simple would deter them。 The assassin had to twist in the air again; swatting at the blades with his rapier。 The flash of steel…Nimor's thin blade and both daggers…became a whirling blur around the assassin。
   Well played; Master; Prath mented。 That should keep him occupied。
   Again ignoring his nephew; Gromph called on the levitating power of his staff to launch himself straight up in the air。 The centipede's hideous sideways jaws crashed together an inch below the soles of his boots; and it immediately drew back for a second lunging attack。 Gromph; hoping he was well above the monstrous insect; twisted and rolled in the air; his eyes taking in every detail of the Bazaar and the surrounding stalagmites as he went。
   The archmage stopped; hanging in the air between the confused centipede and the hovering lich。
   〃You don't like my new pet?〃 the lichdrow taunted。 〃All he wants is to give you a little kiss。〃
   〃I don't…〃 Gromph started; but the air was pushed from his chest once again when Dyrr; his staff held in front of him; used its power to thrust Gromph away。
   The archmage could feel the giant insect behind him; looming like a stalactite fortress。 Dyrr drew himself up higher in the air and the repulsion pushed Gromph down and away…directly into the centipede's greedy jaws。
   The right spell came to Gromph's mind in an instant; and he wasted some extra energy to cast it quickly。 The effect was one he'd felt hundreds of times; but he'd always hated it。 His body felt as if it were drawing itself thin。 He shivered despite himself and had to force himself to keep his eyes open when his vision blurred a little and the world around him became both distorted and somehow brighter; sharper。
   He was surrounded by the inside of the gigantic insect。 Muscles and rivers of green semiliquid that served it for blood; the odd line of sheets the thing seemed to be using as lungs; the husks of other too…big insects that it had recently eaten…then another thick layer of armorlike chitin; and he was through it。 He had passed through the centipede; his body more a part of the Ethereal than the Prime Material Plane。
   The centipede had no idea what was going on…how could it? Gromph knew the insect wouldn't have been able to feel him pass through it; but the tasty morsel of drow flesh it thought it was going to bite and swallow was somehow behind it。
   Gromph caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye and turned fast to see Nimor ing at him again。 The daggers were gone; and the assassin had a few new cuts; but he was no less deadly for the experience。
   The centipede turned; moving its massive body…one that must have weighed several hundred tons…in a shockingly quick and agile twist。 Gromph's ethereal body was still visible; though he appeared ghostly; oddly translucent。 The centipede didn't seem to see him。 Instead; its bulging eyes locked on Nimor。
   Nimor slipped sideways in the air again and; fast as the insect was; the assassin slipped past its jaws in time to save his own life。 The centipede would have bitten him cleanly in two。
   Gromph levitated up past the reach of the centipede as his body faded back into its solid form。
   〃Dyrr;〃 Nimor raged; 〃mind your pet; damn you。〃
   Gromph smiled at that; but Dyrr's response was to begin another incantation。 Nimor might have been angry at his undead ally; but they were far from turning on each other。 The archmage knew that Dyrr's spell would be directed at him。 Despite having spent a little
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