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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第65章

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   She saw it。 Only a flash; but there was the unmistakable look that had wrapped within it uncertainty; fear; embarrassment; and more。 Danifae was jealous in a very immature way that Halisstra was once again serving a deity who would answer the prayers of her faithful while Danifae still clung to the memory of a dead goddess。
   〃I have a choice?〃 Halisstra asked; slowly shaking her head。
   〃I can send you where you want to go;〃 Danifae repeated。 〃Tell me if you want to go back to your temple to organize the priestesses there; or…〃
   〃Organize?〃 Halisstra interrupted。
   Danifae was irritated; and Halisstra was momentarily taken aback by the reaction。
   〃Surely Eilistraee grants them spells still;〃 Danifae said。 〃They will be able to travel the planes without a ship of chaos。 Eilistraee should be able to take you right to them。〃
   Halisstra watched her former servant's face change again…saw that fear return。
   〃Or;〃 Danifae said; her voice deep and even; 〃you can go try to help your weapons master against the draegloth and die。〃
   Halisstra closed her eyes and thought; occasionally stopping to wonder at the fact that she was thinking about it at all。
   〃My heart;〃 Halisstra confided in Danifae; 〃wants me to go to Ryld; but my head tells me that my new sisters will want to know what you've told me and that they'll want to go to the Demonweb Pits。〃
   〃The time you have to gather them;〃 warned Danifae; 〃is drawing increasingly short。〃
   Halisstra clamped her mouth shut while her throat tightened。
   〃Choose;〃 Danifae pressed。
   〃The Velarswood;〃 Halisstra blurted out。 A tear glimmered in the faerie light and traced a path down her deep black cheek。 〃Take me to the priestesses。〃
   Danifae smiled; nodded; and pointed toward a purple…glowing gate。
   The two of them stared at each other while a few heartbeats went by。 Danifae's eyes darted back and forth between Halisstra's as if they were reading something written across her pupils。 Halisstra saw the hope in Danifae's eyes。
   〃How bad is it?〃 Halisstra asked; her voice almost a whisper。 〃What has she sunk to?〃
   〃She?〃 Danifae asked。 〃Quenthel?〃
   Halisstra nodded。
   〃She can go lower;〃 the former battle…captive said。
   〃e with me;〃 Halisstra said。
   Danifae stood silently for a long time before she said; 〃You know I can't。 They won't leave without Jeggred; and I have to bring him back。〃
   Halisstra nodded and said; 〃After he's murdered Ryld。〃
   Danifae nodded and looked at the floor。
   〃We'll see each other again; Danifae;〃 Halisstra said。 〃Of that I'm certain。〃
   〃As am I; Mistress;〃 Danifae replied。 〃We will meet again in the shadow of the Spider Queen。〃
   〃Eilistraee will be watching us both all the way;〃 Halisstra said as she crossed to the waking portal。 〃She will be watching us both。〃
   Danifae nodded; and Halisstra stepped into the gate; abandoning Ryld to the draegloth; Danifae to the Mistress of Arach…Tinilith; and herself to the priestesses of the Velarswood。
   〃You seem as surprised as I am;〃 Gromph said to the lichdrow; 〃that your friend Nimor has sprouted wings。〃
   Dyrr didn't answer; but his ember…red eyes drifted slowly to the winged assassin。
   〃Duergar;〃 Gromph went on; 〃a cambion and his tanarukks; and a drow assassin。 Oh; but the drow assassin isn't even a drow。 You've allied yourself with everything but another dark elf。 Well; you haven't been a dark elf yourself for a very long time either; have you; Dyrr?〃
   If the lich was offended or affected in any way; he didn't show it。
   〃He could be allied with a drow; though;〃 Nimor said。 〃We both could。〃
   〃You actually think I'm going to join you?〃 Gromph asked。
   〃No;〃 Nimor answered; 〃of course not; but I have to ask。〃
   〃If I do;〃 Gromph persisted; 〃will you kill the lich?〃
   Dyrr raised an eyebrow; obviously interested to hear Nimor's answer。
   〃To have the Archmage of Menzoberranzan himself turn on his own city;〃 Nimor said; 〃betray his own House; and overthrow the matriarchy with a wave of his hand? Would I kill the lichdrow? Certainly。 I would kill him without the slightest moment's hesitation。〃
   That brought a smile to Dyrr's face; and Gromph couldn't help but share it。
   Nimor looked at the lichdrow; bowed; and said; 〃I would try; at least。〃
   The lich returned the bow。
   〃You're not going to do any of those things; are you?〃 Nimor asked Gromph。 〃You won't turn your back on Menzoberranzan; House Baenre; the matriarchy; or even Lolth; who has turned her back on you。〃
   〃That's all?〃 Gromph asked。 〃That's all you plan to say to try to turn me? Ask a question then answer it yourself? Why are you here?〃
   〃Don't answer that; Nimor;〃 the lichdrow manded; his tone as imperious as ever。 〃He's drawing tales out of you。 He wants time to try to get away or to plan his attack。〃
   〃Or;〃 Gromph cut in; 〃he may simply be curious。 I know why my old friend Dyrr wants to kill me; and I can guess at the motivations of the duergar; the tanarukks; the illithids; and whatever else crawls out of the crevices and slime pools of the Dark Dominion; drawn to the stench of weakness。 You; though; Nimor; are half drow and half dragon; aren't you? Why you? Why here? Why me?〃
   〃Why you?〃 Dyrr said; his voice dripping with scorn。 〃You have power; you simpleton。 You have position。 That makes you a target on a good day…and this isn't a good day for Menzoberranzan。〃
   Gromph ignored the lich and said to Nimor; 〃My sister said the assassin she captured named you as an agent of the Jaezred Chaulssin。〃
   Nimor nodded and said; 〃I am the Anointed Blade。〃
   Gromph didn't know what that meant but gave no indication of that to Nimor or Dyrr。
   〃Ghost stories e true;〃 Gromph said。
   〃Our reputation precedes us;〃 replied Nimor。
   〃Chaulssin has been in ruin for a long time;〃 said Gromph。
   〃Her assassins survive;〃 Dyrr said。
   His dragon half; Nauzhror said into Gromph's mind; has been identified; Archmage。 He is half…drow; half…shadow dragon。 More than one generation; perhaps。 An
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