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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第62章

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s sword…to meet him。
   Jeggred hit him hard enough to drive the air from Ryld's lungs and push his greatsword into him so hard it sliced into the side of his face; nearly cutting the weapons master's ear off。 Ryld felt his feet leave the ground; his body pletely at the mercy of the draegloth's inertia。 They went through a window; glass shattering into millions of tiny knives that cut them both in a hundred places。 Ryld could only close his eyes and grunt when he hit a wood floor so hard with the heavy draegloth on top of him that at least one of his ribs snapped like a twig。
   The draegloth rolled; and Ryld pushed him off。 Before he knew what was happening; they were both sitting on the floor of some kind of ramshackle tavern surrounded by a dozen very surprised humans。
   Let it in; Aliisza whispered into Pharaun's mind; but not too far。
   Pharaun sat on the deck; his tegs crossed; his eyes closed; and his palms pressed down against the pulsating surface of the living vessel。 He tried to sort out the sensations that were ing at him。 Some were physical; some were emotional; and some came in forms Pharaun had never imagined。 He could smell something like algae cakes being grilled over an open fire。 Flashes of light pulsed behind his eyelids and left trails and tendrils in their wake。 The sound of the ship's pulse hummed in his ears。 He grimaced when a horrid taste like rotting fish rolled across his tongue。 That all happened at once then changed。
   You will use your body to steer it; Aliisza continued; as much as your mind。
   Pharaun could feel that she was right。 A wave of hopelessness came from nowhere and made his flesh crawl。 Almost at the same time he was charged with adrenaline and felt as if he could lift the ship physically over his head and throw it across the endless Astral and into the Abyss that way。
   Like that; Aliisza whispered。 Yes 。 。 。
   It wasn't wind or water that powered the ship of chaos but desire; entropy; malice; and confusion…those things and others like them。
   You will have to gather the will to move; Aliisza went on; which should be easy enough for you。 Learn how to channel it through the ship and into the planar medium around you。 There's no way to learn how to do that。 You simply have to give yourself over to it; while keeping it at bay at the same time。 Do you understand?
   Pharaun nodded; not wanting to speak。
   Something entered his skin at the wrist…a thin tendril like a length of string。 The Master of Sorcere could feel it slip into a vein; tapping his blood。 He tried to jerk his hand away; but his fingers were stuck to the deck。
   Don't panic; Aliisza sent。 It won't take enough of your blood to weaken you; but it must have some or the connection will fail。
   You're asking me to trust it? Pharaun asked her。 To trust this construct of demonic chaos?
   He felt her touch his cheek; her fingers warm and dry; but he couldn't see her。 She remained invisible; insisting that he not reveal her presence to the others。 Pharaun was content to keep her a secret。
   Another wave of conflicting emotions rolled through him; and he rode it out。
   The ship will feel what you feel; Aliisza told him; even as you feel what it feels。 It will follow your mands now。 When you're ready; will it into the Shadow Fringe and on from there。
   Will it? asked the mage。
   The same way you would lift your arm or open your eyes; she answered。
   That easy?
   The alu…fiend laughed and said; There are three sentient creatures out of a thousand that can do what you have done; my dear。 Bonding with a ship of chaos is a dangerous proposition。
   How so?
   If it hadn't accepted you; it would have killed you; she replied; and in a very ugly; mean way。
   Pharaun sighed; interested but not surprised。
   You would have let it kill me? he asked。
   Aliisza thought about it for a long time then said; You have to do this; one way or the other。 I had faith in you。
   Pharaun caught the sarcasm in her tone and cracked a smile。 She was an alu…fiend and by all rights on opposing sides of a bloody; ever…unfolding war。 Why would she care if the ship of chaos killed him or drove him mad?
   The tendrils slipped out of his wrists; and his palms came free of the deck。
   Navigating the ship will require your full attention; Aliisza advised; but if you're adrift or on a predetermined course; you will still be able to speak with your rades and even cast spells。
   Convenient; the mage remarked。
   The ship of chaos was a war ship; Pharaun; she replied。 It was created to fight; and the tanar'ri who built it had no interest in having the most powerful spellcaster among them bound to the deck; helpless and mute。 The ship will require a lot of you but not everything。 Don't give it any more than it needs。
   Cryptic; the mage shot back。 I like that。
   〃Are you all right?〃 a voice asked; and Pharaun thought at first that it was Aliisza。
   You know perfectly well; he thought to her; that if I wasn't well I would simply…〃
   He realized that it wasn't Aliisza who'd spoken but Quenthel。
   〃Master Mizzrym。 。 。 。〃 the high priestess said。
   Pharaun opened his eyes but had to blink several times before he could see clearly。 The Mistress of Arach…Tinilith was standing over him; arms folded across her chest; her eyes stern and cold but distracted。
   〃I am well; thank you; Mistress;〃 Pharaun replied。 〃I have reason to believe that I am fully in mand of the vessel and that it is suitably powered。〃
   He looked around at the others; who were standing behind Quenthel; also looking down at him。 All he saw were Valas and Danifae。
   〃When the draegloth returns;〃 Pharaun finished; 〃we can be on our way。〃
   〃We won't be waiting for Jeggred;〃 Quenthel answered; eliciting a sharp look from Danifae and a lift of one eyebrow from the mercenary scout。
   〃Mistress…〃 Danifae began; but Quenthel held up a hand to silence her。
   〃Anyone who breaks off from this expedition;〃 Quenthel said; 〃without my permission will be considered to have deserted it。〃
   〃Surely that wasn't the 
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