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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第61章

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 thigh。 The vines were still ing at him one after another; and Ryld had no way of knowing how many there were or if; let alone when; they might finally give up or he might kill the last of them。 That and the possibility that the draegloth might e at him again made up the weapons master's mind。
   Ryld looked around; flicking his greatsword to his right to slice a vine then in front of him to cut through another; letting the movement of the vines in his peripheral vision chose his targets for him while he scanned for an escape route。
   To his right…he had lost all sense of direction a long time before so had no idea if he was facing north; south; east; or west…the water gave way to slightly more solid if not entirely dry land。 Larger trees with long; whiplike branches made a forest of thin lines。 Behind those hanging branches; Ryld saw a scattering of orange lights that must have been torches burning in the distance。
   He knew there might be any number of sentient creatures that could have lit those torches; and surely none of them were drow。 Still; he might be able to use any sort of habitation to his advantage。 If Jeggred chased him there; and it was a human town; an orc town; or an elf town; they might not like dark elves; but they'd be terrified by the draegloth。 That could buy Ryld time; if not allies。
   Another vine managed to get around his ankle and tug。 Ryld went down to one knee; his face almost falling under the slimy water before he managed to slice the vine off him。 He left a cut in his boot that let in the water; and he shivered。 Free of the vine; the weapons master ran。 He didn't bother trying to be quiet but splashed headlong through the knee…deep water。 Behind him; Jeggred surfaced again; tore at the vines still covering his midsection; roared; took a deep breath; and went back down。
   Ryld stepped onto dry ground and hopped in an unseemly fashion as a set of vines worried at his heels。 The ground was slippery and muddy; covered in patches with slick moss; but Ryld continued running; working past the occasional loss of footing。 From behind him came the draegloth's peculiar growl and a flurry of splashes。 As Ryld ran through the stinging; whiplike branches; dodging between the close…set trees while barely managing to keep on his feet; he could hear the half…demon panting; tearing; and growling behind him。 Jeggred had surfaced again and was fighting his way free of the vines。
   The weapons master ran on; and soon the sounds of the struggling draegloth were joined by the faint echo of voices ahead。 He came out of the forest of whiplike branches; still at an all…out run。 The clearing was wide and relatively dry。 A collection of stumps replaced the trees; and Ryld jumped up onto one of them then hopped to another and another; making his way toward the settlement。 The stumps provided more even footing and were less slippery than the muddy; mossy ground。
   The torches burned from long poles stuck into the ground in a circle around a collection of a dozen small shacks and tattered tents。 Even Ryld; who knew little of the World Above; could tell that the settlement was a temporary one and not an established village。 The voices he heard echoing from one of the more permanent…looking buildings sounded human。 The weapons master could pick out the occasional word in the human's mon trade language。 He'd learned the language at Melee…Magthere but had few opportunities to use it; and many words were still unfamiliar to him。
   Off to one side of the settlement was a huge pile of trees; cut down; stripped of their branches; and stacked carefully in a pyramid almost ten feet tall。 In Menzoberranzan it would have been a king's ransom in wood。
   Ryld made his way one stump at a time toward the bigger building but paused briefly to sheathe Splitter…and he was hit hard from behind。 He fell forward off the stump; the greatsword still in his right hand; and pain blazed from his back。 He fell onto a stump; pushed off; rolled forward; and saw the dark shape of Jeggred scrambling up behind him。 The weapons master kicked out hard with both feet and smashed the draegloth between his legs。 Jeggred grunted and backed off; long enough for Ryld to get to his feet。
   Splitter in both hands; Ryld sent a feint at the draegloth's mid…section。 Jeggred fell for it; spinning to the side。 The weapons master hopped back up onto one of the stumps and jumped backward again from stump to stump。 The soaking…wet draegloth was covered in slime; sap; and blood。 His crimson eyes blazed in the darkness; and steam poured from his mouth and nostrils。
   Ryld tried to think of something to say; perhaps to taunt the draegloth; but his mind was a blank。 Pharaun would have had a thousand irritating quips on the tip of his tongue; enough to drive his opponent to distraction; but Ryld could only keep his mouth closed and his mind on the fight。 The two of them had gone well beyond conversation anyway。
   The Master of Melee…Magthere knew that the building was behind him。 He could see the orange firelight from the windows growing brighter and could hear the voices growing louder。 There didn't seem to be any change in the tone of the random bits of conversation that drifted out the window。 No alarm had been raised。
   Jeggred clawed at him with one of his larger hands; and Ryld stepped in to cut his arm but found out the hard way that the attack was a feint。 The claws of the draegloth's remaining smaller hand ripped across Ryld's face。 The weapons master stepped back; and there were suddenly no more stumps behind him。 He slipped on the muddy ground and at the same time slashed across his opponent's midsection。 The tip of his greatsword traced a line of red across Jeggred's thigh; and the draegloth drew away long enough to allow Ryld to get his footing and jump three long paces backward。
   Orange firelight lit the battle…ravaged draegloth and glittered off his massive; daggerlike teeth。 With a fang…lined sneer; the draegloth launched himself at Ryld。 All the weapons master could do was bring up his hands…and his sword…to meet him。
   Jeggred hit him hard enough to drive the air from Ryld's lungs and push 
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