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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第6章

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   He turned to scan the darkness for the source of some random twittering…something he'd been told was a 〃night bird〃…and instead he caught Halisstra's eye。 She knew what he was doing…startling at every sound…and she smiled at him in a way that only days before Ryld would have taken as a sign that she'd identified a weakness in him; one that she'd surely exploit later。 The twinkle in her crimson eyes seemed to imply the opposite。
   Halisstra Melarn had confused Ryld from the beginning of their acquaintance。 The First Daughter of a noble House from Ched Nasad; at first she had been every inch the haughty; self…possessed priestess she'd been raised to be; but as her goddess turned her back on her; her House fell; then her city crumbled around it; Halisstra had changed。 Ryld abandoned his long…time ally Pharaun and the rest of the Menzoberranyr to go with her; and he didn't regret that; but he wasn't sure he could turn his back forever on the Underdark the way she so obviously had。 Ryld still had a home in Menzoberranzan…at least he assumed he did; absent any news from the city that was already feeling the effects of Lolth's Silence when they'd left。 When he thought about it; he felt certain that someday he would return there。 When he looked at Halisstra he saw a dark elf like him but also unlike him。 He knew that she would never be able to go back; even if she had a House to go back to。 She was different; and Ryld knew that eventually he would have to change too or go home without her。
   〃Are you all right?〃 she asked him; her voice a wele respite from the cacophony of the forest。
   He met her eyes but wasn't sure how to answer。 Thanks to the Eilistraeen priestesses Uluyara and Feliane; he was not only alive but unwounded。 The poison that had nearly claimed him had been pulled from his blood by their magic; and his wounds and Halisstra's had been healed; leaving not even scars to mark their passage。 The alien goddess of the surface drow had granted him his life; and Ryld was still waiting for her or her followers to present a bill。
   〃Ryld?〃 Halisstra prompted。
   He stopped; turned his head; and when he heard Halisstra inhale to speak again; he held up a warning hand to silence her。
   Something was moving; and it was close。 It was on the ground; and it was moving toward them。 He knew that Feliane had gone ahead of them…the Eilistraeeans were always sensitive about giving the two newers time alone…but she was farther away and in a different direction。
   Behind you; he signaled to Halisstra; and to the left。
   Halisstra nodded; and her right hand moved to the enchanted blade at her hip。 Ryld watched her turn; slowly; and as he drew his own mighty greatsword from his back; he took the briefest moment to admire the curve of Halisstra's hip; her mail glittering in the starlight against the dark background of the forest。 Her feet whispered in the snow; and Ryld tracked the sounds。 Whatever it was wasn't moving in a very deliberate way; and it sounded as if there was more than one; though the lack of echoes still made it hard for him to be sure。 He didn't detect any change in the way it was moving when either of them drew their swords; so Ryld thought it unlikely the trespasser had heard them。
   A spindly plant devoid of green…the Eilistraeeans had called one like it a 〃bush〃…quivered; but not from the wind。 Halisstra stepped back and held the Crescent Blade in the guard position in front of her。 She had her back to him; so Ryld couldn't municate with her in sign language。 He wanted to tell her to step back farther; to let him take care of whatever it was; but he didn't want to speak。
   When the thing rolled out from behind the bush; Halisstra hopped back three fast steps; keeping her sword at the ready。 Ryld rushed at the bundle of bristly brown fur assuming Halisstra would clear the rest of the space for him。 When she didn't he was forced to stop; and it looked up at him。 The closest thing to the creature Ryld had ever seen was a rothe; but it was no rothe。 The creature was small; the size and weight of Ryld's torso; and its wide eyes were wet and innocent; weak and…
   〃Young;〃 Halisstra whispered; as if she was finishing his thought。
   Ryld didn't let down his guard; though the beast sat calmly on the ground; looking at him。
   〃It's a baby;〃 Halisstra said; and slipped the Crescent Blade back into her scabbard。
   〃What is it?〃 Ryld asked; still not ready to let down his guard; much less sheathe his sword。
   〃I have no idea;〃 Halisstra answered; but still she crouched in front of it。
   〃Halisstra;〃 Ryld hissed; 〃for Lolth's…〃
   He stopped himself before he finished that thought。 It was another habit he would have to change or take home with him。
   〃It's not going to eat us; Ryld;〃 she whispered; looking the little creature in the eyes。
   Its nose twitched at her; and its eyes held hers。 It seemed curious; with a face vaguely elflike; but its gaze betrayed an animal's intelligence and no more。
   〃What are you going to do with it?〃 he asked。
   Halisstra shrugged。
   Before Ryld could say anything else; two more of the little animals wandered out of the bushes to regard their rade and the two dark elves with a meek curiosity。
   〃Feliane will know what to do with them;〃 Halisstra said; 〃or at least be able to tell us what they are。〃
   It was Ryld's turn to shrug。 One of the creatures was licking itself; and even Ryld wasn't wrapped so tight that he could still see them as a threat。 Halisstra sent out a call the Eilistraeeans had taught them…the sound of some bird…and Ryld slipped his greatsword back into its scabbard。
   Feliane would hear the call and e to them。 Ryld cringed when he realized that when she got there and saw the two of them dumb…rounded by what looked like harmless prey animals 。 。 。 they would both look foolish again。 At least; Ryld would。
   Feliane came stomping through the underbrush。 Ryld was surprised by not only how fast the Eilistraeen was moving but by how loud she was。 He'd e to respect their ability to slip through the forest un…
   He realized at that moment that 
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