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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第52章

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 air。 Danifae nodded and began to ease her way across the deck。
   It took them both several minutes to maneuver themselves behind the sail without making it obvious they were hiding。
   When they were safely out of sight; Jeggred signed; Where are we going; Mistress?
   Danifae smiled and replied; Hunting。
   The draegloth's lips twisted into a fierce smile。 The half…demon looked hungry。
   Danifae stepped closer to him。 She could see him stiffen; stand straight…almost at attention。 The former battle…captive stepped closer still and wrapped one arm around the half…demon's huge waist。 Jeggred's gray fur was warm to the touch and a little bit oily。 He was surprisingly soft。
   Danifae concentrated on the ring she'd taken from Zinnirit; and in the blink of an eye they were in Sschindylryn。
   Jeggred took a deep breath and looked around at the dark interior of the gatehouse。
   〃Where are we?〃 he asked。
   Danifae took his hand and led him to one of the gates。 Not answering his question; she busied herself with the gate itself; activating it first; then tuning the location to the agreed…on meeting place。 The portal blazed to life in an almost blinding torrent of violet light。 Still holding Jeggred's hand; she stepped through。 The draegloth didn't hesitate to follow; and they stepped out into a dimly lit ruin。
   Even if Danifae didn't know exactly where they were she would have known they were on the World Above。 The lighting was strange; a different color than anything found in the Underdark。 The walls were made of mud bricks…very old; crumbling。 Vines and moss grew in the cracks between the bricks; twisting in and out of every crevice; crawling up every wall; and matting the floor; eating away at the structure the way plants did on the World Above。
   〃It smells strange here;〃 Jeggred grumbled。 〃What is this place?〃
   Danifae looked around to get her bearings。 The dull gray light seeped in through dozens if not hundreds of cracks and holes in the decaying walls。 On one side of the room a set of uneven steps led up to a floor above。 On the other side was a similar staircase leading down。 Danifae started up the stairs to the higher room; and Jeggred followed her。
   〃This was once a temple to the orcs' foul; grunting pig…god;〃 she explained。 〃Now it's just another piece of rotting garbage being eaten away by the World Above。 A suitable place to do what we've e here to do; don't you think?〃
   〃What have we e here to do?〃 asked the draegloth。
   Danifae; disappointed but not surprised that the subtlety was lost on the draegloth; replied; 〃The traitors are ing。〃
   They came out into a more brightly lit room; and both of them had to shade their eyes with their hands。 Danifae moved to a wide crack in the ancient wall and looked out onto the World Above。 The sun had set; but the light was still difficult to take。 In time; though; her eyes began to adjust。 Half a dozen yards below her was what surface dwellers called a swamp。 It was a place where water covered the ground…in most places at least…but it wasn't a proper lake。 The whole area around the temple was choked with alien vegetation。 The sounds of the myriad creatures of the World Above were almost deafening。 The swamp crawled with life。 Beyond the edge of the swamp; miles to the west; was a wide expanse of water: the end of a long river。
   Danifae let out a slow breath through her nose and heard the draegloth scuffle on the loose rocks behind her。
   〃I hate this;〃 she whispered。
   〃What?〃 Jeggred asked。
   〃The surface。〃
   Danifae scanned the ground below the ruined temple。 Finally she drew from a pouch one of the rings she'd taken from Zinnirit and turned it over in her fingers。 The fading light played against its polished surface and picked out a scattering of ruby chips。
   Pressing the ring into one of the draegloth's four hands she said; 〃Use this ring to return at will to the ship of chaos。〃
   Jeggred nodded; slipped the ring on; and stood patiently behind her; listening attentively as she explained the proper use of the ring's magic。 Confident that the draegloth understood; Danifae let the minutes drag on…and finally she saw them。
   〃There they are;〃 she said。
   The draegloth moved closer behind her; and she suppressed a gag when his breath rolled over her。 She waited while he searched for them; and when he finally saw them he growled low in his throat。
   〃They're together;〃 he said。
   〃They lied;〃 said Danifae。 〃She didn't go to Menzoberranzan。 She went to the Velarswood…a forest where there's a temple to 。。。〃 She feigned difficulty in articulating the word。 〃Eilistraee。〃
   Jeggred growled again and said; 〃And the weapons master?〃
   〃He's made a choice;〃 she replied。
   Jeggred began to growl with every exhale。 He was ready to kill。 Danifae could smell it on him。
   〃Take the male;〃 she whispered to the draegloth。 〃Just him for now。〃
   She pushed Jeggred back away from the crack but held him so he wouldn't leave。 Stepping up onto the bottom of the wound in the wall; Danifae drew herself up into the dimming light。 She waved a hand over her head to attract her former mistress's attention。
   It took an infuriatingly long time; but eventually Halisstra stopped at the edge of the swamp and pointed up at Danifae。 Ryld looked up as well; and Halisstra waved in answer。
   Danifae made exaggerated; wide gestures; an unsubtle form of the drow sign language; sending the message: Only you。
   Halisstra turned to Ryld; and they conversed。 Even from so far away Danifae could tell that Ryld was reluctant to let her go alone。 The weapons master might have been a traitor to his city; his goddess; and his race; but he was no fool。 Still; Halisstra managed to convince him…or mand him…to stay behind。 He stood with his arms crossed as Halisstra stepped gingerly into the swamp。
   Danifae stepped down from the crack in the wall and took the draegloth by the shoulders。
   Doing her best to withstand the half…demon's foul breath; she said; 〃Go。 Don't let her see you。〃
   The draegloth smiled; and a thick; ropy strand of drool drop
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