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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第5章

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   A rat's primitive consciousness intruded on his own; and Raashub sent only the tiniest hint of a glance its way。 He'd been calling them; subtly; for two days…ever since the drow had first e aboard。 The rodents swam the surface of the Lake of Shadows; and they inhabited the spaces between decks and under steps on the ship of chaos the same way rats everywhere swam; hid; and survived。 Raashub; an uridezu; was as much rat as anything else a mundane prime could understand; and he knew the rats of the Underdark as he knew rats in every corner of the endless planes。
   The rodent responded to Raashub's glance with a silent twitch of its whiskers; a gesture the uridezu felt more than saw。 It scurried behind the thick base of the main mast and crept cautiously toward the draegloth。
   They called the half…breed Jeggred。 As draegloths went he was an average specimen。 If Raashub were stupid enough to engage him; the draegloth would win a one…on…one fight; but the uridezu would never be that stupid。 He would never be as stupid as the draegloth。
   The rat didn't want to bite the half…demon; and Raashub had to silently insist。 It was a gamble; but the uridezu didn't mind the odd risk for the odder reward。 His psychic urging drew the attention of one of the female drow again; though; and the uridezu backed off; looking away before they made eye contact。 All of the drow deferred; if grudgingly; to the female named Quenthel; who was apparently some high priestess of the drow spider…bitch Lolth。 That one was as conceited and as unworthy of that conceit as the rest of them; but she was sensitive。 Raashub worried that she could actually hear him when he didn't want her to。
   Darting in fast; the rat nipped at the draegloth's ankle。 The half…demon swatted it away with a grunt; and the tiny rodent flew through the air; out into the darkness。 The splash was almost too far away to hear。 The draegloth; whose skin was unmarred by the puny creature's teeth; locked his eyes on Raashub's and glared at him。
   The draegloth had been doing little the past two days but glare at him。
   Annoying little vermin; Raashub sent into the draegloth's mind; aren't they; Jeggred?
   The draegloth blew a short; vile…smelling breath out of his nostrils and his lips peeled slowly back to reveal fangs…rows of dagger blades as sharp as razors and as piercing as needles。 The half…demon hissed his anger; and boiling spittle sizzled on his lips。
   Pretty; Raashub taunted。
   The draegloth's eyes narrowed in confusion。 Raashub allowed himself to laugh。
   The high priestess turned and looked at them both。 Again; Raashub avoided eye contact。 He moved his foot enough to let the chain that bound him rattle against the single dragon bone that prised most of the deck of his ship。 Above him; the tattered sails of human skin hung limp in the still air。 The demon heard Jeggred turn。 Raashub liked the game…they were both caught by a sternly disapproving mother in their boyish mischief。
   Quenthel looked away; and Jeggred locked his eyes on Raashub again。 The uridezu didn't bother taunting him anymore that day。 It was being boring。 Instead; the demon contented himself with standing quietly; occasionally nudging the ship a little closer to the deeper gloom along the cavern wall。
   Patience was not normally a quality enjoyed by his kind; but Raashub had been trapped in the Lake of Shadows for a long time。 The appearance of the drow had been something of a godsend…though by the tone of their conversations and the snippets of facts regarding their mission the drow had let slip; Raashub knew it was hardly a god or goddess who'd sent them。 They had managed to release his ship and release him。 If he was anything but an uridezu; a demon born in the whirling chaos of Mother Abyss; he might have been 。 。 。 ah; what was the word? Grateful? Instead; he was patient; a little patient for a little longer。
   Soon the drow would slip into their Reverie; their meditative trance so like sleep; and the high priestess would look inward。 When that time came and she couldn't sense what he was doing; Raashub would bring another of his kind across the limitless infinity between planes。 He had already called one of them the day before。 The drow; over…confident in their measure of control over him; hadn't sensed him calling; failed to notice his cousin Jaershed cross from the Abyss; and still didn't realize that the other uridezu was even then clinging to the keel; wrapped in conjured darkness; waiting。
   Jaershed hadn't learned patience the way Raashub had; and the lust for blood and chaos sometimes came out of him in waves。 When it did the damnable high priestess would look around as if she'd heard something; as if she thought she were being watched。 Raashub would silently wail; then; adding his mental voice to the anguished moans of the parade of manes they brought in and led into the hold one by one。 Quenthel would be curious; disturbed even; but she would ultimately believe。
   The dark elves had bested Raashub after all。 Their powerful mage had trapped him on that miserable plane; chained him to his own deck; cowed him; enslaved him 。 。 。 and none of them could imagine that as true as that was; nothing…not in the Abyss; the Underdark; the Lake of Shadows; or aboard a ship of bone and chaos…lasted forever。
   Raashub closed his eyes; suppressed his anticipation; and smiled。
   Ryld Argith peered into the darkness of the Velarswood night and sighed。 In the places where the trees were tall enough and close enough together to block out the star…spattered sky; it almost felt fortable for him; but those times were few and far between in what the weapons master had e to learn was a relatively small forest。 The sounds didn't help…whistles and rustling all the time from every direction; often not echoing at all。 His hearing; sensitized by decades of training at Melee…Magthere; was tuned to the peculiarities of the Underdark; but in the World Above; it was making him a nervous wreck。 The forest seemed always alive with enemies。
   He turned to scan the darkness for the source of some random twittering…something he'd been tol
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