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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第47章

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   〃You al…〃 Gromph started again; but the words were pinched off when his throat clamped shut。
   Tears welled up in the archmage's eyes; and a wave of overwhelming despair passed through him; leaving his skin clammy; and his head spinning。
   It's an enchantment; Grendan told him。
   He was going to die。 Gromph knew that with absolute certainty; but what was worse; Menzoberranzan would die soon after him。 Everything he'd built over a life spent in the corridors of power had e to nothing。 Menzoberranzan was eating itself alive。 Everything Gromph had considered a strength…in himself; and in his race…had proven a weakness。
   A pulsion; added Prath。
   The hate and mistrust; the vendettas and animosities; had finally e home to roost。 The once great City of Spiders had been reduced to a besieged; ragged; self…destructing ruin of its former glory…glory that was proving with every dead drow to have been a lie all along。
   Fight it; Archmage; Nauzhror urged。
   Lolth was dead; and Gromph would be dead soon too。 Lolth was dead; and so was House Baenre。 So was Sorcere。 So was Menzoberranzan。 It had all e to nothing; as he himself had e to nothing。
   Archmage 。 。 。 Nauzhror prodded。
   Gromph's body shuddered through an alien sensation: a sob。 He wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand and tried to blink away the tears; but more came。 Through the tears he saw that Dyrr had moved and was floating above him。
   〃That's it; young Baenre;〃 the lichdrow said。 〃Lament。 Cry for fallen Menzoberranzan。 Cry for House Baenre。〃
   Cry? Gromph thought。 Am I crying?
   〃Slow;〃 Dyrr said; his voice like a gentle caress against Gromph's pain…ravaged brow。 〃Stop; young mage。〃
   No; a voice in Gromph's mind all but shouted。
   Gromph hadn't realized he was moving…levitating slowly 〃down〃 toward the ceiling; moving away from the blinding light pouring from Dyrr's gate。 The archmage slowed his descent and came to a stop; hanging only a few yards from the jagged stalactites that hung from the ceiling like fangs ready to puncture the neck of Menzoberranzan the Mighty; ready to punish them all for their weakness。
   〃There 。 。 。〃 the lichdrow murmured; his voice sending a quivering chill down Gromph's spine。 〃There 。 。 。〃
   The lich was holding something。
   How did he get so close?
   Archmage; the voice in his head asked; shall I e help you?
   No; he thought back at the voice。
   Gromph tried to flinch away; but the lichdrow touched him with a long; thin wand of gem…inlaid silver。 The touch of it sent a wave of blinding agony ripping through the archmage's body。 Every muscle tensed; joints popped; and the wizard clenched his teeth against the pain。 His eyes watered more; and Gromph could feel tears streaming down his tingling black cheeks。
   He turned away from the lich; rolling in the air; and faced down toward the gate。 His eyes closed against the light; but he blinked them open and saw the briefest flash of a silhouette: Dyrr in shadow against the sunlight。 The lichdrow was below him but had been above him。 Gromph wasn't sure at that instant what he was seeing。 Dyrr had fooled him; or he was disoriented 。。。 or he was dying。
   Am I dying? Gromph thought。
   〃Am I?〃 he said aloud then clamped a hand over his face; closing his eyes and mouth。
   No; Archmage; said the voice in his head。 You are under the effect of a powerful enchantment。
   In that moment; Gromph lost all memory of any plan; of any determination; of any purpose for the ruin of a life he'd been cursed with。 He wanted to get away。 He needed to run; but he was still the Archmage of Menzoberranzan; so he cast a spell that would get him away a little faster; a little farther。 With a few words and gestures he'd repeated so many times that even in his confused; despairing state of mind he managed to get right; Gromph brought forth the magic to open a doorway through the dimensions…a break in space and time。
   Gromph levitated toward it; but something hit him and hit him hard。 It was Dyrr。 The lichdrow had put away his wand。 The slim magical weapon caused physical damage and pain; but it didn't cause an impact…not like that。 The air was forced from Gromph's lungs again; and he found himself pinwheeling through the air。
   The light from the gate grew brighter and brighter; and Gromph was only dimly aware that he was moving toward it。 The pain was everywhere; still burning from the wand and joined by whatever it was that had hit him to send him falling toward the light。 The pain turned to numbness in spots then was gone; and Gromph took a deep; shuddering breath。
   The ring; he thought。 I have a ring that will。 。 。
   Yes; Archmage; the voice said; the ring。 The ring will keep you alive but not forever。
   Gromph closed his eyes tight again and let his body relax。 The ring he'd slipped on at Sorcere before meeting Dyrr at the Clawrift would regenerate injuries: knit broken bones back together; seal cuts; even re…grow severed limbs。 He remembered putting the ring on but couldn't for the life of him remember why。 What could possibly have been the point? To live? To live in the shattered ruins of a Menzoberranzan ruled by the traitorous Dyrr and an army of stinking gray dwarves?
   Gromph touched the ring; grabbed it with the opposite hand; and was about to rip it from his finger so it would let him die; when he saw the lichdrow swooping down at him; cackling。 Laughing at him。
   〃Take it off;〃 Dyrr chuckled。 〃It won't help with burns anyway。〃
   Archmage! another voice shouted into his mind。
   The lich blinked and jerked forward with his head and shoulders。 From the grotesque crown on his head came a tiny ball of undulating orange light。 It spiraled through the air; riding a sort of wave; and drew a long; curved trajectory directly at Gromph。
   Your fireball; the voice in his head warned。
   〃My fireball 。 。 。〃 the archmage whispered; as he instinctively tucked himself into a fetal position; wrapping his body around his staff and closing his eyes tightly。
   Even with his eyes closed the flare of hot orange light burned his retinas。 The
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