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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第39章

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   Nimor made no move and barely even seemed to take notice。 Finally; he looked down at Yasraena as she began to struggle to her feet。
   〃If the lichdrow gives his leave;〃 said the assassin; 〃I would like to answer that question。〃
   The cold gleam in Nimor's eyes was enough to convince Dyrr that the assassin would give the right answer。 The lichdrow nodded。
   〃House Agrach Dyrr;〃 Nimor said to Yasraena; who had managed to get to her feet though her knees shook; 〃lives or dies in Menzoberranzan。〃
   Yasraena nodded; rubbing her face with trembling hands; and Dyrr caught Nimor's attention。
   〃Precisely; my friend;〃 the lichdrow said; 〃as do you。〃
   Nimor stepped toward him; squaring his shoulders。 It could never have crossed the lichdrow's mind for a second to back down; and he didn't。
   〃If I believe you are soon to fall;〃 Nimor said to Dyrr; 〃I will rescue you。〃
   Dyrr wanted in that moment to kill Nimor Imphraezl; but he didn't。 Instead; he laughed。 He was still laughing as he teleported away。
   The Clawrift; a natural rent in the bedrock; cut into the northern sections of Menzoberranzan east of Tier Breche。 Gromph stood at the very edge of it; looking down into the blackness。 Even his newly acquired; much younger eyes were incapable of seeing the bottom。 Sorcere was behind him。 In front of him; across the wide chasm; was the City of Spiders。 The stalagmites and stalactites that had been carved into homes and places of business for the drow were aglow with faerie fire。 He could see House Baenre all the way on the other side of the cavern and the odd flash of light that marked the continuing siege of House Agrach Dyrr。
   The lichdrow appeared in midair over the mile…deep chasm and hung there; a dozen yards away or more。 He appeared facing Gromph as if he knew exactly where the archmage would be。
   〃Ah; my young friend;〃 the lichdrow called; his voice floating over the space between them and echoing into the Clawrift itself; 〃there you are。〃
   〃As promised;〃 Gromph replied; bringing a string of spells to mind。
   〃So it has e to this; then?〃 Dyrr asked。
   〃The two of us;〃 replied Gromph; 〃fighting to the death?〃
   The lich laughed; and Gromph knew the sound would have sent lesser drow running。
   〃Why; Dyrr?〃 the archmage asked; not really expecting an answer。
   The lichdrow turned his palms up and lifted his arms to his sides; looking around; gesturing toward the city。
   〃What better reason;〃 asked Dyrr; 〃than the City of Spiders herself? From here; the Underdark; and from there; the World Above。〃
   It was Gromph's turn to laugh。
   〃That's it then?〃 the archmage asked。 〃Mastery of all the world? Isn't that a bit of a cliche; lich? Even for you?〃
   The lichdrow shrugged and replied; 〃My existence knows no bounds; Gromph; so why should my ambition?〃
   〃A simple enough answer; I suppose;〃 Gromph said; 〃to a simple question。〃
   〃Shall we get on with it; then?〃
   〃Yes;〃 Gromph replied; 〃I suppose we had better。〃
   They began slowly; both feeling each other out with minor divinations。 Gromph could feel himself being explored even as he explored the lich。 Nauzhror's voice; and Grendan and Prath's; whispered in his mind。 Defenses were noted; items and clothing assessed for enchantment; notes pared。 Gromph had brought a staff with him and was surprised to see that Dyrr had one too。 He hadn't expected Dyrr to bring a staff。
   Fire; Nauzhror told him after a tense few minutes of study。 The most effective weapon against the undead wizard from the traitor House will be fire。
   That's it; Gromph thought。 Dyrr had made his one mistake。
   〃You're going to surprise me today;〃 the lich called to Gromph; 〃aren't you; my dear archmage?〃
   〃The only two things I'm pletely sure of; Dyrr;〃 Gromph replied; 〃is that we will surprise each other today and I will destroy you。〃
   They started casting at the same time。 Gromph was an experienced enough diviner to know that like himself; the lichdrow had cast his last defensive incantation。
   The spells burst into being from the Weave at the same instant。 A freezing wind blew from the lichdrow; carrying with it thousands of razor…sharp splinters of ice。 That shredding storm met Gromph's fireball over the black depths of the Clawrift。 The fire blew out even as it melted the ice。 The two effects ate each other before either came close to touching their intended targets。
   Well; Gromph told himself with a sigh; this is going to take a while。
Chapter Twelve
   Things were quiet but tense on the ship of chaos。 Pharaun tried not to look at Quenthel。 He couldn't help but notice that she seemed unable to take Reverie。 Her shoulders were stiff; and her viper…headed scourge never left her hand。 The snakes writhed constantly; sliding the sides of their arrowlike heads against the priestess's warm black skin。 The uridezu was surreptitiously eyeing her。
   Pharaun found that curious。 He was the one who had bound the demon; yet Raashub was more concerned with Quenthel。 True; the Baenre priestess was still nominally 〃in charge〃 of the expedition; but her leadership had always been more ceremonial…at least in Pharaun's mind。
   The Master of Sorcere couldn't quite organize his thoughts on the matter…not just then anyway…but the demon was looking at her oddly。
   He sighed and stared out across the black water of the Lake of Shadows again。 He placed his hand on the rail then removed it when he felt the warm pulse of blood running through it。 The ship barely moved in the dead calm of the black lake; but still Pharaun felt as if he needed to hold onto something。 His hand found the twisted gray…yellow rigging…looking for all the world like a length of intestine…but he couldn't hold that much longer either。
   The demonic ship didn't quite figure into Pharaun's esthetic。 The wizard brushed the hair from his eyes and tried not to think about what he must look like。 He hadn't bathed in far too long…hygiene had bee secondary for them all; and they were rapidly beginning to stink。 Jeggred was the worst of them all on a good day; but the wi
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