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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第38章

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   The masters continued with their spells; leaving only Nauzhror and Grendan still considering more than the magical practicalities of the duel at hand。
   〃Donigarten; then;〃 suggested Grendan。
   〃No;〃 Gromph said; then paused while another spell made him shudder briefly。 〃No。〃
   He looked up at Nauzhror; who raised an eyebrow; waiting。
   〃The Clawrift; I think;〃 Gromph said…deciding the second before he actually said it。
   〃An excellent choice; Archmage;〃 Nauzhror said。 〃Away from any property of value and away from most of the finer drow of Menzoberranzan; of whom we have so few to spare on the best day。〃
   A younger student entered and quickly set a small crystal ball on a short golden stand on the floor in front of the archmage。 Gromph made no effort to acknowledge the student who was even then racing from the room。
   He looked deeply into the crystal ball; holding up a hand to still the barrage of protective castings。 The crystal grew cloudy; then flashes of light flickered in the roiling clouds inside the once perfectly clear globe。
   Gromph brought a memory…image of the lichdrow into his mind's eye and held it there then did his best to convey that image into the globe。 It would find the lichdrow; unless Dyrr expended some energy in avoiding it。
   Gromph put his hand down; and several of the more ambitious masters started casting again…muttering incantations and tracing invisible patterns in the air…as if they'd been sitting there holding the thought。
   There; Gromph thought as an image coalesced in the crystal ball of the lichdrow striding confidently across a reception hall in House Agrach Dyrr。 There you are。
   Gromph recognized the hall。 He had been there himself on several occasions; back before things started to dissolve and Houses Agrach Dyrr and Baenre were close allies and business associates。 He kept his attention on Dyrr。 As he watched the lichdrow barking orders to his House guards and other armed drow; Gromph cast a spell of his own。
   〃Good afternoon; Dyrr;〃 Gromph told the image in the crystal ball。 〃It will be the Clawrift。 I know I don't have to tell you to e alone。 I know you're always ready。〃
   Gromph didn't wait for a response。 He nodded to his masters and closed his eyes。
   〃We will be watching; Archmage;〃 said Grendan; 〃and we'll be in constant contact。〃
   〃It would be irresponsible of me;〃 Nauzhror said; 〃not to ask one more time if I might take your place in…〃
   〃It would be irresponsible of me to hide behind my students;〃 Gromph said。 〃Besides; Cousin; you were archmage for a little while; and by all accounts you liked it。〃
   〃I did; Archmage;〃 Nauzhror admitted; 〃very much so。〃
   'Well; if you hope to live long enough to be archmage again; you will await me here。〃
   The lichdrow Dyrr dismissed his guards and proceeded via dimension door to the sitting room。 There he found Yasraena and Nimor; who were occupied with trying not to speak to each other。 Both seemed relieved when the lich stepped from the transdimensional doorway and into the room。
   〃It is time then?〃 Nimor asked。
   Yasraena drew in a deep breath and held it; her eyes fixed on the lich。
   〃He awaits me at the Clawrift;〃 Dyrr replied。
   The matron mother exhaled slowly; and Nimor nodded。
   〃As good a place as any;〃 the assassin said。 〃A hole in the ground 。。。 no sense damaging the merchandise we're paying so dearly to acquire。〃
   〃If by 'merchandise;' 〃 Yasraena hissed; 〃you mean Menzoberranzan the Mighty; you…〃
   〃Yasraena;〃 Dyrr interrupted; his voice like ice。
   The matron mother pressed her teeth together and turned away from Nimor; who stifled a laugh。
   〃I am prepared; as always;〃 Dyrr said to them both; 〃and I will leave at once。〃
   Yasraena turned to Nimor and said; 〃Go with him。〃
   The assassin raised an eyebrow; and Dyrr…if he had any blood he would have felt it boil。
   〃Surely;〃 the lichdrow said to Yasraena; 〃you don't mean to imply that I might not achieve the necessary victory on my own。 Surely you don't。 。 。 worry over my safety。〃
   He locked his gaze on the young matron mother's eyes and held her there until she went gray; blinked; and turned away。
   〃You know that all of House Agrach Dyrr has the utmost confidence in you;〃 she said; her voice low; stretched thin。 She turned to look Nimor up and down。 〃But this is no time for personal vendettas。 We have aligned ourselves with this 。 。 。 whatever he is。 Why not use him?〃
   Nimor smiled; and Dyrr was reminded of the carnivorous lizards that inhabited the wilds of the Underdark。
   〃You wouldn't know where to begin to use me;〃 the assassin said。
   Dyrr simply shrugged off the meaningless exchange。 He began to cast a series of protective spells on himself; ignoring a few more tiresome minutes of Yasraena and Nimor's verbal scuffling。 Dyrr blinked after having cast on himself a spell that would make unseen things visible to him。 Nimor looked different but in ways that seemed incongruous; even impossible。 The drow assassin was no drow; as Dyrr had known for some time; but for the first time Dyrr could see something that might have been wings。
   The lichdrow let that matter fall to the side in favor of a series of carefully crafted contingencies。 After all; Dyrr himself wasn't exactly a drow anymore either。 If Nimor was something else than a drow; so be it…as long as the dark assassin remained useful。
   Something that Yasraena said made Dyrr stop in the middle of an incantation。
   〃Will House Agrach Dyrr be evacuated from Menzoberranzan;〃 she asked Nimor; 〃should things not go the lichdrow's way?〃
   Dyrr struck her。 The slap echoed in the Spartan sitting room; and Yasraena fell in an undignified heap onto the worg…carpeted floor。 The lich took some of her life…force with the slap…only a taste; but enough to turn her gray and leave her gasping for breath。 She looked up at him from the floor with wide; terrified eyes。
   Matron mother indeed; Dyrr thought。
   Nimor made no move and barely even seemed to take notice。 Finally; he looked down at Yasraena as she beg
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