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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第29章

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   〃There are no little secrets;〃 the alu…demon replied; 〃if you're the one in the dark。〃
   〃You know; Aliisza;〃 Pharaun said。 〃We should get together and tell each other nothing more often。 It beats preparing spells or getting on with my life。〃
   〃You're a sarcastic little devil; Pharaun。 You know; that's just what I love about you。〃
   〃Please assume I feel the same;〃 was the mage's reply。 〃So if we're done not speaking to each other; can I go?〃
   〃We've spoken to each other; Pharaun;〃 said Aliisza; 〃I'm sure of it。 For instance; until now I hadn't imagined you didn't know who was laying siege to your City of Spiders。 Oh; and you told me you were going to the Abyss。〃
   〃Yes; well;〃 Pharaun said; unconcerned that she'd drawn those obvious conclusions。 〃Good for you。 Do run along and change the course of life in the Underdark。〃
   〃You're playing games with me;〃 the alu…demon said; ice in her voice and in her eyes like Pharaun had never seen。 〃I like that but not forever。〃
   〃You're withholding information from me;〃 he retorted。 〃I never like that。〃
   They floated in midair; wrapped in a tight; familiar embrace; staring into each other's cold; uninviting eyes for a long time。
   〃I could be your friend still; Pharaun;〃 Aliisza said quietly; her voice barely above a whisper。
   The Master of Sorcere found himself struggling for something to say。 He knew they were finished; feared they were finished forever; and found himself wishing that weren't true。
   Longing; Pharaun silently mused。
   Yes; Aliisza replied directly into his mind; longing。
   Pharaun pushed her away。 Aliisza hung in the air for half a second before she started to fall。 She stared daggers at him even as her wings opened to slow her descent。 Pharaun thought she looked more hurt than angry。
   〃We'll talk again;〃 she said; then she was gone with a flash of dull purple light; and Pharaun was alone in the impenetrable shadows。
   I hope so; he found himself thinking。 I really do。
Chapter Nine
   Something was missing。
   Halisstra could feel it…or rather; she couldn't feel it。 She couldn't feel the Binding。 She couldn't feel Danifae。
   Having a captive bound to her by that obscure drow magic was a strange and subtle experience。 It wasn't something she was conscious of really; not on a moment…by…moment basis。 Rather it was always there; in the background; like the sound of her own breathing; the feeling of her own pulse。
   She was dancing when it stopped。 The priestesses who had weled her into their circle danced often。 They danced in different binations of certain females and danced in different places both sacred and mundane。 They danced naked most of the time; clothed some of the time。 They danced wearing armor and weapons and danced with offerings of fruit or works of art。 They danced around fires or in the cold。 They danced at night…in the dark that Halisstra still found forting…or in the day。 She was still learning the significance of each of those different venues; every subtle shift in ponents and approach; rhythm and movement。
   When the feeling came upon her; Halisstra stopped dancing。 The other priestesses took no notice of her。 They didn't even pause; let alone stop their joyous ritual。
   Halisstra stumbled out of the circle and made her way quickly and with a sense of impending doom back to where she had left Ryld。 The weapons master wasn't included in the circles of priestesses; and she could tell that was wearing on him。 Halisstra was gone hours at a time; and returned to questions she couldn't always answer。 She had no way to be sure Ryld loved her…she wasn't entirely certain yet what 〃love〃 was; though she thought she was learning; but the warrior stayed。 He stayed there in the cold; light…ravaged forest with her; surrounded by worshipers of what to him must have still felt like a traitor goddess。
   She staggered into the cool; dark chamber they shared; interrupting him in a meditative exercise she'd seen him do before。 He was standing on his hands; eyes closed; toes pointed; legs bent back at the knee。 The weapons master held that position for hours sometimes。 Halisstra couldn't do it for more than a second or two。
   He opened his eyes when she came in and must have seen something in her expression。 He rolled forward in a single; smooth motion and was on his feet。 There was no sign he was dizzy or disoriented。
   〃Halisstra;〃 he said; 〃what happened?〃
   She opened her mouth to reply; but no words would e。
   〃Something happened;〃 he said; and he looked around the room。
   〃Ryld; I 。。。〃 she started to say; then watched as he began to arm himself。
   He grabbed Splitter…his enormous greatsword…first then quickly buckled his sheathed short sword to his belt。 He had his armor in his hands when she touched his arm to stop him。 His skin felt warm; almost hot; but there was no sweat。 Deep black skin was stretched over muscles so hard he felt as if he were chiseled from stone。
   〃No;〃 she said; shaking the cobwebs from her head finally; 〃stop it。〃
   He stopped; and looked at her; waiting。 She could see the impatience in his eyes; impatience mixed with frustration。
   〃What is it?〃 he asked; and she could see him prehending even as he spoke。
   She smiled and he sighed。
   〃It's Danifae;〃 she said finally。 〃I can't feel her anymore。 The Binding has been broken。〃
   His eyes widened; and she could tell he was surprised。 Not surprised; necessarily; that the Binding had been broken; but it was as if he were expecting to hear something else。
   〃What does that mean; exactly?〃 he asked; leaning his breastplate against the wall next to the bed they shared。
   Halisstra shook her head。
   〃She died?〃 he asked with no trace of emotion。
   〃Yes;〃 Halisstra replied。 〃Maybe。〃
   〃Why does that frighten you?〃
   Halisstra stepped back…was literally taken aback by that question; though it was a logical one。
   〃Why does that frighten me?〃 she repeated。 〃It frightens me 。。。 concerns me; that she's free of me。 One way or the other; I'm no longer her mistress; and she's no longer my 
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