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war of the spider queen 5 annihilation-第18章

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   Danifae looked up and around at the dead stone pillars and the featureless interior of the huge face。
   〃Good;〃 the battle…captive said。 〃Is this the portal?〃
   When she looked back at Valas; he nodded again。
   〃You know how to open it;〃 she said; with no hint that it might be a question。
   Valas nodded a third time; and Danifae smiled。
   〃Before we go;〃 she said as she pulled a dagger from her shapely hip; 〃I want to harvest some poison。〃
   Valas blinked and said; 〃From the portal drake?〃
   Danifae walked past him; smiling; spinning her dagger between her fingers。
   〃I'll wait here;〃 he told her。
   She kept going without bothering to answer。
   If she survives that; Valas thought; she might just be worth traveling with。
   Pharaun traced a fingertip along the line of something that hadn't been there the day before: a vein。 The blood vessel followed a meandering path along the length of the bone rail of the ship of chaos。 At random intervals it branched into thinner capillaries。 The whole thing slowly; almost imperceptibly; pulsed with life…warm with the flow of blood。 When they'd first e aboard the demonic ship; the railing was solid; dead bone。 Half a tenday spent gating in minor demons and feeding it to the ship was changing it。 It was ing to life。
   〃Will it eventually grow skin?〃 Quenthel asked from behind him。
   Pharaun turned and saw the high priestess crouching; examining the deck the same way he was examining the rail。
   〃Skin?〃 the wizard asked。
   〃These veins it's growing seem so fragile;〃 she said。 Her voice sounded bored; distant。 〃If we step on them won't we cut them?〃
   〃I don't know;〃 Pharaun said。 What he meant was that he didn't care。 〃What difference could it possibly make?〃
   〃It could bleed;〃 she said; still looking down at the deck。 〃If it can bleed; it can die。 If it dies when we're 。 。 。〃
   Pharaun could tell she didn't finish that thought because she was afraid to。 He hated it when a high priestess was afraid。 Things rarely went well if they started with that。
   〃Not everything that bleeds dies;〃 he said with a forced smile。
   She looked up at him; and their eyes met。 He expected her to be angry at least; maybe offended; but she was neither。 Pharaun couldn't tell what she was thinking。
   〃It troubles me;〃 she said after a pause; 〃that we know so little。 A ship like this 。 。 。 you should have studied it in the lore; shouldn't you? At Sorcere?〃
   〃I did;〃 Pharaun said。 〃I've been feeding it a steady diet; I've cowed its captain; and we're nearly ready for our little interplanar jaunt。 I know what it is and how it works; which means I know enough。 For a priestess you can be overly analytical。 Will it grow skin? If it wants to。 Will it bleed to death if your spike heels slice a vein? I doubt it。 Will it behave exactly the same way every time for everyone? Well; if it did; it wouldn't be very chaotic; now would it?〃
   〃Some day;〃 Quenthel said without a pause; 〃I will sew your mouth shut so you'll stop talking long enough for me to kill you in peace。〃
   Pharaun chuckled and rubbed cool sweat from his forehead。
   〃Why; Mistress;〃 the mage replied with a smile; 〃whatever for?〃
   〃Because I hate you;〃 she replied。
   Pharaun said nothing。 They gazed at each other for a few moments more then Quenthel stood and looked around。
   〃I'm getting bored;〃 she said to no one in particular。
   You're getting scared; Pharaun thought。
   〃I'm getting angry;〃 Jeggred cut in。
   Both Pharaun and Quenthel looked over to where the draegloth sat。 The half…demon was slowly; methodically; skinning a rat。 The rodent was still alive。
   〃No one asked; nephew;〃 Quenthel said with a sneer。
   〃My apologies; honored aunt;〃 the draegloth said; his voice dripping with icy sarcasm。
   〃Valas and Danifae will be back soon;〃 Pharaun said; 〃and we will have the ship ready when they get back。 We will be on our way presently; but in the meantime we mustn't let the tedium of this cursed lake get the better of us。 It wouldn't do to have a party of dark elves fighting among themselves。〃
   〃It's not the lake I find tedious; mage;〃 Jeggred shot back。
   Pharaun rejected his first half…dozen retorts before speaking; but his face must have revealed something。 He could see it reflected back at him in the draegloth's amused sneer。
   〃Yes;〃 the wizard said finally; 〃well; I will accept that gracious threat in the spirit in which it was offered; Jeggred Baenre。 Nonetheless; I…〃
   〃Will shut up;〃 the draegloth interrupted。 〃You will shut your damned mouth。〃
   Jeggred licked the dying; squealing; flayed rat; leaving blood dribbling from his cracked gray lips。
   〃I don't like this;〃 the half…demon said。 〃This one…〃 he tipped his chin to indicate the captive uridezu…〃is planning something。 It will betray us。〃
   〃It's a demon;〃 Quenthel replied quietly。
   〃Meaning?〃 the draegloth asked; almost shouting。
   〃Meaning;〃 Pharaun answered for her; 〃that of course it will betray us…or try to。 The only thing you can trust about a demon is that it will be untrustworthy。 It might cheer you to know we feel the same way about you; my draegloth friend。〃
   Pharaun had expected some reaction to that ment but not the one he got。 Jeggred and Quenthel locked stares; their eyes boring into each other's。 There was a long silence。 It was Quenthel who looked away first。
   Jeggred actually seemed disappointed。
Chapter Six
   Aliisza nuzzled close to Kaanyr Vhok; her long ebony tresses mingling with the cambion's silver hair。
   〃Have you been entertaining ladies while I was away?〃 the alu…fiend cooed into her lover's neck。
   The cambion let out a slow breath through his nose and slid a hand onto Aliisza's back。 He drew her closer to him; so their sides were pressed together。 Aliisza could feel his blazing body heat; so much hotter than a dark elf's。 So fortable and reassuring。 So powerful。
   〃Jealous?〃 Kaanyr Vhok whispered。
   Aliisza thrilled that he was playing along。 It was a rare reaction from the half…demon; who normall
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