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芒果街上的小屋 作者:[美]罗桑德拉·希斯内罗丝-第4章

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h ceilings。 The light bulb always burning。 
I don't know who decides who deserves to go bad。 There was no evil in her birth。 No wicked curse。 One day I believe she was swimming; and the next day she was sick。 It might have been the day that gray photograph was taken。 It might have been the day she was holding cousin Totchy and baby Frank。 It might have been the moment she pointed to the camera for the kids to look and they wouldn't。 
Maybe the sky didn't look the day she fell down。 Maybe God was busy。 It could be true she didn't dive right one day and hurt her spine。 Or maybe the story that she fell very hard from a high step stool; like Totchy said; is true。 
But I think diseases have no eyes。 They pick with a dizzy finger anyone; just anyone。 Like my aunt who happened to be walking down the street one day in her Joan Crawford dress; in her funny felt hat with the black feather; cousin Totchy in one hand; baby Frank in the other。 
Sometimes you get used to the sick and sometimes the sickness; if it is there too long; gets to seem normal。 This is how it was with her; and maybe this is why we chose her。 
It was a game; that's all。 It was the game we played every afternoon ever since that day one of us invented it。 I can't remember who。 I think it was me。 You had to pick somebody。 
You had to think of someone everybody knew。 Someone you could imitate and everyone else would have to guess who it was。 It started out with famous people: Wonder Woman; the Beatles; Marilyn Monroe。。。 But then somebody thought it'd be better if we changed the game a little; if we pretended we were Mr。 Benny; or his wife Blanca; or Ruthie; or anybody we knew。 
I don't know why we picked her。 Maybe we were bored that day。 Maybe we got tired。 We liked my aunt。 She listened to our stories。 She always asked us to e back。 Lucy; me; Rachel。 I hated to go there alone。 The six blocks to the dark apartment; second…floor rear building where sunlight never came; and what did it matter? My aunt was blind by then。 She never saw the dirty dishes in the sink。 She couldn't see the ceilings dusty with flies; the ugly maroon walls; the bottles and sticky spoons。 I can't forget the smell。 Like sticky capsules filled with jelly。 My aunt; a little oyster; a little piece of meat on an open shell for us to look at。 Hello; hello。 As if she had fallen into a well。 
I took my library books to her house。 I read her stories。 I liked the book The Water Babies。 She liked it too。 I never knew how sick she was until that day I tried to show her one of the pictures in the book; a beautiful color picture of the water babies swimming in the sea。 I held the book up to her face。 I can't see it; she said; I'm blind。 And then I was ashamed。 
She listened to every book; every poem I read her。 one day I read her one of my own。 I came very close。 I whispered it into the pillow: 
  I want to be 
  like the waves on the sea; 
  like the clouds in the wind; 
  but I'm me。 
  One day I'll jump 
  out of my skin。 
  I'll shake the sky 
  like a hundred violins。 
That's nice。 That's very good; she said in her tired voice。 You just remember to keep writing; Esperanza。 You must keep writing。 It will keep you free; and I said yes; but at that time I didn't know what she meant。 
The day we played the game; we didn't know she was going to die。 We pretended with our heads thrown back; our arms limp and useless; dangling like the dead。 We laughed the way she did。 We talked the way she talked; the way blind people talk without moving their head。 We imitated the way you had to lift her head a little so she could drink water; she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup。 The water was warm and tasted like metal。 Lucy laughed。 Rachel too。 We took turns being her。 We screamed in the weak voice of a parrot for Totchy to e and wash those dishes。 It was easy。 
We didn't know。 She had been dying such a long time; we forgot。 Maybe she was ashamed。 Maybe she was embarrassed it took so many years。 The kids who wanted to be kids instead of washing dishes and ironing their papa's shirts; and the husband who wanted a wife again。 
And then she died; my aunt who listened to my poems。 
And then we began to dream the dreams。 
  2、《水孩子》(The Water Babies),查理·金斯莱(1819~1875)的一部童话经典,讲述小烟囱工汤姆在仙女的帮助下,逃离危险的苦役,去到一处安宁清洁的水下世界,做了个水孩子。后来,经过一连串的奇遇,他习得了各种美德,完成了自己的成长之路,回到陆地,成为一个仁爱正直的人。国内早有周煦良的译本。作者金斯莱是牛津、剑桥的历史学教授,还曾做过维多利亚女王的牧师。学识渊博的他,写出的童话却清新优美,寄寓着对所有稚嫩心灵的爱惜与期望。 


Bums in the Attic
I want a house on a hill like the ones with the gardens where Papa works。 We go on Sundays; Papa's day off。 I used to go。 I don't anymore。 You don't like to go out with us; Papa says。 Getting too old? Getting too stuck…up; says Nenny。 I don't tell them I am ashamedall of us staring out the window like the hungry。 I am tired of looking at what we can't have。 When we win the lottery。。。Mama begins; and then I stop listening。 
People who live on hills sleep so close to the stars they forget those of us who live too much on earth。 They don't look down at all except to 
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