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It was near enough to a joke to make her smile cheerlessly。 She quickened her pace; off to report to the SDF…2。


I've seen people like Lynn…Kyle before。 I'm prepared to believe that he hates war; who among us does not?
But he has the attitude; set in concrete; that virtue is measured by one's disaffection from the power structure under which one lives。 Such a person builds a fortress of self…serving piety; resisting authority of any kind at every turn whether for good or ill。
The RDF will continue to defend to the death the freedoms that make this possible。
From the log of Captain Henry Gloval

〃What a crummy hole!〃

Lynn…Kyle threw his arms wide to take in Granite City; off to one side; and the wastelands all around it。

Minmei sat despondently on a piece of rotting Zentraedi alloy; hugging her knees to her chest; a pink jacket draped over her shoulders against the evening chill; watching him take another slug from the bottle of brandy that seemed to be his constant panion these days。

Things had gone steadily downhill since Vance Hasslewood had moved up in the world to bee a booking agent and aspiring theater maven; leaving Minmei's cousin; costar; and lover to take over the duties of manager。 Lynn…Kyle's interests went far beyond show business; and he had e to realize that his own fame and popularity were only a pale reflection of hers。

Now he paused。 〃Lousiest booking so far!〃 Then he threw back another several ounces; making her wince。

Kyle wiped his mouth on the back of his hand; staining the purple cuff of his suit。 〃Let's get out of this burg! It's disgusting!〃

He was red…eyed and close to the edge; but she said what was on her mind anyway; she had held it back long enough。 〃Do you have to drink so much?〃

〃Listen; don't change the subject!〃 he slurred。 〃We didn't even get any money! This is our whole paycheck!〃

He toed over a wilted cardboard box; out spilled some canned goods; bath soap and so forth; a few vegetables…the same dole everyone else in Granite City was living on。 Even though Granite refused to recognize the new Earth government's authority; the government gave what help it could; without it; the city couldn't have kept functioning。

〃A stinkin' handout from our military overlords!〃

〃And what else do we need for survival?〃 she asked him; watching his eyes。 Two years with Kyle had made her older; much older。

〃Have you given any thought to taking in a little cash for a change?〃 he snarled。

She came to her feet; the jacket clutched to her。 〃No; I haven't!〃

If it was going to be another argument; she decided; this time she was going to get a few things off her mind。 〃This was supposed to be a benefit concert for those poor people who're trying to make their lives work in Granite; not some big…deal career move for Lynn…Minmei!〃

She had him; and they both knew it。 All at once his ranting sounded like empty talk。 He was suddenly contrite。 〃Aw; c'mon; Minmei。 You know I didn't mean anything like that。〃 It was not quite a whine; but somehow it only made her detest him more。

She knelt and began picking up the things he had spilled; brushing dirt from them。 〃We're getting paid like everyone else is; in the things that keep us alive。 I think we should show a little appreciation。〃

That made him cough on the mouthful of brandy he was chugging。 He almost finished the bottle; and his mood swung end for end; as quick as his martial…arts moves used to be。

〃Appreciation? I should appreciate the great military mentality that brought us to this?〃 He opened his arms as if to embrace the blighted world。

She straightened and met his stare。 〃Earth was attacked; and it fought back。 I don't want to hear anybody knocking the military。 If it hadn't been for them; I wouldn't be alive right now。 And for that matter; neither would you。〃

So; we e to the core of the matter; he thought blearily。

That moment on the SDF…1; with a planet dying at his feet and great fleets slaying one another while he kissed her; was two years behind him。 And yet it played over and over in memory; as fresh as if it had happened that afternoon。

The secret that glowed in him like a reflex furnace; the one Kyle would never be able to bring himself to admit to her or even put into words to himself; was that he had exulted in that moment even as he had been repulsed by it。

He had loved it! He had been taken by the drama pletely; swept up in the battle。 He had cast aside every conviction he ever had and gloried in what was happening。 He had hoped with all his soul for human victory。

His father had been a soldier; both family restaurants had catered to the military trade。 Lynn…Kyle scorned all of that; scorned military and government and authority in every form。 And yet when it had e down to a question of seeing his planet and people die; he had been out there rooting for the home team; as red of fang and claw; as contemptible; as any of them。

He had never lost a fight since his father had pummeled and shamed him into learning the martial arts。 Indeed; he'd bee a very genius of unarmed bat。 But this contest with himself was one he felt fated to lose。 As he hated himself; so he had e to make Minmei hate him。

He had seen that the military; with the SDF…1 and Macross as a power base and Breetai and his Zentraedi as allies; was destined to be the force that reunited the planet。 Nevertheless; he resisted it every inch of the way; going deeper and deeper into despair as the vast egalitarian movement he had envisioned dwindled away to a few pitiful holdouts。

So if this was going to be the argument that had been building between Minmei and Kyle for so long; let it be so。 He turned his face to an ugly mask with an elaborate sneer。 〃You're breaking my heart。〃 He swallowed the last of the brandy。

You're breaking my heart。

Twenty yards away; behind a broken piece of cornice at the top of a rise; Rick Hunter squatted with his back against cold stone and listened to Minmei and Kyle。

He sat still as a rock or one of the pieces of dead mecha that now littered the world。

〃Must you keep drinking?〃 Minmei said。 〃It's getting out of hand!〃

Kyle upended the bottle 
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