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ontrol over the Zentraedi is due; in part; to the giants' own ignorance。
This means that the Zentraedi are vulnerable in ways of which they are unaware。
Dr。 Emil Lang; Technical Recordings and Notes

More disturbances shook the underground corridors of Alaska Base as a terrier might shake a rat in its teeth。 The titanic supports plained; and the ceilings showered rock dust。

Through it flew the Skull Guardian; maneuvering in very confining space to avoid exploding power ducts and ruptured energy mains。 Rick brought the ship to an abrupt halt; hitting the foot thrusters hard so as not to collide with a thick shield door that dead…ended the cyclopean corridor。

But he was in no mood to be stopped。 He lowered a phased…array laser turret and aimed with his gunsight reticle。 The fearsome power of the quad…mount sent armor flowing in rivulets; but not as quickly as he hoped。 He cut back his ambitions and tried for a man…size opening instead of a VT…size one。

In a few moments a circular plug of armor two feet thick fell back from the shield door; leaving a makeshift hatch。 Rick gave mands with his controls and with mental images; the Guardian bowed; its nose touching the corridor floor so that he could disembark。

He was barely at the smoking; red…hot opening when he heard her。 〃Rick!〃 Lisa was waiting for him patiently at the far end of the short; small connecting passageway。

He felt like sinking to his knees with relief and…something else。 But there was no time for it; and so he tossed his thick; unruly black hair out of his eyes and flickered his eyebrows at her。

〃You the lady who called for the cab? I'm your man。〃

She laughed fondly; nodding。 〃It's about time。〃 She ran to him; laughing; and he caught her up in his arms; whirling her。

In another few seconds they were in the Guardian's cockpit; Lisa seated across his lap; Rick trying to concentrate on his flying。 Strange energy phenomena coruscated and spat all around; a poltergeist zoo of deadly short…term exotica。 Purple lightning grasped for them; and green rays ricocheted from surface to surface。 Walls blew out into the corridor; sending pieces of shredded armor plate whirling like leaf fragments。

〃The reactor's overloading!〃 she yelled over the din。

Rick somehow ran the dimly lit obstacle course; Lisa's head buried against his chest in case the canopy shattered。 After several centuries' time juking and sideslipping through the maze of Alaska Base; the Guardian was back into the vertical shaft of what had been Earth's greatest weapon less than an hour before。

The last layer of defensive ships was riven apart by the irresistible wedge of the allied force。 Before them hung Dolza's headquarters like some lumpy; dangling overripe fruit。

But Dolza didn't run; that wasn't the way of the true Zentraedi warrior; and Dolza embodied the Zentraedi warrior code。 It was as Breetai had known it would be。 Instead; the moonlet…size headquarters came straight at its enemies; surrounded by such escort vessels as it could gather around it。

〃Objective now approaching;〃 Vanessa reported。

〃All units in position;〃 Kim sang out。

〃Target within range。 Stand by; all batteries;〃 Sammie said into her mike。

〃All escort fighters; break contact and attack objective immediately;〃 Claudia ordered。 She paused for a quick glance at the headquarters。 Its shape and lines and apparent texture reminded her so much of a mountain in space; falling straight at the SDF…1。 Ready to crush them and the Zentraedi who had bee humanity's friends; ready to crush everything in its path; as had always been the Zentraedi way。

Claudia's face hardened along grim; angry lines。 Not this time。 She thought of her slain lover; Roy Fokker; and of all the others who had died in the pointless war。 But not this time!

Exedore; still at Gloval's shoulder; said softly; 〃Now; Captain。〃

It was as if someone had run a high current through Gloval。 〃Open fire!〃 he barked。

The SDF…1 fired again; in every direction; her carefully hoarded power being used at a fearsome rate now; at a moment that was late in the battle even though only minutes had elapsed。

The armada ships of Breetai fell away to all sides to engage the enemy or lend support as they could。 The final mission was the dimensional fortress's alone; and no other vessel in existence could perform it or acpany the ship。

The giant warrior shape's thrusters blared; adjusting attitude; and now the SDF…1 came at Dolza's stronghold headfirst。

〃Brace for ramming!〃 Gloval bellowed; and the orders went forth。 The engines shook the great ship and drove it in a death dive。

The two great booms that reared above the ship's head like wings were now aligned directly at the space mountain that was Dolza's headquarters; the nerve center of the Grand Fleet。 The booms were separate parts of the main gun; reinforced structures that were; with the exception of the mammoth engines; the strongest parts of the ship。 And around their tips glowed the green…white fields of a limited barrier defense; making them all but indestructible。

The SDF…1 plunged at its objective; Dolza's technical operations people; prepared for an exchange of close broadsides; realized only in a last; horrified moment what the dimensional fortress's intention was。 By then; it was too late。

The idea of being rammed hadn't occurred to them; no other vessel could have done it。 Even Breetai's flagship could have caused Dolza's base little more damage that way than a child could inflict by crashing a kiddie car into Gibraltar。

But this was Zor's final creation; a machine that incorporated most of what he had learned about Protoculture and the secrets of Robotechnology。 The booms went through the thick armor of the headquarters moonlet as if it were soft cheese。 The SDF…1 was like some enormous stake being driven into the heart of the Grand Fleet。

Once the dimensional fortress was inside the outermost layers of the headquarters' armor plating; Dolza's stupendous ship was even more vulnerable。 Bulkheads were smashed out of the way like aluminum foil; structural members snapped like toothpicks。 The directed barrier shields glowed brighter but held。

An ocean of ai
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