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ng reticles were checked for accuracy; triggers were dryfired。

The stupendous warrior that was the SDF…1 itself stood ready; covers lifted from its many weapon ports。 The two suppercarriers that were the ship's arms; Daedalus and Prometheus; set for battle and for the harrowing; fiercely dangerous business of bat launches and retrievals。

On the hangar deck; Skull Team warmed up。 They would be one of the few teams flying the new armored Veritechs。 Max; running things until Rick could get there; threw his wife a quick smile。 Miriya blew him a kiss; as she often did when no one else was looking。 Kissing was still an amazing thing to her; lovemaking left her at a plete loss for words。 But then; it did the same to Max。

She turned back to a final check of her VT。 bat was something she knew intimately; too。 Max got the rest of Skull saddled up; resisting the urge to be bitter and preoccupied with regret that he had had so little time with her。

Those were the distractions that got fighter pilots killed。

On the bridge; Gloval arrived with Exedore at his side; and no one thought to say it should be otherwise。

The reports of the ship's fighting status came to him from the Terrible Trio and from Claudia。

Gloval led Exedore to the great bubble of the forward viewport; thinking; Who would have dreamed we'd be fighting side by side?

But there was an answer to that。 It was Gloval; always Gloval…and sometimes only Gloval…who had anticipated this day from the moment he had heard of the enemy defections。

Over the UEDC Alaskan headquarters; fighters looking a lot like VTs but lacking their superlative Robotechnology screamed into the air on alert。 It was a brave show that everyone knew to be hollow; Earth's only real hope lay with the dimensional fortress。

Admiral Hayes and several other senior officers stood on a balcony overlooking the vast situation room。 They heard echoing updates on the Grand Cannon's firing status; the enemy fleet that was still pouring out of spacefold; the posite picture that made it unlikely that a single member of species Homo sapiens would live through the day。

〃The projections turned out to be in error;〃 an intel…analysis officer confessed; zombielike。 〃Against a force that big; we can't hope to win。 We couldn't do it even if the Grand Cannon satellites were in place。〃 He was shaking his head slowly。 〃No way; sir。〃

Hayes was used to hiding his dismay。 He called down to a munication officer; 〃Lieutenant! Have we been able to establish contact with the aliens?〃

Hayes burned at the thought of why his superiors were suddenly so eager to talk to the Zentraedi。 He avoided any contemplation of how Earth's rulers sounded now that reality had at last been forced upon them。 The brave words and the bold posturing had been blown away like smoke in the wind; and UEDC was eager; cringingly eager; to make any deal it could; starting with an offer to make itself an overseer government under alien rule。

Except the Zentraedi weren't making deals today; and Armageddon was apparently the only item on the agenda。

〃We're trying; Admiral; but so far it's a no…go;〃 a  officer called up to him。

Hayes himself felt betrayed and a fool。 His daughter and Gloval had been correct all along; right down the line。 The prestige and honor of his rank had fallen away to nothing; and he saw that he had; very simply; wound up an otherwise honorable career by being the instrument of craven and greedy men。

〃Then there's nothing left to do but fight;〃 Hayes said。

Under other circumstances it might have been one of those lines flag…rank officers could hope to have show up in history books。 The fact was that Hayes knew he been duped again and again by the politicians。 Besides; it was unlikely that there would ever be any more history books。

And the only reason to fight was that the enemy offered no alternative…it meant to wipe the human race out of existence。

The Grand Cannon prepared to fire; and the futile squadrons of Earth fighters went out to do their jobs as best they could。 Lisa Hayes stared down at her screens and instruments and fought off the urge to weep for the men and women who were doing their jobs in all good faith and were kept; by the omnipresent UEDC propaganda and disinformation; from knowing that they were doomed。

During a few moments lag time; she paused to regard a close pickup shot of the SDF…1 and to think of Claudia; of Gloval; and of Rick。 She found; as her father had told her when she was a little girl; that there were only a few really important questions in life and that bat would make anybody ask them。

Why are we here? Where do we e from? What happens to us when we die? And when I do; will I be with Rick; at last; or will I be alone forever?

An update on the cannon's targeting status came in just then; and Lisa had to let those thoughts go。

Rick Hunter sealed up his flightsuit and made sure his gloves were firmly connected to his instrumented cuff rings。 They fit smoothly; allowing him maximum dexterity。

The hatch to his quarters signaled; and he thought it was just another messenger with a mission update; all  channels being overloaded。 Until the hatch slid back。


He pivoted and saw her standing in the hatch; outlined against the harsh glare of the passageway lights。 She came a step into his quarters demurely but looking him in the eye。

The hatch rolled shut behind Minmei。

They were there in every size and shape; those wargreen vessels of the Zentraedi Grand Fleet。 Never in their entire history had they been assembled for bat in such a formation。

From his mand station; Dolza; supreme mander of the Zentraedi race; considered his target; Earth。

Space was filled with his ships; there had never been a marshaling like this in the infamous annals of the Zentraedi。

And yet he felt misgivings。 Dolza knew the ancient lore of his race from Exedore's endless teachings。 Against the forces that those records mentioned; the Grand Fleet itself might not be enough。

Perhaps nothing would。

Inside the boulderlike base that was Dolza's headquarters; a thousand miles through its long axis; the supreme mander received word that the fle
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