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〃This is not the first time the Zentraedi have encountered something like this;〃 Exedore told them all。 〃A very long time ago we were exposed to a culture like yours; and it nearly destroyed us。〃

〃How do you mean that?〃 Gloval was quick to ask。

Exedore's protruding; pinpoint eyes roamed the room。 〃To a Zentraedi; fighting is a way of life。 Our entire history is made up of nothing but battle after glorious battle。 However; exposure to an emotionally open society like yours made our soldiers refuse to fight。

〃This; of course; could not be tolerated; and the infection had to be cleansed。 Loyal soldiers and the Robotech Masters themselves came in to exterminate all those who had been exposed to the source of the contagion。〃

The three spies in particular were pale and silent。 The rest looked at one another。 Exedore went on。 〃Dolza; our supreme mander; will do everything in his power to avoid making the mistake our ancestors did。 When and if he reads my report; he will certainly launch an all…out attack on Earth; especially in light of the fact that the Protoculture Matrix is no longer on the SDF…1。〃

Gloval's eyes shifted to Rick。 〃That's the same one mentioned in your report?〃

Rick licked his lips。 〃Yes; sir。〃 Almost five million warships!

Exedore nodded。 〃I know what you're thinking。 But you see; these new developments…the defections; the Minmei cult; the mating of our greatest warrior with one of your pilots…change the entire picture。〃

He looked around at them; the center of their riveted attention。 〃For; you see;〃 Exedore said; 〃unless some solution can be found; we…Breetai's forces…are in as great a danger from Dolza and the Grand Fleet as you。〃

Breetai sat in his chair in the mand station overlooking his flagship's bridge。

A projecbeam drew a two…dimensional image of Azonia in the air; the woman who had replaced him in the war against the humans; failed to bring it to a successful conclusion; and been replaced in turn by Breetai。

〃mander!〃 she began。 〃How long do you intend to allow this situation to continue?〃 She was a mediumsize; intense Zentraedi female with a quick mind and high aspirations。 Her short; frizzy hairstyle puffed within the confinement of her high; rolled collar。

Breetai; arms folded on his great chest; answered in his rumbling; echoing bass; 〃Any continuation of hostilities would be unwise in light of recent events。〃

She sneered at him。 〃Well; I expect a different solution when the Grand Fleet arrives!〃

He leapt to his feet。 〃Grand Fleet? What have you done?〃

She gave him a smug smile。 〃I've reported my findings to the supreme mander。 And his Excellency Dolza has decided to set the fleet into motion。〃

〃So Dolza has decided the Micronians are a threat; has he?〃

〃He has;〃 she said triumphantly。

Breetai's anger welled up like a volcano; but suddenly he found himself laughing like a grim god at the end of all worlds。 It was the last thing Azonia expected; she watched him; his head thrown back; roaring; light flashing off his metallic skullpiece and the crystal eye; and she felt a sudden sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach。

〃You imbecile!〃 he managed when he could talk again。 〃You know nothing of history; do you? No; no self…respecting Zentraedi cares! Well; know this; my scheming friend: We're doomed along with the humans! We have been infected; and all of us…all…are now considered plague carriers。〃

〃You're certain of this?〃 Exedore asked quietly; holding the handset tightly in trembling fist。

The munications patch had been set up hastily; with no chance for the aliens to encrypt their exchange。 Exedore would certainly know that human techs had monitored whatever Breetai had said。 Therefore; the captain bent forward; certain that he would hear whatever it was at once。

〃You know what this means; then;〃 Exedore said。 〃I understand。〃 He returned the handset to its cradle and looked at Gloval。

〃Captain; you must prepare yourselves to escape this star system。 We will help you。〃

Gloval's face hardened。 〃And leave the Earth defenseless?〃


Gloval squared his shoulders。 〃Out of the question! We are sworn to defend our planet。〃

Exedore was nodding wearily。 〃Yes; I understand。 We Zentraedi would not act any differently。 What's more; without your help; escape for us would be all but hopeless。 The Protoculture Matrix was our great hope for success; the armada's supplies are all but exhausted。〃

He sighed。 〃It seems we shall soon be fighting a mon enemy。〃

Maistroff exploded。 〃What did you say?〃

Exedore looked to him。 〃My Lord Breetai has just informed me that the Grand Fleet is headed for this star system。 That means four million eight hundred thousand ships with the destructive force of a supernova。〃

〃All right; then;〃 Gloval said matter…of…factly。 〃A fight it shall be。〃

〃You're crazy!〃 Lynn…Kyle was on his feet。 〃There's no way you can beat a fleet like that! We're finished!〃

Max had taken Miriya's hand in his。 He told her gently; 〃I'm so afraid that this might be the end for us。 Just when we've found each other。〃

She squeezed his hand。 〃I don't care; my love; as long as I'm at your side in battle。〃

Rick; on the opposite side of the U…shaped table; looked across at them with envy。 〃Together;〃 he said under his breath。

Exedore had been watching the various reactions carefully and was satisfied。 He could tell mighty Breetai that among the military; at least; there were worthy allies。

Now he raised his voice to say; 〃It's not over yet! There might still be a way!〃

〃Explain;〃 Gloval bade him; stone…faced。

〃Thus far; this vessel has proved itself unbeatable。 I will need more information before I can be sure; but I believe there is a way that we can win。〃


I have therefore concluded that Breetai and his subordinates and all those under their mand now entertain such primitive behavioral quirks and abstruse thought processes as to set them pletely outside the Zentraedi species and make them a threat to us all。
Every available unit will therefore be mustered in the Grand Fleet to take the action dictated by our ancient lore。
From Dolza's personal log

〃Repeating this annou
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