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Karita had struggled to his feet。 〃Stop!〃

The three attackers were battered up a bit; but the fight had barely started。 Max Sterling wasn't even breathing hard。

〃No more fighting;〃 Karita labored; clutching his side。 〃Hasn't there been enough?〃

The first man wiped blood from a swelling lip; studying Max。 Indicating Karita with a toss of his head; he said; 〃Him and his kind killed my son。 I don't care what you…〃

〃Look at this;〃 Max said quietly。 He displayed the RDF patch on his uniform; a diamond with curved sides; like a fighting kite。 〃You think I don't understand? But listen t' me: He's out of the war。 Just like I want to be and you want to be。〃

〃But we're never going to have peace unless we put the damn war behind us! So drop it; all right? Or else; c'mon: Let's finish this thing。〃

The first man was going to e at him again; but the other two grabbed his shoulders from either side。 The young one said; 〃All right…for now。〃

Max supported Karita with his shoulder; and the three stepped aside to let them pass。 There was a tense moment as the pilot and the injured alien walked between the attackers; one of them shifted his weight; as if reconsidering his decision。

But he thought better of it and held his place; saying; 〃What about you; flyboy? You're goin' out there again to fight 'em; aren't ya? To kill 'em if ya can?〃

Max knew that Karita was staring at him; but he answered。 〃Yeah。 Maybe I'll wind up killing somebody a lot like your son tonight。 Or he'll wind up killing me。 Who knows?〃

Max put Karita into a cab and sent him to the temporary quarters where the defectors were housed。 He didn't have time to go along; he was late for duty as it was。

Waiting for another cab; Max gazed around at the rebuilt city of Macross。 Overhead; the Enhanced Video Emulation system had created the illusion of a Terran night sky; blocking out the view of a distant alloy ceiling。

It had been a long time since Max or any of the SDF…1's other inhabitants had seen the real thing。 He was already defying the odds; having survived so many bats。 The EVE illusion was nice; but he hoped he'd get to see the true sky and hills and oceans of Earth again before his number came up。

Elsewhere on the SDF…1; two women rode in an unfortable silence on an elevator descending to a hangar deck; watching the level indicators flash。

mander Lisa Hayes; the ship's First Officer; wasn't at ease with many people。 But Lieutenant Claudia Grant; standing now with arms folded and avoiding Lisa's gaze as Lisa avoided hers; had been a close friend…perhaps Lisa's only true friend…for years。

Lisa tried to lighten the gloom。 〃Well; here I go again。 Off for another skirmish with the brass。〃

That was certainly putting the best face on it。 No previous effort had convinced the United Earth Defense Council to either begin peace negotiations with the Zentraedi invaders or allow the SDF…1 and its civilian refugees to return home。 Lisa had volunteered to try again; to present shocking new evidence that had just emerged and exert all the pressure she could on her father; Admiral Hayes; to get him to see reason and then persuade the rest of the UEDC。

Claudia looked up。 They were an odd pair: Claudia; tall and exotic…looking; several years older than Lisa; with skin the color of dark honey; and Lisa; pallid and slender; rather plain…looking until one looked a little closer。

Claudia tried to smile; running a hand through her tight brown curls。 〃I don't know whether it'll help or not to say this; but stop looking so grim。 Girl; you remind me of the captain of a sinking ship when he finds out they substituted deck chairs for the lifeboats。 It's gonna be hard to change people's minds like that。 Besides; all they can do is say no again。〃

There was a lot more to it than that; of course。 Admiral Hayes was not likely to let his only child leave Earth…to return to the SDF…1 and the endless Zentraedi attacks…once she was in the vast UEDC headquarters。 Neither Claudia nor Lisa had mentioned that they would probably never see each another again。

〃Yeah; I guess;〃 Lisa said; as the doors opened and the noise and heat of the hangar deck flooded in。

The two women stepped out into a world of harsh worklights。 bat and other craft were parked everywhere; crammed in tightly with wings and ailerons folded for more efficient storage。

Maintenance crews were swarming over Veritechs damaged in the most recent fighting; while ordnance people readied ships slated for the next round of patrols and surveillance flights。 The SDF…1's survival depended in large part on the Veritechs; but they would have been useless if not for the unflagging; often round…the…clock work of the men and women who repaired and serviced and rearmed them and the others who risked their lives as part of the flight deck catapult crews。

Welding sparks flew; ordnance loader servos whined; lifting missiles and ammunition into place。 Claudia had to raise her voice to be heard。 〃Have you told Rick about the trip; or have you been too busy to see him?〃

Busy had nothing to do with it; and they both knew that。 Lisa had concluded that her love for Rick Hunter; leader of the Veritech Skull Team; was one…sided。 By leaving the SDF…1 on a vital mission; she was also almost certainly giving up any chance of ever changing that。

〃I thought I'd call him from the shuttle;〃 she said。

Claudia exercised admirable restraint and did not blurt out; Lisa; stop being such a coward! Because Lisa wasn't…she had the bat decorations to prove it; medals and fruit cocktail that any line officer would respect。 But where emotions were concerned; the SDF…1's petent and capable First always seemed to prefer hiding under a rock someplace。

The shuttle was near the aircraft elevator…air lock that would lift it to the flight deck。 Lisa's gear and the evidence she hoped would sway Admiral Hayes and the others at the UEDC were already aboard。 The crew chief was running a final prelaunch check。

〃The shuttle is nearly ready for launch; Captain;〃 a female enlisted…rating tech reported。 〃Launch in ten minutes。〃

Captain Henry Gloval crossed the bridge to glance at several other displays; stroking his thi
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