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She hurled herself at him; the blood thirsty edge ing around in an eviscerating arc。


There are old soreheads and young soreheads in our ranks who still denounce the events that occurred near the Peace Fountain that night。 Chances are; they won't get the point of this book; either。
To paraphrase Robert Heilbroner; 〃These people bring lots of rigor to our cause; but alas; also mortis。〃
Betty Greer; Post…Feminism and the Robotech War

Miriya was quick; too; nearly as quick as Max; and a clever knife fighter。 She maneuvered the next sequence of cuts so that his route of evasion would be past the tree's great roots; and sure enough; he stumbled and went down。

She dove at him gleefully; the white throat open for her death cut。 By all rights the duel was hers; it needed only the flick of a wrist to end Sterling's life and expunge her shame。 Nothing could explain her slight hesitation; she who had never hesitated before and had lost to no other foe。 Nothing could explain it except the sudden; vivid image of what he would look like when she killed him。

Flat on his back; Max looked up at her。 This was the powered…armor pilot he had fought to a standstill days before; first in a furious dogfight over the SDF…1; then in a toe…to…toe confrontation in the streets of Macross itself。

He should have been afraid for his life。 But all he could think of was the fact that; squaring off with Miriya's mecha; he'd kept hearing Tex Ritter's old song from High Noon; 〃Do Not Forsake Me; O My Darlin';〃 echoing through his head。 And now he just couldn't help hearing that haunting line

on this; our weddin' day…ayy。。。

Miriya sprang at him; the blade cleaved the air; aimed at his heart。 His body responded before he had time for coherent thought; he held up a flat disk of rock; and the knife point skidded from it; striking sparks; nearly taking two of his fingers off but missing but a hair's breadth。

The miss put her off balance; he worked a leg trip。 As she rolled to get free and try for his life again; he catapulted toward the first knife; which was still buried in the tree。

She was after him at once。 To kill him before。。。before he could。。。

〃It's no use!〃 she cried triumphantly; slashing at him。 They maneuvered and feinted; the other knife's haft only inches beyond Max's reach。 〃You're no match for me! Oh; you may be a great man; but what's a man pared to a Zentraedi?〃

He faked her away from the tree; turned; and had the knife in his hand like magic; her belated cut only chipping bark。

〃Now; we'll see。〃 He held the knife in a fencing grip; almost hesitantly。 She went at him。

Impossibly; they set aside any sane knife…fighting style to fence as if they held sabers。 The knives struck scintillas of light from each other。 Max had learned to fence in school and had sharpened his bat skills in the Robotech Defense Force; Miriya was a Zentraedi…she lived and breathed warfare。

Amazingly; Max engaged her blade in a bind; whirling it around and around; whisking it from her grip。 It flew high; landing yards away。 The point buried itself in the ground; tantalizingly close and yet so far; too far。

Max held the point of his knife close to her throat。 She raised her chin proudly。 〃I guess I win again;〃 he said; yet there was something in his tone that made him sound unsure。

It was the moment Miriya Parino; warlord of the Quadrono; had never thought she would face。 And yet there was such a thing as dignity in defeat; such a thing as her warrior code。 〃I've lost to you。〃

This is a shame I cannot endure。 She sank to her knees; pulling the scarf down and baring her throat。 She waited for the cold kiss of the blade; hoping it would e soon to end her suffering。 She couldn't help it; but tears welled up in her eyes…not from fear or even anger but from impulses to which she could put no name。

He was hesitating for some reason; she thought that perhaps he was going to show the cruelty a Zentraedi might in his position。 She didn't blame him and was bravely determined to endure whatever he might mete out; but she thought that perhaps he simply needed a word from her to acknowledge her defeat。

〃End my life。〃 She lowered her head; the long green tresses hung about her face。 〃Please。 Do it now。〃

But what she felt wasn't the final cold fire of the knife's edge。 His fingers were under her chin; lifting her face。 〃But I couldn't! You're so beautiful。。。〃

Suddenly everything was so unreal; so difficult for her to understand; that it came as only a minor shock to see that he had let the knife fall。

Miriya looked up blissfully into a face that held confusion; wonder; and a certain something else she was only beginning to prehend。

She never felt herself e to her feet; perhaps she didn't; and the zero…g; flying feeling was real。 One final spasm of Zentraedi warrior training made itself felt; telling her to stop him; to stop him before。。。before he could。。。

But he already had; and they were kissing; embracing; Miriya in Max's arms。 For a while; in the little meadow in Macross's darkened park; there was a place apart from all other worlds。 No word was said for a long time; until Max got up his nerve。

〃Miriya; this is gonna sound crazy; but…will you marry me?〃

〃Yes; if you wish。 Maximillian; what's ‘marry'?〃

The three former Zentraedi spies; Rico; Bron; and Konda; were sitting in the RDF crew lounge not far from the bridge; doing their best to show the Terrible Trio a good time。

Sammie; Vanessa; and Kim were feeling down…hearted。 It seemed that the SDF…1's voyage would never end; that there was no refuge for the starship anywhere。

No one wanted to guess how much longer the dimensional fortress could last against the Zentraedi armada that hounded them; but the unspoken consensus was that it had pushed its luck to the limit and that they were all living on borrowed time。

〃D'you think the Canadians will offer sanctuary to the SDF…1; Konda?〃 asked the burly Bron。

If the Canadians could be persuaded to defy the united Earth Defense Council and let the ship land; offer her crew and refugees asylum; there might be hope。 It would be the most strenuous test yet of the UEDC's authority as oppos
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