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oordination and reflexes were unprecedented。

Max was still trying to figure out what she was talking about when his body saw the flash of steel; understood; and ducked; he was doing his best to recall the awkward; rather romantic little speech he had meant to make to her when those supreme and somehow strangely given bat reflexes cut in。

His evasion was barely a flicker of movement; the knife flashed past him to land solidly in a tree trunk。

This was the first time she had ever missed。 But she kept ing at him。

Stunned; Max watched her charge headlong toward him。 She threw the sheath of the first knife far from her; it made no sound; landing in the grass。

〃Hey; are you crazy?〃 Everything had suddenly slid into place within him; he already loved her so; but the physical Sterling; the part that made him unbeatable; was broadcasting warnings and threat updates; putting his body in motion。

She drew a second; sheathed blade from the open front seam of her body suit。 〃I am Quadrono Leader Miriya Parino: Zentraedi warrior!〃

Max gulped。 〃There goes our first date。〃

But something in him had already changed; his balance was forward; on the balls of his feet…he felt nearly weightless…and his hands were curled into the fastest fists on the SDF…1。

However; he was still infatuated with her; he held himself in check when all his impulses were to counterattack。 A little thing like attempted murder couldn't alter the fact that he was hopelessly in love with her。

She had seen him pacing; heard his concern for her。 The weakling human fears…for the safety of an imagined loved one; of all things!…were so contemptible and misplaced; and yet。。。

Somewhere deep inside of her she knew; with a clear and pure knowledge; that Max's worry was a reflection of his regard for her。 Who else; in the course of her matchless military career; had ever shown such simple; loving concern for Miriya Parino's well…being?

No one。 Not ever。 The very thought galvanized her; launched her forward to murder。

The sheath hissed briefly with a metallic rasp as the blade glimmered wickedly under the soft park streetlights。 〃You're such a fool! Fight for your life!〃

There was something nauseatingly vulnerable and adoring in his eyes; the expression with which he regarded her was unworthy of any true warrior…but it sapped her determination so。

Yet inside her; a furnace as hot and powerful as any Protoculture engine burned。 Kill him! Kill him now; at once! Before。。。before he can。。。

〃My life? But why attack me?〃 Max asked bewildered; but his body was already set…they were both so locked into the physical language of hand…to…hand that a fight was inevitable。

She brought the glitter of the blade up into their line of sight like a fencer so that they could both consider its cold blaze。 〃I will have my revenge!〃

His hand went to the hilt of the knife embedded in the tree trunk; and she made new calculations based on his being armed。 Sterling's having a knife was so much the better as far as Miriya was concerned; she wanted to kill him in a fight on equal terms; wanted to humble him as he had humbled her…before。。。before he could。。。

His hand came away from the haft of the knife…very reluctantly; very slowly; very deliberately。 He turned back to her。 〃I'm afraid I don't know what this is all about。〃

He left the weapon aside when he might have taken it。 His life was in danger; but in another way his life was there; staring at him; a knife in her hand…the person; he was sure; he couldn't live without。

I wonder what the court…martial punishment is for falling in love with the enemy?

〃What d' you mean; revenge? If you're a Zentraedi; I understand why we have to…to fight。〃 He barely got the word out。 〃But why d' you want revenge?〃

She held the short; tanto…style knife high; a miniature samurai blade; burnished and keen; that threw the light back like a mirror。 〃I。。。have。。。reasons!〃

With that she sprang at him; fast as any jungle cat。

But Max Sterling's emotions and misgivings were subject to a sudden override; body and reflexes took over。

An edge so fine that it would have cut a hair floating in the air sliced through the spot where he had been standing; with a curt; sinister sibilance。 Max was already aloft。

She spat a Zentraedi oath in frustration; watching him dive and flip to momentary safety。 He whirled on her when he might as easily…and more sanely…have run for it。 〃Miriya; what'd I ever do to you?〃

She wasn't blind to his decision to stand when it would be more advisable to run。 Like a Valkyrie; she lifted the knife blade again; so that it threw back shards of light。

〃You defeated me。 And you don't even know who I am; do you?〃

She swirled the blade around; en garde; so that there was a contoured trail of light between them。 〃I am the Zentraedi's greatest pilot! And I will not be humiliated by a human insect!〃

She plunged at him; the razor…sharp edge slitting the air。 In less than a second she executed two masterful infighting moves that would have disembowled a lesser opponent。

But Max Sterling simply wasn't there。 He made no countermoves; but he avoided the cuts and thrusts like a shadow。 Miriya was even more enraged to see that he wasn't terrified; but rather mystified。 That he still felt weakling human emotions for her。

She fought down the chaotic impulses that flared up within her。 She slashed again; but the knife hissed through empty space once more。

And she began to know a certain fear。 By the Protoculture! He's so fast! Her fear had nothing to do with dying; she was Zentraedi。 In this strangest battle of her life; she wasn't quite sure what that ultimate and most dire of terrors was; the dread that was somehow bound up in Max Sterling。 She had had many mental images; wondering about what this utter demon of war would be like; none of them were anything like the truth。

〃The first time you were lucky! The second time was your final victory!〃

She cut at him; barely missing; Max dodging with that same uncanny speed。 〃Nothing can save you now!〃 Miriya hissed。 〃I will defeat you!〃

She hurled herself at him; the blood thirsty edge ing around in an eviscerating arc。

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