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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第96章

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   〃The s…s…spell;〃 she said; shivering violently; then switching to sign language。 I should cast it soon。
   Ryld's attention; however; was focused on a ghostly rider racing toward them on one of the surface mounts…a 〃horse;〃 Ryld suddenly remembered it was called。 The horse's feet did not disturb the snow; yet Ryld could hear…faintly…the sound of hooves striking the ground。 The horse was still strong; still capable of running swiftly…and was corporeal; at least for the moment。 And that gave him an idea。
   Grasping the fallen standard…bearer's pole; he wrenched it up out of the snow and stood as straight as the wracking pain in his gut would allow。
   〃In the name of Lord Velar; halt!〃 he shouted。 〃I bear a message that must reach your mander's ears。〃
   For an anxious moment; Ryld thought his ruse wasn't going to work。 The standard in his hands was ancient and rusted; the pennant long since rotted away。 But the officer seemed to see it as it once had been。 Immediately; the ghost pulled up its mount。 Fully corporeal; the dead man stared down at Ryld。 Its horse mirrored the ghost's apprehension as it flared its nostrils and…perhaps catching scent of a dragon that was long…since dead in Ryld's time…whinnied nervously。
   The undead officer's eyes narrowed; however; as it glanced between Ryld and Halisstra。
   〃You aren't soldiers;〃 the ghost said。 〃You're not even human。〃
   〃We're drow;〃 Ryld said quickly; silently praying that his race had not been at war with those humans in their day。 〃Dark elves from the Realms Below who have e to fight beside Lord Velar。〃
   〃You're too late。 Look around you。 Lord Velar's army is defeated。 The dragons 。 。 。〃
   The ghost shuddered; unable to go on。
   〃Yes; I know。〃 Ryld raised his left hand; drawing the officer's eye to the dragon…shaped ring of Melee…Magthere on his finger。 〃I am quite familiar with dragons; and I know how terrible a weapon they can be。 I have knowledge that can help Lord Velar defeat them…if I can reach him in time。 Loan me your horse; and this defeat may yet be turned into a victory。〃
   Behind Ryld; Halisstra stood shivering; her arms tucked tight to her chest。
   The officer gave one last nervous glance over his shoulder; then swung down out of the saddle。
   〃Take her;〃 the apparition said; thrusting the reins into Ryld's hand。 The ghost drew its sword and turned back toward the direction from which it had ridden。 〃 'Better to die proud than live in shame;' 〃 it said; reciting the words like a quote。
   The ghost officer strode away; dissolving into a swirl of mist amidst the thickly falling snow。
   The horse; however; remained。 As it shifted its weight; its legs ploughed a furrow in the snow。 Reaching up to stroke its neck and steady it; Ryld found that he could smell the sweat and dust that clung to its hair。 The animal's body gave off a wele heat…one that Halisstra; shivering violently; could use to stay alive。
   〃Can you ride it?〃 he asked her…a bit belatedly; he realized。
   Halisstra gave a shiver that might have been a nod。
   〃I've r…r…ridden lizards。 This beast sh…shouldn't b…b…be any more d…difficult。 Wh…what is it?〃
   〃It's called a horse。 I saw one for sale in the Bazaar in Menzoberranzan a few years ago。 Heard it fetched a pretty penny but only lived a couple days;〃 he said; then realized again that time was of the essence。 〃Sit in the saddle; and I'll…〃
   A wave of pain flowed through Ryld's gut; forcing him to gasp。
   Halisstra gave him a worried look。
   Ryld; irritated by his lack of control; forced the pain out of his awareness。 He gave Halisstra a tight smile as he handed her the reins。
   〃You ride;〃 he said; 〃and I'll hold on; levitating behind。 The animal will be able to move faster that way。 With luck; we'll reach the forest and make contact with the priestesses before the spell you cast on me runs out。〃
   〃Not luck;〃 Halisstra chastised。 〃With the b…blessing of the g…g…goddess。〃
   She gave him a brief kiss…with lips that seemed as cold as those of the dead…then she climbed; still shivering; into the saddle。
Chapter Thirty…five
   An instant before the demon reached Pharaun; the spell activated; and an enormous glowing hand interposed itself between them。 The hand slammed into the demon; smashing it down against the deck and dragging it across the bone…white boards away from Pharaun。 Squeaking with fury; the demon tried to squirm free; but the magical hand was too strong for it。
   As the uridezu struggled; unable to move; Pharaun cautiously approached and grasped the two ends of the broken chain。 Holding them together; he cast a cantrip; glad that he had been forced to use that form of binding。 A pentagram; once broken; had to be redrawn entirely; but a chain used in a binding spell could always be restored with a simple mending…assuming one had the magic to actually restrain the demon; first。
   The instant the chain mended itself; Pharaun stepped back and dispelled the magic hand。 The demon leaped to its feet; eyes slitted with fury。 As it yanked; futilely; on the chain; Pharaun turned to look for Quenthel and Jeggred。 He spotted them a moment later…they'd managed to escape from the whirlpool by levitating and were floating in the eye of the storm。 Unable to reach the ship; they were rapidly being left behind。 Quenthel shouted something at him; but Pharaun couldn't hear her over the crash of waves and the howl of the wind。 Her message was plain enough; however; from the waving of her arms。 She wanted Pharaun to use his magic to fetch them back to the ship。
   Pharaun made a show of cupping his ear and shrugged theatrically。 Then he turned away; chuckling。 He stared at the demon; which once again had lapsed into surly submission。
   〃Now then; demon;〃 he told it。 〃You said the mouth was in the ship's hold?〃
   The demon snarled and said; 〃Go see for yourself。〃
   Pharaun took a step toward the open hatch; watching the demon out of the corner of his eye。 When it tensed expectantly; he paused。
   〃I think not;〃 he said。
   Instead he pulled from his pocket the jar of ointment and rubbed a 
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