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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第95章

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sh snow; towing him behind her; then she broke into a jog。 After no more than a dozen steps Ryld was unable to see the worm hole behind them。 Ahead lay a thick veil of falling snow that hid the landscape from sight。 No stars or moon could be seen overhead。 The sky was a solid; sullen gray。 Thick flakes landed on the weapons master's close…shaved scalp; melted; and froze again。
   For a time; the rapid pace Halisstra set kept her warm。 But by the time the snow had deepened to calf level; she was shivering。 She pressed on until her teeth began to chatter; then at last she paused and whispered a quick prayer to Eilistraee; her breath fogging in the bitterly cold air。 When it was done she breathed easier。 Gradually her shivers subsided。
   As she'd predicted; the soothing effects of the spell didn't last long。 Halisstra was able to continue for some time more; her jog slowed to a walk by the deepening snow; but then she began to shiver again。 When she raised a hand to her lips; blowing on it; Ryld saw to his dismay that her fingertips had a grayish tinge。 The surface elves had a word for it: frostbite。 Ryld was ing to understand why they'd chosen such an odd term。 His own fingers and toes…and the end of his nose…felt raw; as if invisible creatures were gnawing on them。
   〃That spell doesn't last long enough;〃 he observed。
   〃No;〃 Halisstra agreed; her teeth starting to chatter again。 〃It doesn't。〃
   Ryld squinted at the thickly falling snow that formed a curtain on every side。 Though the sky was getting lighter; he could no longer see the battlefield debris that littered the ground due to the snow。 A moment later; however; Halisstra's boot crunched down onto a piece of frozen bone; snapping it; reminding him that they were still on the Cold Field。
   〃We're not going to make it;〃 Ryld said。 〃Not without help。〃
   He paused as pain twisted his gut; making him gasp。
   Halisstra's eyes widened。
   〃What's wrong?〃 she asked。 〃It can't be the spell ending…it's too soon。〃
   Ryld allowed himself to sink to the ground and stood for a time with his hands on his thighs; breathing away the pain。 When he felt steady again; he answered her question。
   〃It's the strain of levitating。 I'm weak。 Your spell delayed the poison; but by then the venom had already done a fair bit of damage; by the feel of it。〃 He nodded at the Crescent Blade strapped to her backpack。 〃I'm expendable; but you have a job to do。 If you're going to make it off this plain; you've got to save your magic for yourself。 Leave me。〃
   Halisstra didn't argue。 She merely stared at Ryld; her eyes watering。
   Lips pressed in a tight line; she took his hand and squeezed it。 He nodded at her; encouraging her; and she started to turn away。
   Then she stopped。
   〃No;〃 she said; turning back to him again。 〃There must be a way。 Let me think。 There must be a spell I can use…something that will help me to move more quickly。〃
   Ryld nodded; staring dully at the falling snow。 The flakes drifted straight down from the sky; there wasn't a breath of wind。 Strange; then; that patches of falling snow seemed to be swirling; taking vague shape and breaking apart again 。 。 。
   With a start; he realized what he was seeing。
   Halisstra; he signed; not daring to speak out loud。 Ghosts。 We're surrounded by them;
   〃We m…m…may be among them; s…s…soon enough;〃 Halisstra said through chattering teeth。 〃It's nearly d…d…dawn。 C…e closer s…so I can c…c…cast…〃
   Quiet; Ryld signed。 They can hear you。
   One of the ghosts had glanced briefly in their direction as Halisstra spoke。 As it did; it seemed to solidify a bit。 Ryld recognized it as a soldier; his face so smudged with soot it was almost as dark as Ryld's own。 The front of his wooden shield was burned nearly to charcoal。 The ghost remained corporeal just long enough for Ryld to recognize the emblem on the back of its tunic…the tree of Lord Velar's army…then it dissolved into a swirl amid the snowflakes。
   Ryld could see dozens of the ghostly figures; moving in the same direction he and Halisstra had been。 He caught only glimpses of them…like the first soldier; they seemed to be shifting between solid and mistlike form…but those glimpses were enough to tell him that it was an army in retreat。 Shoulders slumped and eyes staring dully at the ground; the soldiers listlessly dragged their weapons behind them。 Every now and then a ghostly animal of the Surface Realms would race past; the rider on its back whipping it frantically。 Whenever that happened the foot soldiers would glance fearfully over their shoulders as if looking to see what was pursuing the rider; and some would break into a run。 After a few stumbling steps; however; they slowed to a trudge again; some of them falling and failing to rise; their ghostly forms sinking into the snow。
   The army of ghosts took little notice of Ryld and Halisstra。 The soldiers seemed to sense; somehow; that the drow were also walking wounded…that they too were trying to retreat from that cold; lifeless plain。 One of the soldiers…a standard…bearer who still carried an iron pole topped with a pennant emblazoned with the tree emblem…crumpled to the ground right in front of Ryld; taking no notice of him。 Though the pennant brushed Ryld's arm as it fell toward the snow; the pole itself made no mark in the smooth white surface。 Like the standard…bearer's body; it sank into the snow without a trace。
   Ryld noticed that the snow in front of him was slightly humped。 Curious; he reached into its cold depths and felt a skeleton; and beside it a cold metal pole; its surface flaked with rust。 Like the ghostly officer Ryld had met earlier; the soldier had acted out the final moments of his life; crumpling once again in the same spot where he had died; centuries gone by。
   Ryld; feeling the pain in his gut start to grow; wondered if he was about to join him。
   Halisstra touched the symbol of Eilistraee that hung from her belt。
   〃The s…s…spell;〃 she said; shivering violently; then switching to sign language。 I should cast it soon。
   Ryld's attention; however; was focused on a ghostly rider racing towa
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