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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第90章

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he ghost that had led her to the worm hole had truly been Mathira Melarn。 It seemed more likely that it was just some malevolent spirit seeking to lead others to experience the same gruesome death that it had。 Stupidly; like a rothe being led to slaughter; she had followed the ghost to the edge of the worm hole; then entered; despite her realization that it would be a purple worm she'd be confronting and not a dragon after all。 She had proceeded anyway; blind faith causing her to believe that the Crescent Blade would be inside the worm's lair。
   If it was; she hadn't seen it。 In the moments before Ryld had startled her; breaking her spell; Halisstra had gotten a good look at the cavern floor。 She'd even gotten the worm to shift this way and that; enabling her to search beneath it。
   She'd seen nothing。
   Sighing; she stared down at Ryld。 In pursuing her quest; she'd e close to forfeiting her own life。 That; she had no quarrel with。 As a drow; and a former servant of Lolth; she was used to such sacrifices being demanded of her and all around her。 The goddess consumed her followers like flies; then cast their empty husks away。 But Halisstra had expected more of Eilistraee。 A little mercy…if not for her; then for innocents like Ryld。 She hadn't expected her quest to cost him his life as well。
   Then she saw a slight change。 Ryld's face; which had been swiftly draining of color a few moment before; seemed slightly darker; less gray。 She could see his breathing begin to steady; though it still sounded wet and tight。 The spell had worked…there was still hope。
   〃Eilistraee; forgive me;〃 she quickly whispered。 〃Forgive me for doubting your mercy。〃
   Squatting; she hooked one hand under Ryld's shoulders; the other under his hips; intending to carry him; if need be; all the way up to the surface; then back across the Cold Field to the nearest town。
   Eilistraee willing; she would be able to locate one of the priestesses…someone who knew a healing spell that would flush the poison pletely from his body…before the poison…delaying spell she'd cast ran out。
   As she started to lift Ryld his eyes flickered open; startling her。 He looked confused for a moment; but slowly recognition dawned。
   〃Halisstra;〃 he croaked。 〃Is it really you?〃
   At first Halisstra thought he was still groggy from the poison。 Then she realized; from the way he was staring at her; that he truly did not recognize her。 She touched her face and found it cratered with overlapping scars。 Her hand trembling; she reached up still farther; and found that most of her hair had fallen out。 Only a few ragged strands remained。 The bae'qeshel magic had closed the wounds caused by her burns…but it had left her with terrible scars。
   She told herself not to worry about it…the priestesses would certainly have a spell that would smooth her skin and restore her hair。 Getting Ryld back was the thing to concentrate on。
   〃It is me; Ryld;〃 she told him。 〃Do you think you can walk? Otherwise I'll have to carry you back across the Cold Field。〃
   〃I can walk 。 。 。 if you help me up;〃 he said。 Then he looked around。 〃Splitter…where is it?〃
   The poison having been slowed; Ryld struggled to his hands and knees…still shaky but looking stronger than he had just a moment before。 Halisstra knew he would no sooner leave his enchanted greatsword behind than he would sacrifice an arm or a leg; but he was still weak。
   〃I'll find it;〃 Halisstra told him。 〃You stay here; and save your strength。〃
   She approached the worm carefully; worried that it might not yet be dead。 Its body was unmoving; however; coiled in a limp tangle。 Easing its mouth open; she yanked Seyll's songsword from its cheek and let the acid drain from the finger holes in the weapon's hilt。 Then she searched for Splitter。
   The greatsword lay close to the spot where Halisstra had hacked her way out of the worm's belly; its hilt protruding from under a coil of the worm。 She stooped and yanked it free…then spotted something lying half in and half out of the wound。 It was the sword she'd used to cut herself free。 Its blade was bright and untarnished…obviously magical; since it had been protected from the acid's corrosive effects…and curved。 Curved。
   Halisstra realized what weapon it must be。
   It was the Crescent Blade。
   Eyes wide with awe; ignoring the acid that was stinging the soles of her bare feet; she picked up the sword; then backed out of the pool of acid。 The hilt should have been slippery with the worm's digestive juices but its leather wrapping felt dry and clean…further evidence that it was a magical weapon。 Silver had been inlaid along the length of the blade; giving the metal its sheen。 The inlay spelled out words in the drow tongue that began to glow slightly as Halisstra held the sword。
   Ryld; rising unsteadily on his feet; moved closer to take a look as Halisstra read the inscription。
   〃 'Be your heart filled with light and your cause be true; I shall not fail you;' 〃 she recited。 Her brows puckered in a doubtful frown。 〃Even in the Abyss?〃 she whispered。
   When she looked up; she saw Ryld staring at her。
   〃So that's why you wanted the Crescent Blade;〃 he said softly。 〃To try to kill Lolth?〃 He shook his head。 〃That's something even Vhaeraun failed to do。 How can you hope to succeed where a god has failed?〃
   〃I don't know;〃 Halisstra answered honestly。
   Part of her felt manipulated…despite nearly being devoured by the worm; it felt as though the Crescent Blade had just fallen into her hands。 That made her wary; uneasy。 But at the same time; another part of her felt elation。 She might be no more than a piece on a sava board; being moved this way and that by an unseen hand; but that hand belonged to a goddess。 Eilistraee; for good or ill; had taken a personal interest in her…something Lolth had never done。 The thought filled Halisstra with a heady pride。
   〃Eilistraee is watching over me;〃 she told Ryld。 〃It feels as if all of this has been preordained…and I have a sense that it's my destiny to at least try to follow the path the goddess has set me on。 If I do succeed in killing Lolth
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