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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第6章

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y tang of wet leaves that told him the Surface Realms were just above their heads; but the air around him already felt cleaner。 As they descended the twisting fissure that led ever downward through the stone; he felt his eyes adjusting to the darkness。 Gone was the itching glare of sunlight; allowing him to fully open his eyes and use his darkvision for the first time in too many days。
   Behind Valas; Quenthel and the others followed in a line。 They'd fallen quiet instinctively as soon as they'd left the sunlight behind。 Even the upper Underdark could be a dangerous place for the unwary; and that particular tunnel was unknown territory。 Yet pared to Valas; they hardly moved in silence。 He could hear the scrape of armor against stone as someone behind him squeezed through a spot where the tunnel had narrowed; forcing them to turn sideways to slip through。 A moment later he heard the scuff of a boot and a faint intake of breath as one of the females missed her footing。 He turned and angrily started to sign Move more quietly to her; but dropped his hands when he realized it was Quenthel and not Danifae who had slipped。 Danifae had once again positioned herself near the back of the group; just ahead of Ryld…not because of the potential dangers ahead; Valas was sure; but; with Halisstra gone; to keep a wary eye on her panions。
   What have you stopped for? Quenthel signed from behind Pharaun。 Keep moving。
   One of the vipers in the whip tucked into her belt gave a slight hiss。
   Nodding his head; Valas led the way through the tunnel once more。 As before; Pharaun was close behind him; continually peering over Valas's shoulder as if he was searching for something。 Ryld; on the other hand; was constantly looking back the way they had e。 Whenever Valas caught his eye; the weapons master would signal that he thought someone was following them。 Valas had never seen him so jumpy before。
   The first two times Ryld had done that; Valas had doubled back to check for himself; but there had been nothing: no sounds; no signs of pursuit。 Thereafter he ignored Ryld's anxious glances behind them。
   Since Halisstra had been sent back to Menzoberranzan there were only six of them left。 Personally; Valas thought that was a foolish decision on Quenthel's part。 He doubted that Halisstra would make it without Lolth's magic to protect her。 But no doubt Quenthel thought the same。 She probably hoped to eliminate a rival priestess who might claim credit for discovering what had happened to Lolth…assuming that a return to the Demonweb Pits was even possible。
   For the hundredth time since Quenthel had announced her plan to have Pharaun summon a demon; Valas wondered how that was going to help。 In all likelihood; the demon would turn on them and swallow them whole without guiding them a single step of the way。
   He reminded himself that the lot of a mercenary was not to question how; but to do…and bow。 And so he led them on。 As he moved cautiously ahead into the unknown darkness。 Pharaun still crowding close behind him; Valas fingered one of the magical amulets pinned to his shirt…his lucky; double…headed coin…and hoped it would give him the edge he'd need when the demon eventually turned on them; as he was certain it would。
   Halisstra stood on the bluff that overlooked the ruined temple; staring out at the horizon。 The others had descended into the Underdark some time before; and the sun was slowly sinking below the horizon; painting the clouds shades of pink and gold。 Though it made her eyes water to look at the sunset; Halisstra stared in fascination; watching the colors shift into ever darker shades of orange; then red; then purple; gazing as new patterns formed each time the sun's slanting rays struck the clouds at a different angle。 She was beginning to understand why the surface dwellers spoke in such rapturous tones about sunsets。
   As the forest below darkened; her sight began to shift toward darkvision。 She could see birds flitting through the branches below and could hear the thrumming of numerous wings as a flock of birds moved through the trees toward the bluff。 She'd heard that surface…dwelling creatures followed the cycles of day and night; and it struck her that Ched Nasad's magic…controlled lighting and Menzoberranzan's famous pillar Narbondel…used for marking the passage of 〃day〃 and 〃night〃…must have been holdovers from a distant time when drow still dwelt upon the surface。 Had House Jaelre simply been following a call that other drow had not yet heard when they returned to the surface; forsaking the worship of Lolth?
   The flock of birds had e closer; filling the treetops just below the bluff with strange whistling cries。 One of them rose above the treetops; its wings beating so quickly they were a blur。 Only when it was within a few paces of her did Halisstra recognize the 〃bird〃 for what it truly was。 The furry body; the eight legs; the long; needle…shaped proboscis…all added up to a creature she hadn't realized was also a danger on the surface。 Especially when there was not just one of the creatures flying toward her at the speed of an arrow; but dozens: an entire flock。
   〃Lolth help me;〃 Halisstra whispered。 〃Stirges。〃
   They were too close for a crossbow shot。 Whipping out Seyll's long sword; Halisstra braced herself to meet the threat。 Grimly; she realized her chain mail wouldn't be any help; the stirges' needle…thin noses would slip between its links。
   As the first surge dived in to attack; Halisstra swung the long sword。 It was still awkward in her grip; heavier than the blade she'd been used to。 Even so; her blow connected; slicing the stirge cleanly
   Then half a dozen of the creatures were on her。
   For several frantic moments; Halisstra fended them off; killing two more with the sword and crumpling the proboscis of a third with a blow from the small steel shield she wore on her left arm。
   She felt a piercing pain in her right shoulder as a stirge struck。 A moment later; another plunged its proboscis into the back of her left leg; just behind the knee。 The force of it caused her to stagger。 Only by ducking frantically was she able to 
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