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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第58章

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   〃Are you mad?〃 Valas asked; shaking his head。 〃You'll vanish down Oothoon's gullet; just as Quenthel did。 Then where will we be?〃
   Pharaun shrugged and said; 〃Free to do as you wish; I suppose。〃 He winked at Danifae; then added; 〃Which would mean you'd have to walk to 。。。 where you want to go。 Perhaps your own mistress will return to claim you again; or maybe our valiant mercenary would escort you。〃 He laughed and patted his backpack。 〃Don't worry。 I've prepared a little magical surprise for the aboleth。 My memories won't be added to Oothoon's。〃
   Danifae gave him a mock pout and said; 〃See to it that they aren't。〃
   Pharaun wasted no time in making his preparations。 He pulled a leather glove onto one hand in preparation for a spell he would cast once he arrived in Zanhoriloch and made sure his wands were close at hand。 He then cast two protective spells in quick succession。 The first would shield him from any attempts the aboleth made to dominate his mind。 The second created eight illusionary images of himself that mirrored his every move。
   All nine Pharauns nodded their farewell and smiled as Valas saluted them。 The one that was second from the left…the real Pharaun…cast the spell that allowed him to breathe water。 Mirrored by the others; he stepped into the river; and; as soon as the cold water closed over his head; he spoke the word that would teleport him to Oothoon's audience chamber。
   His arrival took the aboleth matriarch pletely by surprise。 Oothoon was resting in her niche; admiring a large black pearl held in the tip of a tentacle。 As Pharaun and his eight illusionary doubles materialized suddenly in the room; she startled; then coiled her tentacle tightly around the pearl; drawing the precious object closer to her body。
   Another aboleth was just outside in the spiraling corridor; guarding the entrance。 It blinked its three eyes in startled surprise to see nine drow suddenly appear in the audience chamber but reacted with the swiftness of a trained soldier。 A powerful stroke of its fluked tail propelled it into the room。 One of the illusionary Pharauns disappeared in a sparkle of magical energy as the aboleth tore through it in an attack as savage and swift as that of a shark。
   As the aboleth guard turned for a second attack Pharaun raised his gloved hand and flexed it; swiftly fingering an evocation with his other hand in the silent speech。 An enormous ebony…skinned hand appeared in the water。 Fingers open; it met the guard head…on; then wrapped itself around the aboleth。 It squeezed tight; smashing the aboleth's tentacles against its body。 The guard; nearly blinded by a finger that covered two of its eyes; gurgled with rage and gnawed at the palm of the hand; which was pressed up against the mouth in its belly。 The hand; however; was made of magical energy; not flesh; and so the guard's attempts to bite it were futile。 The aboleth thrashed helplessly in the hand's firm grip; slime from its body clouding the water around it。
   Pharaun gave a quick mental push; and the hand carried the guard out of the room and down the corridor。
   All that happened in the space of a few heartbeats。 Immediately after shoving the guard away; Pharaun turned…together with his mirror images…and cast a powerful enchantment at Oothoon。 A wash of magical energy stirred the water around the aboleth matriarch; and an instant later Pharaun saw Oothoon's tentacles relax。 Still wary; he spoke to Oothoon in sign; testing the effects of his charm。 If the spell had worked; she would be not just willing but eager to chat with her 〃old friend〃 Pharaun。
   I apologize for the abrupt intrusion; he signed; but I wanted to find out how our little plan went。 I have heard that Quenthel came to you; and that you consumed her。 Now will you keep your part of the bargain and tell me where the ship of chaos lies?
   Oothoon glanced at the corridor; bereft of its guard; then back at the mage。
   〃Your 'priestess' had no magic。〃
   Pharaun had anticipated that response。
   I suppose you learned from her memories that Lolth is。 。 。 unavailable; he signed。 In time; however; the goddess will awaken; and you will have full use of the spells you just acquired。
   〃I did not consume Quenthel。 She was not worth eating。〃
   Pharaun blinked。
   But the one who acpanied her came back to us and told us you consumed her。 He saw you swallow her whole。
   〃The four…armed one saw what I wanted him to see;〃 Oothoon said; tentacles quivering and mouth open in what Pharaun took to be a wide grin。
   That made Pharaun pause。 He had heard that aboleths had mind magic capable of creating illusions。 It seemed that Oothoon had used just that talent on Jeggred。 Was she dulling Pharaun's senses with an illusion even then? Were the audience chamber and the corridor beyond not as empty of guards as they seemed?
   Pharaun had with him a vial of ointment that; when rubbed on the eyes; would instantly reveal the truth once the words of the spell that activated its potency were spoken…but using it meant reaching inside a pocket of his piwafwi and closing his eyes briefly。 If there were illusion…cloaked guards nearby; it would be the ideal moment in which to overpower him。
   No; he'd rely on the magic he'd already protected himself with。 Seven of the mirror images he'd created were still hovering in the water next to him。 If a surprise attack came; there was only a one…in…eight chance that he would be the one who was targeted。
   Oothoon; meanwhile; seemed relaxed。 The aboleth matriarch rested easily in the niche; the only sign of unease the fact that the pearl was cupped protectively against her belly。 Oothoon hadn't called for more guards to replace the one Pharaun had incapacitated and hadn't made any threatening moves。 Pharaun was probably worrying needlessly。 His charm spell had obviously taken hold。 He decided to test it further by asking a question the aboleth wouldn't answer unless charmed。
   Where is Quenthel now? Pharaun asked。
   〃Gone in search of the ship of chaos。〃
   You told her where it was?
   The aboleth matriarch just stared at him…but the s
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