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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第54章

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ad finally worked up the courage to inflict the killing bite。 Except that he didn't have the strength of will to kill Quenthel himself。 Instead; he would let the aboleth do her in。 That way; he could report back to the matron mother…honestly…that Quenthel had died at the hands of another; hostile race; in the pursuit of her quest。
   A quest he obviously hoped to make his own; in order to steal what should rightfully be Quenthel's glory。
   Quenthel stroked the sinuous bodies of her vipers; which shuddered softly as they shared her thoughts。
   She must be telling the truth; Yngoth said; staring fixedly at the top of Danifae's lowered head。 I can see no reason for her to make up such a story。
   Nor can I; Quenthel thought back。
   Danifae is your loyal servant。 Mistress! said K'Sothra; squirming with delight。
   Quenthel sighed and stroked the smaller viper's head。 K'Sothra was pretty; but she wasn't very bright。 She took everything at face value; pletely missing the subtle nuances of deceit that usually lay just beneath the surface of so blatant a betrayal。 But Quenthel thought that the naive snake might actually be correct。 Danifae's motivation seemed clear as quartz crystal。 The lesser priestess had everything to gain by betraying Pharaun's plans to Quenthel and nothing to lose。 When Lolth reawakened; Danifae would no doubt attempt to claim a prominent place in Arach…Tinilith。
   Quenthel shifted the whip to her left hand…smiling when Danifae flinched as the serpents passed over her head…and she curled the fingers of her right hand。 She rested her fingertips lightly on Danifae's bowed head。
   〃You will be rewarded;〃 she told the lesser priestess。 〃Now go。 Return to Pharaun; before he suspects what you've been doing。〃
   Danifae rose; smiling; and turned to leave the narrow cavern。 Jeggred; who had been hunkered by the entrance the whole time; watching the tunnel beyond for signs of danger; flexed the claws of his fighting hands and glanced back over his shoulder at Quenthel。 She gave a slight shake of her head; and Jeggred flattened against the wall to let Danifae pass。
   〃What about the mage?〃 the draegloth growled。
   Quenthel saw that the hair on the back of his neck had risen。 He'd listened carefully to everything Danifae said and was balanced on the knife edge of one of his rages。 The slightest word from Quenthel would send him into violent motion back down the tunnel to where Pharaun sat by the waterfall; studying his spellbooks。
   〃I will deal with him myself;〃 Quenthel told him。 〃Later。〃
   Still growling softly; Jeggred settled back into a crouch; wrapping his smaller arms around his knees。 Red eyes stared out into the tunnel; and slowly his hackles smoothed。
   Quenthel sat for a moment in silence; brooding。 The cavern she'd chosen for her Reverie was no larger than a servant's room; but it had a high ceiling that ended in a narrow fissure。 Water seeped down one wall to puddle near her feet。 It trickled out through the opening where Jeggred squatted; eventually joining the river she could hear flowing through the tunnel outside。 A cluster of faintly luminescent; round fungi grew on the wet wall beside her; casting a dim greenish light。 Quenthel reached out and popped one with a fingernail; releasing a sparkle of spores; then she contemplated her glowing fingertip。
   Useful as Pharaun's spells were; his latest treachery had tipped the scales; turning him into a liability…one that needed to be eliminated。 Yet killing him was not the simple solution it seemed。
   Pharaun was a powerful wizard and a key player in the politics of the Academy。 If it was learned that Quenthel had killed him; she would surely face the wrath of Pharaun's patron; her brother Gromph。 Quenthel's sister Triel; Matron Mother of House Baenre; would not be pleased at having to choose sides between her siblings; especially as long as they were all weakened by Lolth's inattention。 By all accounts; Pharaun's own matron mother; Miz'ri Mizzrym; was hardly fond of the mage; but he was a Master of Sorcere after all and still an important part of House Mizzrym's modest assets…and House Mizzrym was a close ally of the First House。 The other masters and wizards of Sorcere would likewise be displeased to lose one of their own…especially one important enough to have been chosen for the expedition in the first place。 Killing Pharaun would indeed be difficult; yet there had to be a way。 。 。 。
   Quenthel thought over what Danifae had told her。 According to the battle…captive; the aboleth would only reveal where the ship of chaos was in exchange for an opportunity to consume a powerful spellcaster。 Pharaun was obviously gambling that Oothoon would fail to realize that Quenthel's spells were no longer useful…that the aboleth would provide him with the location of the ship before his trickery was discovered。 And the aboleth matriarch had obviously believed him。 If not; she would have simply consumed Pharaun on the spot to acquire the spells the wizard carried inside his own mind。
   You should turn the sava board on him; Yngoth suggested。 Offer Pharaun to Oothoon; in exchange for the ship。
   Easily said; Quenthel answered。 But not so easily done。 I would have to meet Oothoon in person and first persuade the aboleth matriarch that I was not worth eating。
   Tell the truth; Zinda said。 Your spells are useless。 Lolth is silent; perhaps forever。 Perhaps she is dead。
   〃No!〃 Quenthel cried aloud。 〃Lolth lives!〃
   Seeing Jeggred's sharp glance in her direction; she shut her mouth。
   She must live; she continued silently。 If I didn't believe she was still alive; I would…
   What? Yngoth spat; his thoughts cracking Quenthel out of her despair。 Give up? Embrace death yourself? What god; then; would claim your soul?
   Anger making her steadier…she hated it when the vipers peered into her innermost fears…Quenthel spat her thoughts back at them。
   No。 Never that。 It's just that revealing what has happened to Lolth would mean bargaining from a position of weakness。 The aboleth would realize I was powerless。 She might even decide to mount an attack on the drow; as
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