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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第41章

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   Valas…to Pharaun's eyes a 〃monster〃 rising from the lake…waved a webbed paw in a desperate attempt to fend off whatever magical attack was about to be launched at him。 Shaking his head; he pointed to the kukris sheathed at his hip。
   Pharaun; oblivious; touched his forefingers to his eyes and flicked them downward; releasing his spell。 Valas felt a wash of magical energy tingle through his skin; and he flinched。 Flexing his claws still deeper into the crevices to which he clung; he waited for death to take him。
   Above him; Pharaun's eyes widened。
   Lifting a hand; he signed rapidly; Valas! It is you。 What happened?
   Sighing water in a trickle over his chin; Valas realized he had been reprieved。 Pharaun had recognized him by his kukris; after all…the spell had just been one that allowed him to see through the misshapen form Valas wore; to confirm the mercenary's identity。 He signed one brief word…Wait…and inhaled once again from his bag。
   Valas climbed up to where Pharaun crouched; and heaved himself over the edge into the tunnel。 Slipping into the river; he grabbed a rock to hold himself against the current that threatened to carry him over the waterfall。
   Quenthel; Danifae; and the hulking Jeggred were all still waiting by the river's edge。 The vipers in Quenthel's whip lifted their heads and quivered in alarm as they saw Valas; and Jeggred sniffed the air and bared his teeth; but Pharaun told them that the drow…thing was; in fact; their panion。 Danifae stared at Valas with an expression of open disgust; her perfect lips slightly curled; then she turned away。
   〃Well?〃 Quenthel demanded。 〃Did you find the ship of chaos?〃
   Valas shook his head。 Using the silent speech; he told his story; ducking his head underwater each time he needed to breathe。 Pharaun listened closely; looking grim as Valas told of his capture; then giving a congratulatory nod as the mercenary described his escape。 Quenthel's expression; however; had not changed。 Her lips remained tight; while her eyes blazed。
   She turned on Pharaun; the vipers in her whip writhing; and said; 〃Your demon was lying。 The ship isn't here。〃
   Pharaun raised an eyebrow and asked; 〃My demon?〃
   〃We're no farther ahead than when we started;〃 Quenthel said。 〃You should have kept questioning Belshazu about gates。 This rothe…dung story about a ship of chaos was obviously just a lie to throw us off the track。〃
   〃Off the track of what?〃 Pharaun asked; glaring back。 〃The only gate around here is the one in your imagination。 And it was your bright idea to have me summon a demon in the first place。〃
   Valas didn't like the look in the mage's eyes。 Once again; Pharaun and Quenthel were on the verge of ing to blows。 The Master of Sorcere let a hand drift behind his back and had his fingers flexed; ready to cast a spell。 Jeggred crouched behind his aunt; clearly ready to spring at Pharaun's throat if any suspicious move was made。 Danifae; meanwhile; folded her arms across her chest and stared defiantly at Pharaun…while simultaneously edging out of the path of whatever spell he was about to cast。
   Valas; sick of their endless bickering and ready to die anyway; having delivered his report; slammed the flat of his dagger against the stone floor of the tunnel。 Sparks exploded out from the blade like ripples from a rock hurled into a pond; crackling against both Pharaun's and Quenthel's feet。 Each jumped back…Quenthel immediately drawing her whip。
   〃Insolent male;〃 she sneered。
   The vipers spat; their fangs dripping venom。
   Valas could see she was itching to use the whip against him。
   Please do; he signed。 It is the swiftest way。
   Quenthel frowned; confused by his reply; but Pharaun's mind proved the quicker again。
   〃There is no need for that; valued mercenary;〃 the wizard said。 〃I can restore you to your proper; air…breathing; drow form。〃
   Valas blinked; all thoughts of the viper whip driven from his mind。
   You can? the scout signed。 But you don't have healing magic。
   〃That's true; but I can…〃
   Quenthel spun…an awkward movement; forced to crouch as she was by the low ceiling…and said to the mage; 〃You can do nothing。 You will do nothing。 Valas will return to the lake and continue to search for the ship。〃
   〃He'll only be captured if you send him back;〃 Pharaun objected。 〃He has no way to protect himself。 The aboleth will eat him this time。〃
   He paused; and a thoughtful look crossed his face。
   〃Just as;〃 the Master of Sorcere went on; 〃they have eaten others who dared trespass in their waters。 Including; perhaps; any manes who survived after the shipwreck。 And if they did eat any of these petty demons and thus acquired their memories。 。 。 。〃
   Quenthel at last understood。
   〃The aboleth would know where the ship of chaos sank;〃 she finished for him even as her vipers writhed in anticipation。
   Pharaun turned back to Valas and asked; 〃What is the name of the city's matriarch?〃
   Using sign; Valas spelled the name out phonetically。 O…o…t…h…o…o…n。
   Pharaun nodded; then stared out over the lake。 It was clear to Valas what the mage was thinking。 Pharaun intended to meet with Zanhoriloch's matriarch himself; to ask her for information。 Pharaun had powerful spells; including one he seemed confident would shield him against the aboleth's mind magic。 The scout was certain the mage could handle the situation; but then Valas had thought the same of himself。
   Then came a surprise。
   〃I will go; too;〃 Danifae said。
   Quenthel started to object; then gave the Melarn battle…captive a long; pondering look。 After one glance at the uncertain motions of the vipers in the high priestess's whip; Valas could guess the questions that must have been ing to Quenthel's mind。
   Was Danifae offering to keep an eye on Pharaun to ensure that he remained loyal to Quenthel; in the hope of regaining her superior's favor? Or did she have some ulterior; even more selfish motive in mind? In the end it seemed not to matter; for Quenthel nodded。
   Valas ducked his head for another breath; then he reached out and tapped on th
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