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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第2章

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oned; its door sealed with an enormous black stone carved in the likeness of her face。
   There had been no time; however; to learn whether that was a situation of Lolth's own choosing。 As Pharaun had expected; Tzirik betrayed them; using his magic to gate in the god he served。 Vhaeraun had attacked the stone face and nearly succeeded in breaching it when Lolth's champion…the god Selvetarm…appeared to defend it。
   Realizing that Tzirik had no intention of letting them return; Pharaun had ordered Jeggred to kill Tzirik…telling the draegloth the order came from Quenthel。 The priest's death had ejected Quenthel's group out of the Demonweb Pits; leaving only the gods behind。 For all Pharaun knew; Selvetarm and Vhaeraun were battling there still。
   If Vhaeraun won and succeeded in destroying Lolth; it would be the beginning of a new era for the drow。 The Masked Lord favored males opposed to the matriarchy; his victory would no doubt spur the disenchanted males of Menzoberranzan to an even greater insurrection than the one that city had recently seen。 But if Selvetarm succeeded in defending the Spider Queen; Lolth might one day return and restore her web of magic; lending power to her priestesses' spells once more。 Whatever happened; Pharaun wanted to be on the winning side…or appear to be serving its interests; anyway。
   〃As I was saying;〃 Pharaun continued; 〃not only is House Jaelre seeking us; but this forest is infested with wood elves。 The sooner we get below ground; the better。〃
   He paused to glance at the forest; squinting against the sunlight that bounced harshly off the white; slushy snow that covered trees and ground alike。 The wizard regretted his decision to teleport the group there。 His spell had allowed them to escape House Jaelre's keep; but the portal he'd hoped to use to put even more distance between them only functioned in one direction。 They were trapped on the surface at the mouth of a shallow; dead…end cave。
   〃I wonder if any of the others have found a way down yet;〃 Pharaun muttered。
   As if in answer; Valas Hune appeared from out of the forest; emerging from a tangled clump of underbrush with a silence that was only in part due to the enchanted chain mail the scout wore。 A pair of magical; curved kukri daggers hung at his hip; and to his vest was pinned a miscellany of enchanted talismans fashioned by more than one Underdark race。 The mercenary; his amber eyes watering slightly as he squinted against the sunlight; had a squared…off jaw that seemed permanently clenched。 He habitually held himself tensed and ready; as if he expected to take a punch。 His ebony skin was crisscrossed with dozens of faint gray lines; fading legacies of two centuries' worth of battles。
   Valas jerked his head in the direction from which he'd just e and said; 〃There's a ruined temple a short distance away。 It's built around a cave。〃
   Quenthel's eyes glittered; and the serpents in her whip froze in rapt attention。
   〃Does it lead to the Realms Below?〃 she asked。
   〃It does; Mistress;〃 Valas said; offering a slight bow。
   Pharaun strode forward and clapped an arm around the scout's shoulders。
   〃Well done; Valas;〃 he said in a hearty voice。 〃I always said you could smell a tunnel a mile away。 Lead on! We'll be back in Menzoberranzan in no time; quenching our well…earned thirst with the finest wines that…〃
   〃I think not。〃 Quenthel stood with hands on her hips; the serpents in her whip matching her venomous stare。 〃The goddess is missing; possibly under attack。 We must find her。〃 Her eyes narrowed。 〃You are not suggesting; are you; Pharaun; that we turn our backs on Lolth? If so; I'm sure the matron mother will see to it you receive proper punishment。〃
   Valas glanced between Pharaun and Quenthel; then took a slight step to the side; dislodging Pharaun's arm from his shoulder。
   〃Turn my back on Lolth?〃 Pharaun asked; chuckling to hide his nervousness。 〃Not at all。 I'm merely suggesting we follow the matron mother's orders。 She bade us find out what's happened to Lolth; and we have。 We may not have all of the answers yet; but we have some pretty important pieces of the puzzle。 The matron mother will no doubt want us to report what we've found out so far。 Since the archmage is no longer answering my sendings; we can't be certain he's receiving our reports。 I assumed we would report in person。〃
   〃Only one of us need go;〃 Quenthel said。 〃But it won't be you。 There are other; more important things for you to be doing。〃 She paused for a moment; thinking。 〃You have the ability to summon demons; do you not?〃
   Pharaun raised an eyebrow。
   〃I have summoning spells; yes;〃 he said。 〃But what does that have to do w…〃
   〃We will return to the Demonweb Pits…in the flesh; this time;〃 answered Quenthel。 〃And with a more trustworthy guide than Tzirik。〃
   Valas shuddered and asked; 〃A demon?〃 The normally taciturn scout saw Quenthel's glare; seemed suddenly to realize he'd spoken aloud; and bowed。 〃As you mand; Mistress。〃
   〃Assuming I do summon a demon; how can we possibly hope to prevent it from tearing us limb from limb; let alone coerce it into being a tour guide for some little jaunt to the Abyss? Even Archmage Gromph wouldn't think of whistling up a demon without a golden pentacle to bind it。 We're in the wilderness…in the Realms of Sunlight; in case you hadn't noticed。 Where am I supposed to get the spell ponents to…〃
   Pharaun blinked; wondering if he'd heard Quenthel correctly。
   〃Jeggred;〃 she repeated。 〃We'll use his blood。 You can draw the summoning diagram with that。〃
   〃Ah 。 。 。〃 Pharaun cursed silently as he realized that Quenthel was; unfortunately; right。 The blood of a draegloth could indeed bind a demon; but only one: the demon who had sired Matron Mother Baenre's half…demon son。 The demon that was Jeggred's father。
   Pharaun had no desire to meet him; in the flesh or otherwise; but he could see he had little choice in the matter。 Not if he wanted to maintain his delicate balancing act of apparent loyalty to Lolth…necessary if he was to keep his position as Master of Sorcere。 Just as Va
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