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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第17章

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rge silver disk and a curved hunter's horn。 She moved at a full…out sprint; holding above her head a sword whose blade glowed with leaping silver flames。 With a piercing; high…pitched shout that sounded like a single note in a song; strong and true; she slashed down with her sword。
   The blade bit deep into the troll's shoulder; then flared。 Silver fire spread instantly across the troll's body; blinding Ryld。 He winced; expecting to be burned himself; but the wave of heat he'd been anticipating never came。 The flames seemed to emit song rather than heat; dancing to their own rhythm as they licked over the troll's rubbery skin。
   Bellowing; its flesh blackening under the magical fire; the troll sagged to its knees。 Ryld; suddenly able to breathe again as the massive hand fell away from his neck; gasped in a lungful of air。 Though fouled by the stench of burning flesh; it had never tasted so sweet。 He watched; dumbfounded; as the troll's body crumpled in on itself; the magical; silvery flames destroying it in a matter of heartbeats。
   〃I thank you; my lady;〃 he told the drow…obviously a mage or a cleric; and a powerful one。 He bowed deeply before her。 〃You have saved both our 。 。 。〃
   His voice trailed off as he saw the look on the woman's face。 She was staring at Halisstra with a look of surprise…and bitter anger。 Ryld finally recognized the symbol on the silver disk that hung from the chain at her waist。 It was a sword; set against a haloed circle。 The symbol of Eilistraee。
   〃That's Seyll's armor;〃 the cleric said; eyes blazing as she stared at the chain mail Halisstra was wearing。 〃You're the one who killed her。〃
   The stranger wrenched the horn from her belt and blew a single; prolonged note。 An instant later; the horns of her fellow hunters answered。
Chapter Seven
   Nimor leaned over the map of Menzoberranzan that had been laid on the floor of the mine; its corners weighted with jagged; fist…sized chunks of silver。 He gestured with his rapier。
   〃The spider we hope to slay has two heads;〃 the drow told the five others…three duergar and two demons…that had gathered around the map。 〃Cut off either; and the body dies。〃 The point of his blade pricked the southern edge of the city。 〃One head is here: Qu'ellarz'orl; the plateau where the First House stands。〃 He moved the rapier; pointing to a spot on the northern edge of the city where a smaller cavern bulged off the main one。 〃The other is Tier Breche; the cavern that houses three of the most important institutions in Menzoberranzan: Sorcere; Melee…Magthere; and; most importantly of all; the great temple of Lolth; Arach…Tinilith。〃
   〃Tough stones to crack; both one of them;〃 said Horgar; who stood immediately to Nimor's left。
   The gray dwarf prince came barely to the draw's waist but had wider shoulders than the slender Nimor。 He scowled down at the map; absently rubbing his bald head with stubby fingers。 His two guards…duergar like himself; one of them with a scar that stretched from chin to ear along the cheekbone…kept a wary eye on the pair of half…demons that stood on the opposite side of the map。
   〃Quite so; Crown Prince;〃 replied Nimor。 〃Which is why I want the duergar to lead the assault on Tier Breche。 A frontal assault down the tunnel from the north。 Your troops will establish a siege wall; then; from behind it; use catapults to lob stonefire bombs into Sorcere and Arach…Tinilith; reducing them to a smoking ruin。
   〃Easily said;〃 Horgar challenged; 〃but not easily done。 That tunnel will be thick with jade spiders。 We may be able to smash our way through one or two of them but not all。〃
   Chuckling; Nimor reached into a pocket and pulled out half a dozen flat ovals of green jade; each pierced by a hole through which a silver chain had been threaded and inscribed with a name。 Holding them by their chains; Nimor jiggled them so they tinkled together。
   〃Thanks to an associate who's managed to penetrate deep into Menzoberranzan; I'm able to guarantee you they won't be a problem;〃 he told the duergar。
   The scarred prince snorted and said; 〃And where will the tanarukks be while we're making our attack? Bravely bringing up the rear?〃
   This elicited a growl from Kaanyr Vhok; who bared perfect teeth and thumped the hilt of the rune…inscribed sword he held against his golden breastplate。
   〃My Scoured Legion could outfight your mushroom…men any day;〃 he growled; glaring angrily across the map at the scarred duergar。 〃Why; even our orcs would be a match for…〃
   A tug on his arm from Aliisza stopped him in mid bluster。 He glared at her but listened as she whispered in his ear; then slowly lowered his sword。
   〃Gentlemen; please;〃 Nimor said。 〃Hear me out。〃 He turned to Vhok。 〃The Scoured Legion will indeed be involved in the fight。 You will rake Donigarten; the city's food and water supply; then fall upon Qu'ellarz'orl from the east。 That will cause the matron mothers to withdraw their defenders south; allowing the duergar to take up positions in the north。 But not all of the duergar。 One pany; at least; must march together with the tanarukks; spread amongst their ranks to give the impression that our force as a whole is mitted to an attack on Menzoberranzan's First House。〃
   Vhok narrowed his eyes and asked; 〃We are to be a mere distraction?〃
   〃Not at all;〃 Nimor assured him; a twinkle in his eye。 〃You also have a chance at victory…an excellent chance。 I've taken steps to take House Baenre out of the fight with a little surprise that I've got planned for its matron mother。 Once Triel is eliminated; the other females of House Baenre will begin vying for her throne。 The panies each mands will begin fighting each other…which will keep them too busy to bother about something so insignificant as defending their city。
   〃When the other noble Houses see Baenre in disarray; they'll sense its weakness and strike。 One or more of them will try to usurp Baenre's position as First House。 While they're busy fighting each other; Lord Vhok's troops can swoop in and seize Qu'ellarz'orl。〃
   Vhok scowled and said; 〃An interesting theory。〃
   〃It's not just the
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