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ing would have meant for Humans; he couldn't feel pity。

The stronghold itself began to sink; subsiding into the ground the way the mountains above the Genesis Pit had subsided。 Passes everywhere were blocked with the snow shaken down by the fortress's passing; but at least now the way was open for any who might want to e after; for anyone who had had enough of the south and wanted to try a new life。

Who knows? Annie thought。 Maybe there is a Paradise!

Far below the snow line they found a lake that; though cold; was a wele place of respite。 In no time; Annie was in the water; her much…touted bikini covered by a T…shirt。 Rook was in; too; in bra and panties; eager to wash off the trail and the deaths and the killing。 In no time; Annie had her engaged in a splash…fight。 Both of them loved it; even though their lips were turning purple。

Marlene sat on the grassy shore; watching in bewilderment。 Maybe if she could figure out this inprehensible behavior it would help her figure out all the other enigmas that were her life。 Thus far; she had simply gone along with the people who had found her; like a spore borne on the wind。 But was that what she should be doing; even if it did feel appropriate? Nothing made any sense。

A few yards away; the men sat at ease after setting up camp。 Annie had pointedly informed them that it was ladies first in the bath; and they would have to wait their turn。

Rand was shaking his head; saying; 〃Poor Marlene。 All those attacks or whatever they are。 And she still hasn't pulled out of that amnesia。 I wish there was something we could do for her。〃 He was looking in her direction; but it was also easy to shift focus just a little; and watch Rook splashing around in that skimpy outfit; which; drenched in water; was just about transparent。 His breathing became a little ragged。

〃Don't push it;〃 Scott said。 〃She's been through some pretty rough times。 She's got problems she's got to work through; who doesn't? She'll open up when she's ready。〃

Lancer was eyeing Scott; thinking about the matter of Marlene's naming; wondering what things the team leader was working through。

Annie was hollering for Marlene to e in and join the fun。 Rook added; 〃Yeah; c'mon girl。 It'll do you good。〃

Cold water immersion therapy? Rand wondered。 I could use some right about now。

Then his predicament got even worse。 Marlene said; 〃All right;〃 to Annie's invitation; in a hesitant; unsure voice…as if plying came more easily than deciding。

She rose and began shedding clothes as innocently as a child。 All four men stared; bug…eyed; but it was Rand who choked out; 〃Marlene; stop that! Are you trying to give me a cardiac?〃

But she was already naked and seemed not to hear; feeling the sun and the wind on her skin; her fine; waistlength red hair stirred by the breeze。 It was the slim…but full; flawless female body Rand remembered so well trying not to stare at。

Framed there against the mountains with the sun gleaming from her; Scott thought Marlene was somehow a higher being。 She seemed finer than other Humans…a creature possessed by an unconscious beauty and a natural grace so overwhelming that it caused an ache in your heart just to see it; and left you changed。

Lancer had calmly; almost gently; grabbed Rand by the earlobe to stop his raving。 〃Don't you know it's not polite to stare at a lady? You might make her feel self…conscious。〃

And who'd know better than you? Lunk thought; but not unkindly。

〃Ow! Okay!〃 Rand was yelping; trying to squirm out of Lancer's hold。 〃I didn't mean to! I won't do it again! Uh; but maybe what I need's a swim…〃

Lancer shoved him over in mock disgust。 Rook; having watched from the lake; was suddenly scowling。

Gawdamn hick!

They were all to remember the interlude by the lake wistfully; though。 Their route soon descended to a sandblown desert region that didn't appear on twentieth…century maps。 It was a desert more resembling those of North America than anything that had existed in the South before the devastations of the Zentraedi; Robotech Master; and Invid。

The terrain and climate hampered their rate of travel; but the enemy activity was much more of a problem。 In the wake of the fortress raid; the Regis had saturation patrols scouring the countryside for them…consisting mainly of immense Shock Troopers now; with Pincers and Scouts in support roles。

They knew the aliens were concentrating a great deal of their resources on the freedom fighters; and Scott began to fear the team had attracted a fatal amount of attention to itself。 What none of them could know was that the Regis was also enraged and frustrated that she had lost contact with her Simulagent…Marlene。

There came a time when the team was held up in a cave as a sandstorm raged outside and Shock Troopers paced the desert outside; searching for their trail。 Though it should have been broad daylight; the world was a sand…red dusk; and even in the cave that tinted the air and layered everything; making their world monochrome。

Marlene; who had bee ill once they had e down onto the desert; was nearly in a a; shivering in her sleeping bag。 In reality; she was suffering a delayed reaction to the impact of the Sensor's destruction and the PSI emanations' impact on her。

And their water supply was virtually gone; their main supply; in jerry cans rigged to Lunk's truck; had been shot up in a brief skirmish when they made their dash from the high country。 Morale was so bad that Scott blamed Lunk for it; and Rand in turn jumped all over Scott; the argument almost had them at each other's throat。 It didn't blow over so much as spread to the others。 They were sick of seeing and hearing each other and being crowded into the cave with their mecha; the sand in everything; and the endless howl of the wind。

At last Marlene cried out in her fever…dream and startled everyone。 There were some shamefaced apologies; as Rand knelt to squeeze some moisture into her mouth from a rag…twisted bit of cactus flesh。 She opened her eyes at the taste of the juice and; despite its sour flavor; smiled up at him gratefully; almost adoringly。 Outside; the rumble of Shock Trooper thrusters came over the wind; as the al
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