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Annie had insisted on ing along with him on point; too。 She was determined to do her share; take her risks; be considered an adult part of the team。 Rand saw that a lot of her self…esteem was riding on the oute and grumblingly admitted that he wouldn't mind some pany。 Scott and the rest had given in; perhaps for the same reason that they never questioned the pint…size redhead's outrageous claim that she was all of sixteen。

You could either accept Annie for her feisty self or risk shattering the brave persona she had forged; with little help or support; to make her way in a dangerous; despair…making world。

Now she banged Rand's armor。 〃Turn there; turn there!〃

〃Pillion…seat driver;〃 Rand growled; but he turned down the game path; the cycle rolling slowly; homing in on Scott's signal。 〃We're about ten minutes ahead of the others; Scott。〃

Scott's voice came back over the tactical net。 〃Good。 Still no sign of the Invid; but we can run a sweep of the area before the others get here。〃

None of them saw it or registered it on their instruments; but in the dim forest darkness; massive ultratech shapes moved…two…legged; insectlike walking battleships。

Just like armored monsters from a madman's nightmare。


Oh; great! We been shanghaied aboard Charon's Ark!
Remark attributed to Annie LaBelle by Scott Bernard

Following the path their scout team had taken; Lancer; Rook; and Lunk rode down the long; dangerous road toward Reflex Point。 Lancer was riding his Cyclone in the lead; wearing full techno…armor; the masculine; warlike side of his divided personality clearly present。 He was sure and confident; Rook Bartley thought to herself; a practiced mecha rider and a deadly warrior。

Rook; also in full Robotech panoply; had just caught up on her red…and…white Cyc; having made sure that the team wasn't being followed and it was safe to leave the rear guard。 She let Lancer hold the lead; glancing over to make sure all was well with Lunk。

Things always seemed to be well with the big; burly ex…soldier when he was on the road; riding in his beloved all…terrain truck。 Taking one look at Lunk; it was easy to jump to the conclusion that there wasn't much going on upstairs。 His low forehead and the thick sideburns that curled around and up under his eyes made him look like a ic…strip caveman。

But anyone who had talked to him; or looked closely into those soulful eyes; or seen him do the things Rook had seen him do; understood why conventional wisdom counsels against drawing quick conclusions。

As for Rook; she still found it strange to be riding with a gang again; even though Scott insisted on calling it a team; and everybody else kept insisting that they had their own agenda and that the alliance was temporary。 She still wasn't sure how she had teamed up with them。 It was too easy to say that she had shared danger; hardship; triumph; and defeat with them; she had done that with others before。 She kept looking toward the time when she could ride as a loner once again。

Of course; there was Rand。。。

Screw Rand! she snarled to herself。

From their places in the shadows of the great trees; the Invid Shock Trooper mecha kept watch; making sure the Humans were moving the right way。 So far; the Troopers noted; these life…forms hadn't needed any herding。

The location of the nearest Genesis Pit was logical; situated along the easiest passageway through the mountains。 The Entrapments were well deployed; the routine specimen collection was going well。 The mecha floated along quietly and slowly; their thrusters muted as they awaited their moment。

〃Heads up; Annie!〃 Rand's voice sounded a bit tinny through his helmet's external speaker。 〃Scott's right on schedule; of course。〃

Of course; what else? Would Scott Bernard; the rules…and…regs sole survivor of the massacre of his squadron be even a few seconds off?

Annie leaned out from the Cyclone and saw Scott's Alpha settling in the clearing。 She pulled the bill of her trademark baseball cap; with its huge emblem that read E。T。; lower 〃Um…hmm。〃

She tried not to let her relief sound in her voice。 Although she had insisted on taking a turn at riding point; she was much more at ease riding next to Lunk in the truck (or APC; as Lunk insisted on calling it; since it was Armored and was indisputably a Carrier of Personnel)。 Annie wasn't even armed。 Weapons made her a little queasy。

But now she didn't have; to worry; because everything was going well。 The Alpha had switched to Guardian mode for the VTOL landing。

The cockpit canopy slid back。 Scott; armored in Robotechnology; stepped out; walked out to the forward edge of the swing…wing's fixed glove; and hopped down。

Annie looked around at the trees and the darkness they shed in the waning light; as Rand pulled up next to Scott in a spray of sand and gravel; some of it rattling and hissing off Scott's armor。 〃I guess this means we're staying here; huh?〃 She was tough despite her age; but she had done most of her surviving in settlements and cities。 The wilds unnerved her。

Scott had gone around to the rear of the Guardian's portside leg to open a hidden partment。 〃I'll get my Cyclone and we'll run a security sweep of the area before the others get here。〃

He pulled forth and activated the pact package that turned into his Cyclone; unfolding and reconfiguring。 He thought about ordering Annie to wait in the cockpit of the fighter; but she had a special gift for getting into trouble; and so he discarded the notion。 〃Let's go。〃

Scott and Rand sped away; following the dry streambed; looking for an opportunity to leave it and move cross…country。 Scouts seldom learn anything worth knowing on the main road; except when it's too late。

Acting as a scout for its unit just as Scott had done for his; an Invid Shock Trooper closed in on its target。

Normally the Invid were slow to detect Humans unless the prey had been specifically targeted; or there had been a sizable expenditure of Protoculture。 This time; however; the Regis's fearsome war machines had been sent to guard a specific area and herd specimens into the Genesis Pit。 The Humans had e into their territory。 By some oversight; there 
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