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At last the defenders were driven down to a lowermost verge。 From that spot they could either go to the open sky; where they would be shot like clay pigeons; or to the forest that lay a few hundred yards below。 Invid fire turned nearby trees into Roman candles。

Scott said; 〃We have to make them think they've won。〃 I hope Lunk and Annie and the rest have gotten far enough away! He dismounted two missiles from a forearm pod; twisted their warheads to adjust; and waited; as the Invid rushed down。 〃On three! One。。。〃

The armored Cycriders set up a network of fire; crisscrossing the sky with brilliant bursts; jostling the Invid as the Pincer Ships came within range。

Scott gave the warheads a final twist; then tossed the missiles down; and took up firing again。 〃Two。。。〃

He and Rand and Rook were throwing up a furious barrage; heels hanging over the edge of the cliff; the dirt and gravel they had scuffed loose falling。 The Invid's attack…pass cut the air。


The Cycs jumped back; dropped。 Invid annihilation discs hit the ledge where they had been standing; raising huge gouts of flame and debris and smoke。

Although the Regis's awareness was not in the Invid there; they spoke to one another with her voice。 They did not know that Marlene was among the prey; and that she was part of a greater plan。

Instead they heard the Regis's standing orders in their minds; Eliminate all resistance! Neutralize rebel forces。 They must not be allowed to escape! Kill them all!

Clinging to Lancer's armored middle; Marlene suddenly cringed。 〃The; the voices again!〃 She seemed about to faint。 〃Rand and the others…they ran!〃

Lancer had his hands full with the pitched descent of the mountain road。 But he wondered; Does she mean Scott and the rest? And how does she know?

Then Lancer; followed by Lunk; rounded a corner and had to stop。 The way was blocked by Maxwell and a score of armed men。

They were equipped to tackle even Cyc armor; with old LAW rockets; RPGs; a few Manville X…18s; and a truck mounted with a heavy machine gun。 Lancer fought off the urge to break away and e back later。 But Maxwell might not let the others live long enough to be rescued; and above all; Carla was with the mayor; standing in the back of his staff car; her hand caught up in his。

Truman was standing up in the bed of Lunk's truck; gripping the cab frame。 〃Maxwell; you lied。〃

〃I'm a good businessman and you're not; don't e crying to me。 There is no way through the mountains。 Congratulations on being the first to ever e back。 However…〃

Maxwell showed a thin smile。 〃Now that you know my secret; you can't be allowed to return。 You understand; I'm sure。 Will you please step down and line up over there?〃

Maxwell's men had the angle on them from all sides with high…powered rifles; pump shotguns; and some Galil heavy assault pieces loaded; no doubt; with armor…piercing rounds。 The Trumans; Annie; Lunk; Lancer; and Marlene dismounted and did as they were told。 Lancer read his displays and braced himself。

Carla caught Maxwell's hand。 〃What are you doing?〃

〃They must be eliminated。〃

〃No!〃 she wrestled against him for a moment。 He threw her back against the bed of the converted truck; knocking the wind from her; ignoring her when she husked; 〃No; Donald。。。〃

The blue…and…silver Cyclone rider had gathered the captives back some distance from the trucks; Maxwell noticed; most of them sheltering behind him。 But Maxwell smiled。 〃This is the end of the road; folks。〃 He raised his arm for the signal。

〃If you move it; I'll burn it off;〃 an amplified voice promised。 Maxwell spun around just as Robotech weapons opened fire。 Many of his men dropped their guns and all of them cringed; as the dazzling rays opened the ground around them and sent novaflame curling into the air。

Annie threw her arms wide and sang; 〃Good work; Rand!〃

Maxwell ordered the rest of his men to throw down their guns; and he dismounted from the car; gaping at Lancer's H90; as Lancer advanced on him。 〃I…if you fire that thing; the Invid will be down on us immediately!〃

〃They're a little busy right now。 We killed all the ones that came after us。 Now; you've been feeding innocent people to the Invid for years; isn't that right?〃

Lancer raised his gun。 〃Time for you to get a taste of your own medicine。〃

Maxwell drew a breath and said; 〃If you pull that trigger; you'll never find out how to get through these mountains alive。 And the Invid are swarming after you。〃

The mayor met Lancer's gaze。 〃My precise map isn't just some children's story。 It shows the way through underground warrens dating back to the Global Civil War。 It leads into a camouflaged road through the mountains。 You see…〃 He gave a slight smile。 〃I serve the Resistance; too; they pay me well。 You can ask any underground contacts you want if you don't believe me。〃

Scott and Rand and the others were frisking Maxwell's henchmen。 They rearmed their friends and armed the others with captured weapons: Eddie with a Manville; Mr。 Truman with an ancient shotgun; Carla with an Ingram MAC 9。 They tossed the other weapons into Lunk's truck。

〃You spare my life and we all leave here alive;〃 Maxwell was saying。

Lancer raised his H…90 and fired。 The adjusted threadfine beam burned away a piece of Maxwell's left ear; cauterizing what was left。 His hair was singed but it did not catch fire。 Maxwell fell to the ground; holding his wound and swearing in a monotone。

Lancer looked down at Donald Maxwell; 〃All right; we'll take you up on your offer。 And if anything goes wrong; you'll be the first to die。〃

Carla ran after Lancer as he turned to go。 〃Wait! Lancer; wait for me!〃

Maxwell lurched to his feet。 〃Carla; where are you going?〃

She looked at him and her lip curled。 〃I've had enough of you!〃

His protests…that he had done it all for her; that his wealth meant nothing without her…couldn't bring her back。

With Veritechs looming around him; Eddie shook his head to Annie's cries。 〃Why won't you e on with us; huh? Why?〃 she whined。

Eddie heaved a long breath。 〃Because you're going where there's more fighting; and that's not what I want; Mint。 Paradise was just a lie。 My dad's br
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