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She was surprised at how much lowland food and other goods were available in this mountain outpost。 Maybe somebody had discovered an emerald mine or something?

The fact that most of the people living in Deguello were from somewhere else wasn't so unusual; the first two Robotech wars and the Invid conquest had set most of the world adrift。 And the fact that the team was in what had once been South America didn't really mean that much anymore; either。 All nations were long since extinct; all cultures had been thrown together。 Everyone was engaged in the struggle for survival。

But what struck Annie was strange was that so many folks seemed to be waiting for something。 She saw people holding furtive negotiations in taverns and alleys; and others marking time in the square; looking this way and that as if expecting someone。 Annie also noticed that people were selling or trading their personal possessions in return for gold or gems…apparently the only currency that counted here。

In some ways; it reminded her of a romantic oldtime motion picture that was one of her favorites; but there was no Rick's Cafe in Deguello; although she prided herself on looking just a little like a young Ingrid Bergman; when the light hit her just right; though Lunk and the others scoffed。

Still; it was nice to dream; her dreams were the only things she really owned。。。

She scuffed her sneaker at a bit of garbage that lay on the pitted cobblestone sidestreet; aware that many eyes were following her。 Brother! I've been in some creepy places in my time; but this one takes the booby prize。 What a slimebucket zoo!

She was thinking that while watching a coughing; apparently tubercular man shuffling along and gagging in to a disgusting…looking rag。 She was so distracted that she bumped right into somebody。

〃Hey; ya little geek; why'n'cha watch where yer goin'?〃

He was definitely one of the Bad Boys; a snake…lean; rat…faced guy in a dark; greasy jumpsuit open to his shrunken waist。 There was a scorpion tattoo on his cheek。 He wore a chain belt of massive links; and a blue Chi Army…style cap; with a red bandanna tied around his thin left bicep。 He had werewolf sideburns; a sawed…off 12gauge side…by…side (a popular weapon in Deguello) in a shoulder rig; and there were fishhooks stitched to the knuckles of his fingerless black leather gloves。

Her street instincts resurfaced; and she realized that she had been traveling in the charmed pany of Robotech heroes for so long that she had forgotten how vulnerable she herself was。

Uh…oh; Annie thought。 It was her considerable luck that he merely clapped a hand down on her cap and shoved; to send her stumbling; arms thrashing。 But quick hands caught her; saving her from landing on her derriere in the gutter。

〃You should be more careful; little boy。〃 She found herself looking up at a clean…cut; handsome face…a young man who couldn't be more than eighteen or so。 He had big blue eyes; wavy black hair; and a blinding smile。

She squirmed to break free of his grip。 〃I am not a little boy! What're you; blind? I'm a woman!〃

He let her go; surprised; plainly upset that he had hurt her feelings。 〃I'm terribly sorry! Forgive me。 Um; my name is Eddie。〃

She took a closer look at him and noticed that he resembled…let's see。。。James Dean! Only nicer! He was a dreamboat in a white T…shirt and a leather jacket!

She swayed toward him; almost melting。 〃Oboy! I; I mean; I'm Annie! Eddie's my favorite name! You can call me Mint!〃

She vaguely recalled that she was supposed to be on a mission of espionage and derring…do。 〃Um; d'you live up in those mountains; by any chance?〃

He chuckled; she sighed。 〃No; Annie。 Only the Invid live up there。 But beyond them is Paradise。〃

Her eyes were the size of poker chips。 〃You mean all that stuff is true?〃

He nodded; pointing at the distant mountains。 She thought he was as beautiful as a hood ornament; 〃Paradise is a city that was set up by the old United Earth Government and the Southern Cross Army; so that if there was an invasion or a catastrophe; the Human race would be able to go on。 A kind of New Macross; I guess you could say。〃

〃Paradise is like Earth used to be before the Invid; or the Robotech Masters; or the Zentraedi! People are free there; and safe。〃

Annie felt faint。 A place where people were safe and free and happy! But what was Eddie saying?

〃…the place for me。 It's taken us a long time; but that's where my family's going。 I…I wish the whole world could be like Paradise。〃

Annie launched herself straight。 up; throwing her arms around his neck; clinging there; swinging her feet。 〃Oh; Eddie! That's so beautiful! I love you! Please take me with you? Pleasepleaseplease?〃

The mayor of Deguello's mansion was as grand as a small palace。 The place had fallen into extreme disrepair in the latter twentieth century; especially with the privations of the Global Civil War; and the First and Second Robotech Wars。 But now there were signs of a revivification。 The reflecting pool and formal gardens had regained much of their glory; the mansion shone with light and elegance。

The mayor; son of the previous mayor and descendent of many; sat in the ballroom; holding the hand of a beautiful woman who in turn owned his heart。 Donald Maxwell; so used to manding the obedience of others; of navigating his way through the treacherous political waters of Deguello and the post…invasion world; thought there was a cosmic symmetry to it: everyone had their Achilles' heel; and his was love。

Under the ballroom's chandeliers; brilliant even in daytime; and the paintings as big as barn doors; portraits of a score of ancestors; he sat in his Louis XIV chair and she in hers。 In its time the ballroom had been the most splendid and celebrated in a hundred mile radius。 Now; though; its decor was stranger than anything its original builders could ever have envisioned。

〃But we must talk about our wedding; Carla;〃 he was saying。 〃It's long past time。

〃Have you tired of my lovetalk? Then think about what you have to gain if you marry me! I've always given you everything; anything you wanted。 But this I need from you! And when you're my wife; my only
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