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ly; trying to evade the Pincer; wondering if this was to be the briefest solo on record。

Then he heard Scott's voice; 〃Hold on; Rand!〃 These were the most wele words he had ever heard in his life。 Above and behind the Invid and closing in fast; Rand saw the Alpha launching a spread of missiles。

The Pincer Ship dodged and juked like a demon; but one air…to…air got a piece of it。 The knee juncture of one of the monstrous; crablike legs exploded。 The Pincer cut in all thrusters and went off; tumbling and blasting across the sky like some erratic et。

Scott let it go; and fell in with Rand to try to talk him down。 But there wasn't time。 The Beta was flying upside down。 Rand held his breath; fought off the impulse to close his eyes; and went in for a landing。

He managed to get rightside up at the last moment; but that was about all。 The massive armor of the Beta got him through a landing that would have demolished on Alpha; or almost any other mecha。 The ship skidded; punched pletely through an empty troop carrier; skidded some more (while Rand recalled prayers he hadn't thought about in years) and ended up penetrating the hull of a tanker。 She finally came to rest in the shadowy main hold; lit by the few rays of sunlight that found their way in through hull punctures。 She was nose…down but intact。

Rand lay with his chin on the instrument panel; the rest of his body piled up behind; the operating manual on his head like an A…frame roof。

A perfect landing。 In the sense that I'm gonna be able to walk away from it。 Or at least be carried。

Extraction of the Beta and reactivation of the other Alphas took most of the rest of that long day。 The team wanted to stay longer to get everything they could from the battlefield; but they didn't dare; there was no telling when the Invid would be back。 They gathered what supplies; ordnance; Protoculture; and equipment they could and prepared to move out。

〃Good fight;〃 Scott told them; meeting everyone's gaze。 But something showed in his eyes that hadn't been there before: an awareness that people had their limits; and that those limits were not so confining as he had thought。

Around them the Alphas were poised; noses almost touching the ground。 The lower half of the Beta's nose was swung open like a trapdoor; its pilot's seat lowered for boarding。 Lunk's truck was loaded。 The team watched Scott。

〃But as a result; we're short on Protoculture;〃 he continued; 〃and we can't risk another tangle with the Invid; at least not now; if we can possibly help it。 Remember that。 Rand; do you think you can fly that thing without killing yourself?〃

Scott pointed toward the white…and…olive…drab Alpha。 Rand scratched his cheek near one of his numerous bandages。 〃As long as we don't have to turn right or left;〃 he allowed。

〃Improvise。 Lancer; the Beta Fighter's yours。 Rook; the other Alpha; okay?〃

It was a VT with red…and…white markings。 Rook wore a hungry; feline smile。 〃Just leave it to me。〃

They split up to get going。 Annie and Lunk put Ariel into the truck。

As the Veritechs took off and Lunk gunned his engine; a lone figure stood watching them from a distant ridge。 The Pincer Ship; its right leg blown away at the knee; relayed what it was seeing to Reflex Point; and to the Regis。

The wind whipped the Simulagent's scarlet hair; as she rode next to Annie。 〃Reception is perfect;〃 the Regis's voice came to the mutilated Pincer Ship。 〃Maintain surveillance。〃

The subsidence of the mountains around the Genesis Pit and the danger of increased Invid patrol activity in the wake of events at rendezvous point K made Scott wary; progress was slow in the next few days。 Roads and bridges had been shattered; and mountain passes were filled by quake and avalanche。

Time and again the Veritechs were forced to airlift the truck and its stores; until the Protoculture supply became critically low。 Long…range aerial scouting missions were impossible; Invid patrol activity was too intense。 At last the freedom fighters reached a mountain tunnel that a shifting of the Earth had permanently sealed。

With the Veritechs' remaining operating time drastically restricted; there was nothing to do but try to find a detour。 A small town lay nearby; and the team members agreed to check it out as a first step。

But first they had to be sure the aircraft were safe。 They parked the fighters in a part of the tunnel that was undamaged; near the entrance; then donned Cyclone armor。 The team used the power…assisted metal suits to move boulders and wall in the VTs for safekeeping。

It was a strange sight…seven…plus…feet…tall gleaming giants lifting huge stones; in teams when the weight was extreme; but often alone; tossing them like medicine balls。 After the task was pleted; the team shed their armor so they wouldn't attract any attention from possible Invid patrols or from informers。 They set off toward the town。

The one thing the team hadn't brought was extreme cold…climate clothing; they hadn't counted on being forced to go so high into the mountains。 As the Cyclones sped along; with Lunk's APC bringing up the rear; Rand shivered; 〃I can't s…stand it。 I'm so cold!〃

〃All the more reason for us to get out of here before the real winter weather hits;〃 Scott shot back。

The town lay in a valley at the confluence of a number of different mountain tracks and streams that might promise a path through。 Two other roads from the lowlands ended there; reinforcing Lancer's contention that it was probably a jumping…off point。

Once they were down out of the heights they were more fortable。 The town itself; named Deguello according to a hand…lettered sign on weather…silvered wood at its outskirts; was more prosperous than Rand would have expected。 Apparently there was some hidden resource。 A hidden prewar supply depot; perhaps? His Forager instincts came to the fore。

The town was like a lot of others Rand and the rest had seen; a type Scott was getting to know。 Stucco; tiled roofs; wrought…iron window bars; whitewash that had long since faded。 Cracked plaster; drainage ditches that were mostly clogged。 Still; somehow; there were some crops and meat and wares under the tattered awnings of the 
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