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Annie was picturing herself in a victory parade。 〃Scott; this is so exciting! We're going to have enough firepower to make us a miniature army!〃

He looked at her angrily。 〃Four lousy fighters? What difference will that make against the Invid? The people who died here were an army; don't you understand that; any of you? This was part of Admiral Hunter's handpicked force! And all we can do is end up just like them!〃 He slammed his fist against the torn hull furiously。

He hated himself for saying it。 He had spent the morning hating himself for a variety of reasons: for the death of his fianc閑 Marlene in the initial attack; when Scott was the only survivor from his entire squadron。 For leading the others along on this quixotic quest across a ruined Earth; with a lunatic vision of defeating the beings who had conquered an entire world。 For the despair that had enveloped and disabled him pletely; now that all his hopes were shattered。 For the sad necessity of telling them; now; that it had all been a mistake; and they had to make their own way from here on; as best they could。。。

Annie was in tears and Lunk's big fists were balled。 He looked a little like an angry gorilla。 〃That does it。 Bernard! All right; you feel bad about your buddies; we understand; and we do; too。 But is that any reason to take it out on Annie?〃

Lunk took a step closer。 〃Get up。〃 His ham…size; scarred fists were raised。

But Lancer intervened; almost frail and insubstantial next to Lunk; though they had all seen Lancer fight and knew differently。 〃Lunk; stop。 Take care of Annie; will you? I'll talk to Scott。〃

Lunk hesitated; then obeyed。 Lancer went to squat next to Scott; who seemed to be asleep。

〃Don't say anything; please; just listen。 We're all with you; and we're still ready to follow you in the fight against the Invid; because you…and we…are the last chance the Human race has。 But if you give up now; the team falls apart; because you're the only one with the know…how to tackle Reflex Point。

〃Now I want you to remember what you told us: we're all soldiers; and we have to do our duty; whatever the cost; whatever happens。〃

Scott's eyes had slowly opened; but he still stared out at the aftermath of the slaughter。 Lunk; disgusted; led Annie off to begin work on the Alphas Lancer had found。 After a moment Lancer followed them; leaving Scott alone and silent once more。

There's no way to defeat the Invid。 You're insane; and now you've passed the insanity on to others。

He lost track of time until a sudden glint of light caught his eye。 It was the sun shining off the pendant Annie had tossed aside。 It was a cheap piece of jewelry; a lot of people in Mars Division and the other units had carried it or something like it。 That made him remember something suddenly; and he dug out the locket Marlene had given him when they had parted…unknowingly…for the final time。 It was a flat; heart…shaped metallic green locket with a blood…red holo…bead in the center; not very expensive but unutterably dear to him。

He activated it and it opened like a triptych。 The air above the holo…bead was shot through with distortions; then the image of Marlene hung there; a Marlene perhaps six inches tall。 Her uniform with its short skirt and boots showed off coltish legs。 She was gamine and graceful; pale; wide…eyed; with long brown hair。 Not beautiful; but very attractive。

The brief loop began playing in mid…message。 〃My love; I accept your marriage proposal with all my heart。 I can't tell you what this means to me; or how long I've dreamt you would ask。 Yes; Scott: I'd be proud to spend the rest of my life with you。〃

He had looked at it once; in the cockpit; just after she had given it to him; with nova…bright joy。 But in the countless other times he had opened it; Marlene was superimposed on a scene of a flaming; plunging warcraft。

He clamped the locket shut once more; cutting off the loop。 Marlene! Suddenly he heard the sound of powerful engines and looked up。 The APC was returning with Rook at the wheel and Annie crouched nervously in the back seat。 Rand was playing outrider on his Cyclone。 The Alpha was playing mother hen to the bulky Beta Fighter。 Scott figured Lunk was babying the Beta along; the big ex…soldier had some flight time; although he preferred the ground。 But who was that in the APC's shotgun seat?

He got a better look and leapt to his feet without realizing it。 Marlene!

The hair was a different color; but the face; the skin; the eyes…the very posture of her…these things were those of his dead fianc閑。

It's finally happened。 I've driven myself mad。

〃It's like she's just learning to talk;〃 Rook finished her story; 〃but she learns very quickly。〃

〃How terrible the thing that happened to her must have been;〃 Lancer said somberly。

Annie was sniffling。 She wiped her eyes on the floppy sleeve of her battle jacket。 〃Well; I think it's awful!〃

Rand looked grim。 〃The Invid did this to her; you can bet on that。〃

Lancer had assured himself that there was nothing obviously wrong with the young woman。 There were no signs of bruises; wounds; or sexual assault。 〃We'd better get her to a town; somewhere where she can be helped。〃

The Simulagent had been staring at Scott; unnerving him; so that he stole only intermittent glances at her。 Now though; still watching him; she shivered and groaned; then went down on one knee。 Scott couldn't escape the feeling that it had something to do with him。 Or maybe I just want to believe that?

It seemed impossible that anyone could be such a close match of another Human being。 He had no faith in miracles; but he was beginning to think he would have to change his mind; because there was no other logical explanation。

But there was no time for insights; seconds later a deep thrumming vibrated the air; and the freedom fighters whirled to see a flight of Invid mecha heave into sight from behind a crashed battlecruiser。

The war machines spread out into a skirmishing line and began their slow approach; gliding some thirty feet above the ground。 Rand and Rook sprinted off toward their Cyclones。 After a moment's confusion; Lunk and Annie knelt to gather up the young woman; as Lancer 
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