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ance; supplies; weapons; perhaps Protoculture。〃

They all shivered a little; realizing how grisly that search would be。 Lunk blew out smoke from a ration…pak cigarette; unsteadily。 Rand returned。

〃How is he?〃 Lancer asked; looking at the distant figure sitting with arms around knees。

Rand pulled up the hood of his sweatshirtlike windbreaker。 〃Catatonic。 I dunno。〃

Lancer set down his ration can。 〃e on; Scott! We're wasting time!〃

Rand caught Lancer's arm。 〃Uh; I think I'm gonna go forage over that way。 Maybe Scott can establish a mo base。〃

Like the others; Lancer caught what was in Rand's eyes。 In another moment they were on the move; eager to replenish their supplies; eager to get away。 As Rand sped off in a plume of soil; Rook raced after him。

The Robotech graveyard was a strange place for a two…ride; but Rand weled it。 It came; really; just as he had decided it was pointless to try to get close to the onetime biker queen。 By her city lights; he was just a hick; a wilderness Forager。 She had made it clear to him that he wasn't one of the Bad Boys。 Rand tried not to show his astonishment as she fell in with him; their tires stenciling parallel tread patterns among the looming derelicts。

They were moving slowly; searching; he had his hood down and his goggles up on his forehead。 He glanced over at Rook; admiring the lissome grace her red…and…blue racer's bodysuit showed off。 〃Why'd you e along?〃 He had to yell; not wanting to key his headset。 〃Not that it bothers me or anything。〃

Her fair brows knit; the strawberry…blond hair blew around her freckled face。 〃Too depressing back there。〃

They came in a tight turn round a smashed tanker。 Rand was saying; 〃I know what you…heyyyyy!〃

They dug to a stop at the lip of a drop…off; looking down into a kind of arroyo ledge protected by drainage ditches。 There stood a village…or at least; the remains of a village; its caved…in tile roofs and beaten…down walls and the general lifelessness of it somehow let them know it had suffered the same fate as the strikeforce。

〃Two transgressors approach;〃 the voice of the Regis said to her mecha warriors。 〃Remain in concealment!〃

The war machines hunkered down; Scouts and Shock Troopers in personal battle armor; watching through optic sensors。 Rand and Rook wound their way down the narrow lane。

Rand rode through the streets calling for any survivors; even though it might attract dangerous attention。 But there was little time to search; and he hated the idea of leaving anyone; especially a child or someone who had been injured; behind。 Rook was impressed with Rand's nerve; but she kept that to herself。 She joined in the yelling。

They dismounted near the only building that was still in one piece; a large hacienda。 Obviously the place had been too close to the strikeforce's rendezvous point; and it had been included in the slaughter。 More carnage。 But the two had grown callous to such scenes。

They were looking around the hacienda; not talking or meeting each other's gaze; when Rook smelled something strange and went to a spot where most of an adobe wall had been blown away。 She stepped through into a garden; and knelt next to something jellylike and translucent; like a dying man…o'…war; draped across the swordleafed plants there。 It was three or four inches thick; and had perhaps the surface area of a table cloth。

Rook knelt by it。 〃Careful;〃 Rand grated; holding his gun uncertainly。 But she touched it; then snatched her hand back with a hiss of pain。

〃Damn thing burned my hand! And it's nothing to smirk about!〃

〃Well I said watch out。〃

She was suddenly as alert as a doe。 Her voice came more softly; so intimate that it made him a little lightheaded。 She practically mouthed it; 〃Do you think the Invid are still around?〃

He shrugged。 She was up and moving; he had been staring; fascinated; at the blob of protoplasmic stuff; but now he couldn't take his eyes off the fit of her bodysuit; the shape of those slender legs; the swirl of the seemingly weightless cascade of hair。。。

〃I'll look outside; you check in back of the house。〃 She pulled out her gun; and that brought him back to reality。 His own gun was in his hand; fitted with its attachable stock and barrel extension; in submachine gun configuration now。 He stepped back through the rift in the wall and thought about the blob of clear jelly。

A brief sensation of expanded awareness; as if his mind had been touched by another; swept through him。 Why do I feel like I've been through all this before? The thought came unbidden and bemused him。

He heard a sound from back somewhere in the vaulted darkness of the hacienda。 It might have been some debris falling as easily as it might have been some living thing blundering into a pile of rubble。

Rand warily followed the noise; his weapon raised。 In a courtyard at the center of the place; he saw another sheet of the glistening; deposing man…o'…war stuff; shrinking in the sun as he watched it。 Its highlights twinkled like stars。 He strained to remember what it reminded him of; as he moved on; footsteps echoing in the darkened hallways。

It looked almost。。。almost。。。But the image eluded him。

He heard a sound。 He whipped around a corner with his weapon ready; braced to do battle。 〃FREEZE! Just fr…just; that is。。。〃


Not even Zand; for all his PSI Sinsemilla; his Flower ingestion; had foreseen anything like it。 And on and on; the Protoculture Shaped events。
Xandu Reem; A Stranger at Home: A Biography of Scott Bernard

She sat in a shaft of sunlight that poured down on her like a benediction from above。 Her arms were crossed on her bare bosom; long; slim fingers clutching opposite shoulders。 She stared aimlessly at the light。

Her hair was a deep red; like his own but waist…length; and luxuriant as some rare pelt。 Her skin was so pale; her body so frail…looking…and yet it was a woman's。 Highlights glistened from her

Like the twinkling of stars。

Rand realized how close he had e to shooting by blind instinct。 He also realized that she was naked; and he saw how beautiful she was there under the soft; almost loving sunlight。

〃Ooo! That is。。。excuse me!〃 He brought th
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