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〃Hey!〃 Annie blurted。 〃Y'hear that?〃

It was the sound of large engines。 In a few moments mecha came into sight; seeking the source of the vast disturbances their instruments had detected。 In another moment; the survivors spotted an aircraft。

〃It's the Alpha Fighter!〃 Scott said。 〃And there's the rest of the team! It's about time。〃

Annie was dancing from foot to foot。 〃Wait'll I tell Rook what happened to me! Oboyoboy!'

〃Y'better make sure she's sitting down;〃 Rand said dryly。 He wondered if Rook would care to hear his story。 There was just no telling how the young lady would react sometimes。 Still; maybe it would be worth the risk。


The grand themes of the Robotech Wars are so dominant that the lesser ones are sometimes ignored。 But those lesser themes; I insist; are more instructive。
The matter of Marlene Foley's ultimate destiny is a primary case in point。 Surely Protoculture is a force to be reckoned with in our every thought。
Jan Morris; Solar Seeds; Galactic Guardians

The five Invid mecha cruised slowly across the night sky; navigating with care; surveying the terrain below。 They brought with them a sixth Robotech construct。 Within it was a cargo of critical importance。

Two Shock Troopers brought up the rear; and a partially evolved Invid in personal battle armor…the so…called 〃Pincer Ship〃…led the way。 In the center of the flying convoy were two more Pincer Ships。 Between them they carried a hexagonal canister。 The canister was like a Robotech setting for a cosmic gemstone; inside its crystal cocoon there throbbed and shone a fantastic; translucent egg。 The thing was luminous in deep corals; gentle reds; and flesh tones。

〃We must know more about these new enemies;〃 the Regis had decreed; in the wake of the Genesis Pit catastrophe。 Her servants had been quick to act。 Soon; a Simulagent; a triumph of Invid biogenetic engineering; would be in the enemy's midst。 And before obliterating them; the Regis would know whether the Humans posed any possible danger to her grand scheme for her race。

The Simulagent was code…named 〃Ariel。〃 Ariel had been replicated; with certain alterations; from a Human tissue sample that had been recovered while the Invid were examining the debris of the Human strikeforce they had destroyed weeks before。 It was inconceivable that anyone on Earth would recognize Ariel as a clone; since the source of most of her genetic design was a dead woman from the long…gone SDF…3 expedition。。。

The Invid flight leader's optical sensor scanned the area for any sign of Human presence; but there was none。 The timing of the drop was important。 The Simulagent's placement must be unseen; so that its origin would remain secret; and yet Ariel must not be left unprotected for long。

But the Invid had a recent fix on the Humans' route; which made things easier。

As the Invid formation neared its dropoff point; the crystal cocoon began to crack like an eggshell being pushed open from within。 The strobing light from its center shone brighter。

Just as the formation flew low over a deserted; devastated village; the crystal shattered。 The egg fell; lighting the night and the landscape below。 It bounced from a tree branch to a half…demolished roof to the ground。 Light and resilient and yet astonishingly strong; it suffered no injury。 The flight of alien mecha turned around and started back toward Reflex Point。

The egg rested under a tree; casting its flesh…tone light all around。 Soon it sensed the approach of its targets。 Its glare grew; and it pulsed with the rhythm and sound of a quickened heartbeat。 Darker colors swirled among the lighter ones now; and the egg stretched against the confines of its own skin with each beat。

This time Scott was flying directly over the rest of his team; keeping close in case of trouble; easing along in Guardian mode。 The Veritech fighter looked like a cross between an armored knight and a robotic eagle。

The subsidence of the mountains into the Genesis Pit and the aftershocks had made the terrain dangerous and their maps useless。 It had taken days to blaze a new trail through。 They traveled at night; both to make up for lost time and because; at last; they had found a major highway。

Rand; Rook; and Lancer were all riding close to Lunk's APC。 Like Scott; the Cyc riders had shed their armor; they all needed a chance to get out of its confinement after days of travel; and the scans and scouts indicated no Invid presence anywhere nearby。 Scott flew his Alpha without his control helmet…the 〃thinking cap;〃 in Robotech jargon…controlling it with the manuals alone。

Furthermore; it took Protoculture to power the armor; and they had used up a lot of their reserves in traveling the difficult mountain terrain。 Several times; Scott had been forced to ferry the APC across unavoidable gaps; which was something he hated to do。 By acting as a transport; the fighter was left highly vulnerable to sudden Invid attack。 Also; since this task demanded very slow; deliberate; painstaking maneuvering; it ate up a lot of Protoculture。 It was a workhorse role the fighter wasn't built for; and one that strained its autosystems。

At times like those Scott cursed the truck; but when he had to land and replenish his Protoculture and ordnance and service the Alpha; he blessed Lunk and the battered old APC。

Rand keyed his headset by chinning a button on the mike mouthpiece; both hands being occupied steering his Cyc。 〃Hey; Scott! Don'tcha think it's time for a rest? It's almost dawn; y'know。〃

Scott was well aware of it。 The first rays of the sun were already lighting the surrounding mountain peaks; gleaming off granite and snow。 They would shine through his cockpit well before they warmed his teammates below。 〃Quit griping! Point K is just a few more miles ahead。〃

〃Say again?〃 Rook broke in sharply。

〃Point K…as…in…king; Rook;〃 Scott came back。 〃That's where all units from the invasion force I was in are supposed to rendezvous。 They've probably already prepared an offensive aimed at wiping out Reflex Point。〃

Rook's voice sounded unsure。 〃You mean this Admiral Hunter of yours knew the Invid were here?〃

〃Negative。 He didn't know who the enemy 
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